RE: =EC 2018= Cellar OOC (Full Version)

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Caststarter -> RE: =EC 2018= Cellar OOC (7/23/2018 18:42:06)

Hey, joey? What kind of swipe at Michalis are we seeing here? Like a diagonal swipe? A horizontal one?A high or low one? Where upon is that kind of swid immediately apparently is going to happen? Like can one move out of the way and even attack at the same time since it looks like Cadmooz is leaving himself completely defenseless and going full on the offense, right? If one were to move out of the way and like do a lower sweep at a more exposed area, would Cadmooz in fact react to that? Stuff for thought.

Oh yeah and... Cadmooz's blade and armour is magical yeah? That should be affected yes? Like is it a passive enough magic enhancement to be downright negated or is it something more?

Riprose123 -> RE: =EC 2018= Cellar OOC (7/23/2018 19:51:49)

@starflame, could I get an extension for a post? I should be able to make it in time, but just in case I’m hoping you’ll grant an extension.

joeyof98 -> RE: =EC 2018= Cellar OOC (7/23/2018 20:02:27)

Dragonknight, yep

Caststarter, diagonal. And like I said, you're looking at a 3-5 second window, 5-8 if we were generous with the delay. You see a train flying at you, it's instinct and panic that make you dodge, not training or planning. He'll probably take 2-3 seconds to slow to a stop, so that would be an opportunity once you've collected yourself and changed your shorts.[;)]

As to the armor, I'll reiterate.

Equipment armor- Cadmooz wears armor identical to that of all guard at the temple of Sriracha. It's appearance very similar to that of the basic AC armor, with certain variations. He has heavy double-pauldrons, two thick bracers with a four inch plate on the back held on with five metal bands. two layers of chest-plate rest over-top of a red-tunic, and a thick metal-plated belt, bearing a five-inch wide metal buckle hooked to a plate that covered the stomach seven inches across up to just above the belly button, which holds up red pants. The grieves are each composed of nine pieces, four plates on the front, fourbands in the back, and one plate just above the knee holding connecting them to the pants. The boots are three segments that break up into nine more segments to resemble the clawed foot of a Chickencow. Other than the size and thickness of the metal plates being many times that of the typical AC , and the coloration, the other differences is that the armor is simple in design, lacking in any ornamentation whatsoever, and that the plates are solid gold. Believe it or not, gold armor, if the body can handle it, is an excellent choice, as it is so soft it acts as a natural shock absorber, is immune to corrosion, and can absorb and disperse heat-based attacks. It also is one of the best materials to enchant and has also been enchanted with the durability of steel and a resistance to energy. He also has a two-piece helm, the first piece being a skullcap and faceplate with eyeholes and the ability to suck each individual hair on his head through tiny little holes, protecting the back of his head while letting his hair through. The second, fused to the first, is a piece of metal that sits on the brow, forming a trident with squares tips. The second prong is six inches and tilts slightly forward starting at the nose, the second and third curve around the brow, over the horns, and stop over the other side and just as high as the second prong. Just before the horn, the prong branch off into twin faceguards, modeled after Spartan helms.

It is a much heavier-plated version of the Ascended Chikencow armor from dragonfable, so a picture of that would help you figure out the weak points. The armor is plainer in design, but solid gold up too seven inches thick. The enchantment removes the conductivity of the good and increases the hardness to that of steel, without removing the softness. That way, the gold is as durable as steel, while a blow they would shatter steel armor would only dent his, absorbing the shock. It's woven into the metal and effects it's very composition, so I'd think it wouldn't be effected, though we'll say for fun your character will make it conductive again. As to the blade, I never quantified the capabilities of it past weeping superheated water. (We'll say 210 degrees Farenheit). I could definitely say this would be affected, so how about it lessens in volume to a sprinkle, like when your standing next to an active deep fryer and throw water in it. Painful and annoying, but it ain't gonna kill you.
Will it affect me immediately, or will the water Peter out after the initial swing, probably spraying the other before running into them?

Starflame13 -> RE: =EC 2018= Cellar OOC (7/23/2018 20:04:17)

@Riprose - you have a 12 hour extension.

Caststarter -> RE: =EC 2018= Cellar OOC (7/23/2018 21:43:31)

It is pretty immediate once Cadmooz enters five feet of Michalis...

That said. Your bio clearly states that the armour is enchanted with the durability of steel and resistance to energy? How come, from the sound of it, increase the hardness to that of steel? It is pure gold, that would never go away by default. Wouldn't the enchantment that of steel AND resistance to energy go down?

Also, Michalis is a follower of a god of war, not to mention a former soldier of an empire with highly advanced tactics and technology. 3-5 seconds is actually a surprising amount of time to get out of the way and make a quick counter attack during said going out of the way. He isn't r eally going to panic in the slightest...

joeyof98 -> RE: =EC 2018= Cellar OOC (7/23/2018 22:45:09)

Hmm, 5 feet radius intercepting an object 5 feet long and 7 feet from the ground, at those speeds....ugh, math. Anyway, I think my blade would start to send water your way, though you would more than likely dodge long before it could have hit.

Anyway, my main point was that the armor was forged with an enchantment that changed the physical nature of it, to take away it would change the very nature of the object. I got the idea from the bio that your dis-enchantment ability was somewhat weak. Perhapse a comprimise, where the blade takes away the energy enchantment and severely weakens the area where the blade strikes, causing the first few inches to deform and cut as unchanged gold would?

Finally while it is true he wouldn't panic, he would have to direct his focus from his target to an entirely new threat, recognise and understand this threat, then plan and initiate a plan of invasion. Even a trained strategizer would be limited by the confines of the human brain, and take a good 2-3 seconds to react, leaving 2-3 seconds to actually move from zero to gone. Assuming you accomplish that, I am interested in seeing how you evade the sword strike and the charge while having time to turn and retaliate, especially since he's still running full force at As much as 34 feet per second, giving you approximately 1/25th of a second to retaliate.

Eesh, just read that and noticed a passive aggressive tone. Why does tone never convey correctly when you're writing? I'm actually having fun with this back and forth, and look forward to your reply.

Starflame13 -> RE: =EC 2018= Cellar OOC (7/23/2018 22:54:06)

While the banter is appreciated (and discussing things with opponents is ALWAYS a good idea), try not to get too bogged down in the timing of things!

Abilities that are 5-10 seconds are hard enough, but it's going to be nearly impossible to time something on the scale of a coupe seconds (and especially on the scale of 1/25th of a second) in this style of role play where each post is made hours later (and dependent upon) each post prior!

Work more with what you hope to accomplish out of said abilities, and what harm they could cause if allowed to happen undefended, before you start marking things off to the exact inch and millisecond!

Caststarter -> RE: =EC 2018= Cellar OOC (7/23/2018 23:07:20)

Waneful Beginning, in general, is surprisingly potent, which is why it is constrained to merely 5 feet for balance purposes. But yeah, that compromise sounds fine.

Average human reaction time is actually in the decimals. 3-5 seconds is an eternity in a fight. If you watch fencing, this becomes rather apparent due to how rounds are settled in a matter of seconds. Also, Michalis wouldn't turn and strike. He is going to try and strike as he is getting out of the way. Maybe it is not going to be as accurate as he could be but it would still be around the general area that is weaker, where apparently that is around the thigh area.

Mind, I am asking these so we can attempt to get next round of posts have a smoother transition since Kell is one of the next people to come up, where we depend on Dragonknight on another thing so if we know what happens at the point Michalis and Cadmooz meet, even for a second, we can work things out with eachother (because we must avoid bunnying! Bunnying is EVILLLLLL) and we can all have a fun time with this, even if you and I don't post about it immediately.

It is fine. We all have those days.

Riprose123 -> RE: =EC 2018= Cellar OOC (7/24/2018 0:57:05)

Hey Star, I posted in the Cellar Arena, and then Ronin had a nitpick with some of my wording, so I went in and edited my post. The rules totally slipped my mind, and I'm really sorry. Hoping my edit of one word doesn't put me on ground for a DQ, but I'm ine with whatever your ruling is. I have discord logs saved in case you want to see them, again super sorry. I have the original post saved in a google doc, the only difference between the two is the replacing of "Whistling" with "Hissing".

joeyof98 -> RE: =EC 2018= Cellar OOC (7/24/2018 9:35:42)

Beware the bunny!

Anywho just remember you're cutting through cow-hide and muscle, so don't expect it to go to deep. Am I erect in presuming that you will be dogging away from the pillar, toward Autumn? Did to the complex interplay involved, I'll wait until every party has posted before I begin again.

Caststarter -> RE: =EC 2018= Cellar OOC (7/24/2018 12:11:01)

It will be away from the pillar (since his sword is in his left hand right now), but not necessarily closer to Autumn. After this, I would presume Cadmooz is going to keep going towards the two? If so, that will help Kell say what happens and get all current actions done so we can do many fun things.

Starflame13 -> RE: =EC 2018= Cellar OOC (7/24/2018 18:13:47)

Riprose - You did everything in your power to make me aware of the issue, and apologize for it, as soon as it happened. You (and multiple other people) were also able to provide me with conversation logs and screenshots of the original post in google docs such that I was able to compare the two, word for word, and determine that that was indeed the only change made.

You are pardoned. That said, a rules violation of this level will not be ignored, and will impact decisions when it is time to select Paragons.

This is also your ONLY pardon, and the final warning to EVERYONE. If you edit another post in any fashion without my express permission, you will be DQ'd. No further exceptions.

Kellehendros -> RE: =EC 2018= Cellar OOC (7/24/2018 19:39:46)

Joey, while I'm waiting for DK's post, did we establish the angle of the strike Cadmooz is making? I know you said the slash was on a diagonal, but is it diagonally down, hitting the pillar towards the base? Or is it diagonally up hitting the pillar along the midpoint?

Edit: While I'm inquiring, I've looked at a couple pictures of the base armor you're describing. Are Cadmooz upper legs (knee to hip) uncovered like they appear to be in the pictures I've seen of the DF AC armor? I don't see anything that seems to address it in your description of the armor outside mention of a plate that extends above the knee, which is giving me an image of a plate that goes over the knee cap to protect it, but would end shortly above it to allow the knee to bend naturally.

Dragonknight315 -> RE: =EC 2018= Cellar OOC (7/25/2018 15:05:26)

Posted with approval from Kell/Cast. First, shout out to Rip for collabing with me for the first part. I wanted to do some world building, and he graciously obliged. Second, I left Cadmooz's actions open-ended in my post. This is because what Michalis does will greatly impact what happens next, not to mention that all of this happens at the same time.

Caststarter -> RE: =EC 2018= Cellar OOC (7/25/2018 16:44:50)

May I ask for an extension due to relying on multiple people and I kind of need to write up a game review very soonish where it kind of falls on the same point my deadline is?

Starflame13 -> RE: =EC 2018= Cellar OOC (7/25/2018 17:24:10)

@Caststarter - you have a 12 hour extension.

joeyof98 -> RE: =EC 2018= Cellar OOC (7/25/2018 21:05:13)

Whoops, sorry kelehendros. Diagonal down, and you are correct, no thigh protection, though remember that, while running, you would probably see his hand going back and forth over his right leg. Just throwing that out there.

Also, I realize the glaring error in making a giant sparten deity without a shield. Kratos would be so disapoint...

Again also, dragonknight, paladin? Oh, wait, I did put that for class. I just thought it was funny, big scary guys with horns and you think he looks like a paladin!

Dragonknight315 -> RE: =EC 2018= Cellar OOC (7/25/2018 21:08:27)

@Joey With how your armor is styled, the blade, plus the divine presence and his boastings, Autumn would have thought Cadmooz was a paladin. She's familiar with several different orders, having been an exorcist/priest. Some of them are not all sunshine and flowers; some are rather brutal, trying to intimidate people. Horns wouldn't be out of place depending on the circumstances.

Kellehendros -> RE: =EC 2018= Cellar OOC (7/25/2018 23:41:56)

Post is up. Ran some things by DK and Cast relative to positioning and movement. Cast indicated that Michalis would be leaping out of the way and slashing. I'm figuring that's happening as Aurinko is turning, so he misses the details of that strike, which is beneficial since it hasn't been written out just yet.

The Kaarme winds up partially shielded from the incoming Cadmooz via the pillar, and his swiping at the leg assuming Cadmooz continues forward.

Joey, I'm slightly confused by your comment regarding the hand, unless Cadmooz is intending to block with it. Given that armor for the fingers/hand tends to be rather lighter in comparison to average plate to provide for dexterous movement, I'm not sure catching the blade is going to turn out particularly well. I'll be around tomorrow evening if you have questions and we can work it out if we need to.

Caststarter -> RE: =EC 2018= Cellar OOC (7/26/2018 4:33:39)

I am in the process of writing it all up now, Joey. So at the thigh strike that Michalis is doing, due to both evasion and striking, is it fine to write what the results would entail, of course known by you? Like still hitting armor or hide? Stuff like that.

joeyof98 -> RE: =EC 2018= Cellar OOC (7/26/2018 19:16:45)

Ahem, may I have a delay untill everyone involved has posted, please?

Kellehendros, I just said that so you remember there is a huge block of gold swinging back and forth between you and your target.

Caststarter, go for it. If I get hurt, it's my fault for forgetting a shield.

Starflame13 -> RE: =EC 2018= Cellar OOC (7/26/2018 19:21:28)

@joeyof98 - you have a 24 hour extension, since I know you're waiting on posts and I want you to have enough time to take them into account.

Caststarter -> RE: =EC 2018= Cellar OOC (7/26/2018 20:14:28)

I have now posted, with DK, Kell overlooking as third parties as always, with OOC thread talk with joey, of course.

Riprose123 -> RE: =EC 2018= Cellar OOC (7/27/2018 0:00:45)

Star flame, I would like to get an extension if possible, for the reasons I explained to you earlier this week.

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: =EC 2018= Cellar OOC (7/27/2018 0:09:15)

My post is up, in thanks part to Kell. I've not been overly happy with my posting thus far, but it is what it is. Should be solid, and while there's another event chain, that's entirely because of how positions wound up on the map after others posts. I was not expecting to have that opportunity again, though this one is messier for many reasons and may well miss any possible targets.

Such is life.

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