Future of the Game (Full Version)

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BallsMcLong -> Future of the Game (5/3/2017 5:58:27)

I have played AQworlds, Adventure Quest, Mech Quest, and Dragon Quest and this game seems to be the most I enjoy and I am planning to buy the guardian later on. However I do have some questions, what will future plans would be implemented in this MMO? Will there be raids in the future? Kudos to artix for a great game.

PS. Is this has already been discussed, can you please give me a link and I will take down this post.

GODMARIN -> RE: Future of the Game (5/3/2017 15:41:59)

well idk if it have already been discussed, but most feedback and suggestions on these forums can give you an idea on where the game can go, but no one can know for sure until AE announces such plans.

Some things to keep in mind:
levels will be scaled when more are added, so getting to 16 when there are 25 levels would be made easier then how it is now.

there is information on their kickstarter page that tells us their plans https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/artix/adventurequest-3d
Persistent online world
Real-time combat
PvP arena - Player vs Player
Chat & emotes
Multi-class system
Weapon & Item fusion
Solo, 2-player, large group sized adventures
Summon / teleport to friends
"Sidekick" friends to your level
Evolving world & story line
Self-cleaning to free up your mobile's disk space
New content and things to do released regularly (It is sorta our thing.)
item trade / auction house
player owned houses
and much more

im not sure what else there is atm

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