What does AQ3D need? (Full Version)

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megakyle777 -> What does AQ3D need? (7/28/2018 5:13:20)

Ok, so I played the intro quest of AQ3D. I will leave thoughts up to you, but something occurs to me.

AQ3D seems to be missing... something.

To me I guess it's the lack of features, or lack of complexity to classes. When you get a class it's just all there. There is nothing like unlockable passives, or other ways for the class to get stronger. You never feel like there is a good way to gain more power, and people like to chase power.

As for lack of features, there has been more content lately, but some would say that there have been no major feature updates for months or years. (Except for bug fixes, improvements to things, and grass. Because of course we need grass.)

My point is... what do you think AQ3D needs above all else right now, to become the best darn mobile game out there?

Nessa Ellensse -> RE: What does AQ3D need? (8/1/2018 18:01:21)

A plot. So far all we have gotten seven unconected short stories. There needs to be one main. AQ DF and AQWorlds have always had a BBEG they've changed form story arch to story arch but atleast they've had loong term area spanning story archs. Now that AQ3D has a BBED we will probally see reconing of some of the old areas to inlcude the BBEG in the plot. Every area is just a little too self containing there is not flow to the story.

Yaminokiba -> RE: What does AQ3D need? (8/9/2018 16:24:42)

Being able to level up classes and earn new abilities would definitely be nice, especially abilities that you can combo together.

The platforming in this game is good (better than Wildstar's slidy, floaty, platforming), but we could definitely use a double jump.

I'd really love to see a martial artist/monk/black belt class with a Hadoken/Kamehameha attack for it's ultimate attack.

A Bard class and/or in-game music performance system.

If there's going to be random open world PvP, I'm hoping for a reputation/karma and bounty system where players who gank low-level players or stalk the same player too much or spawn kill people gain lower and lower karma until a bounty is put out on their heads. Then, other players can accept the job, hunt the person down, and collect a bounty for defeating them. That would reset reputation/karma for the "criminal". Players wouldn't be able to see their own reputation/karma and people in their guild or on their friends list wouldn't be able to see their bounty on the board, so no conspiracy to exploit the system. A system like that would let people play the dastardly highwayman/woman if they want, while creating a whole new layer to world PvP and new PvP opportunities for people who enjoy having legitimate duels between equally powerful players.

Finally, a relatively minor thing, but I wish the game would save where I am in a non-dungeon area when I log out. Logging in and finding myself at the starting point of a zone can be a little annoying sometimes...

Overall, though, I think AQ3D is coming along pretty nicely.

Sakurai the Cursed -> RE: What does AQ3D need? (8/11/2018 20:26:46)

Really, it just needs more interesting combat/classes. Even for a mobile MMO, it's severely lacking in combat options with each class only having 3 normal skills and an "ultimate", and there's really only so far they can take that concept. I get that it "worked" in AQW (though I'd point out that the combat is a big reason why some don't play that as well), but the question is whether they simply want a 3D AQW or if they want to improve.

LurkBlackSmith -> RE: What does AQ3D need? (8/12/2018 3:50:50)

Well I could guess maybe parody scenes of large groups of old grandmas and aunties looking around moving things together around to settle for space for dancing whenever they want to. Like a appearance cut scene of young people doing flash mob dancing after finishing up the story of the areas except dangerous like doomwood, darkovia,ashfall,graveyards,death's realm,etc. Like in a 3 month afterwards epilogue of which we see a small stream of adventurers moving to the areas.

Well for the story, I guess we need cut scenes of when Vane appears by other means in the plot of lesser villians or we see Vane just appear in their lairs do grabs with smash to s-cry minds, to slash the full body in one move, grab space for rift distortions, to knuckle sandwich/fist uppercut out of nowhere like a ninja/assassin to the face and stomach, to stab a part of the body to infuse the void into their bodies.

XeNON_54 -> RE: What does AQ3D need? (8/13/2018 8:10:43)

Mage needs AoE.

ryomazoma -> RE: What does AQ3D need? (8/13/2018 19:26:22)

I think many people like myself agree that the combat system can be put to better use in some form. Obviously we are not Guild Wars 2 but that doesn't mean the combat mechanics can't have depth and be fun. I think a good game that achieves this unlike many other game is Tale of Pirates which is based on a stat system that shows itself in the character physical manifestation. What I mean by this is for instance when you increase strength the character gain muscle and bulk or when you add into dexterity the characters attack animation is faster and thus increasing the DPS. These type of mechanics are fun and make the game Tale of Pirate unique and even though it requires less graphical power its still much funner in my opinion when compared to game like Guild Wars 2. To achieve this goal I think it is important to get out of the framework that skills are just used to be pressed on a button basis like many games like Guild Wars 2, Arcane Legends, or even Blade and Soul which require combo and is complex in an "arcade" sense. Secondly listening to the community is important cause that's how games like World of Warcraft or for that matter any game thrives on differing ideas which allows for improvement and most importantly a fresh perspective, so as to make sure that one is thinking outside the box as many would put it. For instance, someone mentioned PVP I know this is going to come soon as it should with any game at this magnitude or else it would be wasted. Other than this I think you guys can capitalize on the costumes which aside from the variety of classes that make AQW so popular allows game likes yours to thrive, however so far all the costume have the same design ie everything looks like a robe, lets have some varieties of differing designs.

brotherinlaw -> RE: What does AQ3D need? (8/14/2018 13:20:24)


....*ahem*, I mean.....

MOAR MOGLINZ!!!!!! (Though more skulls wouldn't hurt either. Like garlic and chocolate, there's no such thing as to much skulls!)

Vypie -> RE: What does AQ3D need? (8/14/2018 13:48:48)


Dage does an awesome job with that for sure :) Those skull/undead related items are spot on!

But with that said, for me personally the skull motif isn't my style. I feel that there's already many skull related items with every release that relate to that theme, such as skull/bone items were released with doomwood area, pirate area, shaman area, darkovia, halloween, underworld, death items, some dreadsfool stuff, and even in swimwear items. (we also have dragon skulls, even if that feels somewhat a bit different).
There's many undead creatures featured everywhere, of all kinds, even bugs with skull/undead motifs. All of this is cool, and please keep it coming, lots of people like it. But think of the possibilities that can be explored using different thematics other than just "skulls".
I feel the game is overusing this theme a lot, so things start feeling less original. I would for example like to make a "dark" looking set for a rogue, but many dark items feature undead elements of some kind, making it a bit difficult.

Oh well, now we definitely need a garlic & chocolate set.

brotherinlaw -> RE: What does AQ3D need? (8/14/2018 14:35:11)

...together? You monster!?

Vypie -> RE: What does AQ3D need? (8/15/2018 12:12:36)

...Probably not together! But now I'm curious O.o

Digital X -> RE: What does AQ3D need? (8/15/2018 12:19:29)

I know many people are yearning for a story, plot etc which is great. It's the backbone of most every game in existence so should not be forgotten, however I am quite fond of the small side quest type activities. Recently there was a daily boss encounter added which I have to try, this is a good direction for the game which leads onto my main point, challenges.

What I would love to see brought into the game is either daily or weekly challenges. Similar to Destiny. On Monday kill "X amount of frogzards" and turn it in for a reward or a crafting resouce towards an item for example. These type of activities definitely keep people occupied in other games so believe it could work well in AQ3D given it's executed properly and not made too tedious.

XeNON_54 -> RE: What does AQ3D need? (8/16/2018 11:09:23)

It needs to implement minigames like Ragnarok's bio lab entrance quests.

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