Daily prize (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [EpicDuel] >> EpicDuel Bugs


Geovando -> Daily prize (12/3/2017 0:18:02)

we can't claim the daily prize image exemple

Mother1 -> RE: Daily prize (12/3/2017 1:19:58)

I got the same bug. It seems that the gifts aren't in line either. Different levels got different gifts. I was able to do it with my alts, but my level 40 couldn't get it either.

Silver Sky Magician -> RE: Daily prize (12/3/2017 16:30:53)

I got the daily with my level 40 character today, try relogging?

Mother1 -> RE: Daily prize (12/3/2017 22:07:24)


It happens on the third day for me meaning after you reach a certain point in the giving chain it will not allow you to take the daily gift.

Silver Sky Magician -> RE: Daily prize (12/3/2017 22:24:37)


Yeah I got the third day gift, seems like an odd bug if it's only affecting some players. Were you in a specific location?

LORD ERAGON. -> Claim Prize! (12/4/2017 1:18:42)

wanted to inform, that many can not redeem the prize.
So we try to rescue but the game drives us away. Please correct this error

Silver Sky Magician -> RE: Claim Prize! (12/4/2017 10:47:09)

From Titan on Twitter:

Just fixed an issue with the daily prize claim system. If you were unable to claim your prize, please try again now!


If you were affected by the recent claim prize bug in EpicDuel, I just awarded you with a small Varium bonus! Login and gift gift gift! Please confirm if you've received your bonus!

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