If it ain't broke, don't fix it (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [AdventureQuest 3D] >> AdventureQuest 3D General Discussion


Sastro14 -> If it ain't broke, don't fix it (3/19/2018 22:49:50)

Lol did they seriously removed Party from the chat window??? that seems like an unnecessary decision to make, sure most of you won't have a problem with it but you have to understand that Newer Players won't know the slash commands from the beginning so of course they're gonna get confused with what and what not to do in the game.

And that's another thing about the game is not teaching the players the things they can do in the game, like using Slash Commands or Emotes, of course most of you are gonna tell them to search on one of their websites, let-alone on the wiki and who can really blame you?

XeNON_54 -> RE: If it ain't broke, don't fix it (3/20/2018 7:03:29)

There really should be multiple "channels" or tabs on the chat window. One tab for each kind of "chat" like Normal, Party, Private, Guild and Global.

Sastro14 -> RE: If it ain't broke, don't fix it (3/22/2018 0:13:04)

Yeah, it's just basic online RPG but will AE do this? that's a tough call since it's been like 2-3 years since we've asked for this.

Vypie -> RE: If it ain't broke, don't fix it (3/25/2018 9:34:21)

they removed it because it was causing lag problems. it's most likely a temporary situation, until it gets fixed.

brotherinlaw -> RE: If it ain't broke, don't fix it (4/3/2018 13:40:23)

Also, you mentioned teaching new players how to do stuff. They probably will, but you have to remember Aq3D is still pre-release, and AE has a history of revamping and streamlining tutorials. I don't think the AQW devs will ever be satisfied with their intro, and even AQ has revamped theirs recently.

So patience, young padawan.

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