=ED= July 6, 2018 - Patch Notes - 1.6.77 (Full Version)

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WhiteTiger -> =ED= July 6, 2018 - Patch Notes - 1.6.77 (7/6/2018 18:07:58)


July 06, 2018

Patch Notes - 1.6.77

  • Inventory
    • Max Inventory Slots increased to 200
    • Max Bank Slots increased to 1000
    • Reduced inventory slot price to 295 Varium per 10
    • Reduced bank slot price to 295 Varium per 10

  • Achievements - Note: If you already qualify for the achievement, you will need to increment the number once to receive the achievement
    • 3 new tiers for Epic Stylist
    • 3 new tiers for all the regional Influence achievements
    • 3 new tiers for War Item Upgrade achievements
    • 6 new hairstyles (1 for each gender and class)

  • Item Changes
    • Omega Baby/Dark Yetis now available in limited quantity at Nightwraith!
    • Evil Teddy, Pumpkin, Candy, and Candy Corn no longer seasonal to allow mission completion

Basically, Bounty Hunters and Mercs are getting the stuffing beaten out of them at the highest levels. Most of the following changes are meant to make them more competative, while also improving damage scaling with Strength, Dexterity, and Technology, especially in the lower tiers of diminishing returns. While I think a long battle with plenty of strategic skill variety can be interesting, faster battles with more impactful hits will hopefully address the tedium of builds that rely on healing and energy loops to prolong battles far too long.
  • Stats - Note: While the damage ranges on the stats page may look similar, the effective damage in-game should be noticeable higher
    • Improved Dexterity scaling for Sidearms
    • Improved Strength scaling for Primary
    • Improved Technology scaling for Bot damage

  • Bounty Hunter
    • Static Grenade -- Improved level scaling (more power for every 1.4 levels above 20) and improved the base energy gained by 5
    • Mark of Blood -- Improved HP gain by 2 per level, reduced cost by 10, and increased duration to 4 turns
    • Smoke Screen -- Improved Technology scaling by 1 (1 point of improvement for every 4 points of Tech) and added level scaling (1 point of improvement for every 3.8 levels over 20)
    • Massacre -- Reduce base energy cost by 20

  • Mercenary
    • Static Smash -- Improve strength scaling to add 1% of Energy conversion for every 4 Strength plus improvement of 1% conversion for every 2.5 levels over 20
    • Intimidate -- Increased duration to 4 turns
    • Blood Commander -- Reduced base energy cost by 10
    • Maul -- Defense ignore buffed to 25%

  • Tech Mage
    • Assimilation -- Increased Energy Points gained by 5 per level and increased scaling factor so it now improves by 1 point for every 2 Strength invested and % energy absorbed increased to 50%

  • Cores
    • Pacify -- Rage reduction improved to 85%
    • Omega Yeti/Dark Yeti Charge -- Buffed to 35 bonus damage

  • Bots
    • Assault Bot P/E -- Cleanse improved to ~ 85% debuff reduction ( may be as low as 80% depending on amount of debuff)
    • Azrael’s Borg -- Buff reduction increased to as much as 85% (may be as low as 80% depending on amount of debuff)
    • Golden Yeti -- Chomp buffed to 90% damage
    • Omega Dark/Baby/Pink Yeti -- Chomp buffed to 85% damage
    • Baby/Dark Warrior Yeti -- Chomp buffed to 80% damage
    • Bio Borg: Thorns reflects 75% of damage
    • Ballistic/Electro Bunny Bot -- Increased Color Blast duration to 4 turns

Tags: Nightwraith

Daph Duck -> RE: =ED= July 6, 2018 - Patch Notes - 1.6.77 (7/6/2018 19:08:59)

smoke screen, bounty hunter and mark of blood are op
robots are also op
i get that we want faster battles but i dont think this is the ideal solution?? merc and tm seem kinda underwhelming

.Lord Ginger. -> RE: =ED= July 6, 2018 - Patch Notes - 1.6.77 (7/6/2018 19:39:41)

I agree with this.

I feel like smoke screen is too powerful and that strikes, guns and auxes were left in the dust with this absurd robot buff.

Also, blocks, crits, and deflecs are happening a lot more than usual.

Moreso crits and that's just a bit too much for me.

Can we fix this.

Rage ignores defense and Naturalist did 800 robot damage on a rage and my robot damage doesn't even hit 700 with the +55 Omega yeti

Daph Duck -> RE: =ED= July 6, 2018 - Patch Notes - 1.6.77 (7/6/2018 20:14:03)

Omega yetis are legitimately broken. It is very important to make sure stuff isn't overtuned when they are tuned.

.Lord Ginger. -> RE: =ED= July 6, 2018 - Patch Notes - 1.6.77 (7/6/2018 22:46:25)

I like the balance now that robots were fixed and that tech mage also received a buff. Can't wait to see what else is in store!

Possibly a bit BM buff since it doesn't have as powerful of a debuff as CH, BH, and TM and may be a bit weak at this point.

Also with the improved damages, I do know that they show in numbers in battle, but I like to do calculations before I do my moves, and unexpected extra damages are a bit frustrating still, so I'd like them to show up on my build screen

NDB -> RE: =ED= July 6, 2018 - Patch Notes - 1.6.77 (7/7/2018 10:03:33)

I have to say. I was a bit skeptical when I saw Static Grenade nor Parasite receive a huge buff and that Static Smasher, of all things, was significantly buffed.

However, after actually playing around a bit, it has become quite clear that energy meta has taken a hit such that this may no longer be an issue. Because of the increased damage scaling, buff to debuffs, and the heal nerf last week, it is difficult to loop heal or to skip turns at all and energy manipulation skills are far less significant than before in predicting the winner. This has indirectly buffed BH and BM, which are aggressive but lack very good energy manipulation skills, while indirectly balancing TLM, TM, and CH. Mark of Blood has also become more relevant because of this, since damage is higher and healing is worse.

It almost feels like how it was at some point in early Omega. The update has definitely solved a lot of the underlying energy meta issues. However, it is still too early to say just how balanced the classes are now.

I do have to say, though, that at the end of the day, the improved scaling of all attacks (well, except aux) seems to have benefited Focus builds more than anything else. It seems that they have become even more dominant than before. The Focus builds themselves have become far more diversified than before, especially now that all six classes can participate, but other builds have largely diminished. But, again, it is too early to pinpoint any new major issues until people have thoroughly exhausted all of the new strategy and build possibilities with this new update and the dust settles.

One thing for sure, though, is that we really do need the new scaling to be reflected on the stat page.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: =ED= July 6, 2018 - Patch Notes - 1.6.77 (7/7/2018 10:11:12)

The focus calculation also needs to be reworked. It was made for a level cap of 32/33 and the system hasn't really been touched since

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