Nerf to Kartherax's Darkspawn. (Full Version)

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racing.lo.mas -> Nerf to Kartherax's Darkspawn. (9/2/2018 22:27:01)

As we all know this bot special skill is to replace the primary with a fish which has no base damage. This make a big counter to all strenghts builds: for 3 turns you won't do any damage to your opponent since gun depends on Dex. The only class which can do some damage is BM because of fireball. Most of the times, the player with this bot end winning the match, there are just some few cases where they lose. I would even say that the chance of winning against a strenght build with this bot would be about 80%. Is way too much, if you start to think about this, there is no other bot or weapon that counter any other build like Focus 5, Support, Dex, Etc.
Basically you win against some builds really easy without even doing something, for this reason passive skills were taken. There isnt a big chance of using it wrong, so you dont have to think to much to find a correct moment to use it, it just last for 3 turns.

So, after his explanation Ill continue to say how I would nerf it.

1) Time it's special lasts reduced from 3 to 2 turns.

2.1) Special skill damage reduced to 30.
2.2) Special skill damage reduced by a higher %.


1) It last to much in my opinion. With 2 turns the user will need to think a bit more when to use it, and by the other hand, the strenght player won't be doing 30 damage for many turns.

2) It's actually to good and there isn't many difference in damage between normal attack and its special. You are going to make your opponent do 30 damage for 3/2 turns, in this way you will at least lose 1 turn without doing any damage.(A focus 5 is up to do around 300 damage with the special agains a strenght build).

Something else, I already use this bot and my win rate against strenght build is almost 100%. I think it should be nerfed even though I use it.

.Lord Ginger. -> RE: Nerf to Kartherax's Darkspawn. (9/2/2018 22:57:56)

Yea, it's been talked about. Probably going with special skill damage nerf since NW already knows of this and we think this will be the best solution.

Because without this robot, you’re losing to support mass a lot of the time unless you try a pure counter build...

racing.lo.mas -> RE: Nerf to Kartherax's Darkspawn. (9/3/2018 0:19:30)

Oh well, sorry, I haven't been here for a long time and I don't know which things have been posted. Turns reduced was the main nerf to it. I believe it will keep being good even though it did 0 damage with special.

Emperor_Blitz -> RE: Nerf to Kartherax's Darkspawn. (9/3/2018 1:46:46)

Just lower the debuff

.Lord Ginger. -> RE: Nerf to Kartherax's Darkspawn. (9/4/2018 11:02:13)

So instead of like -240, make it like -100?

Emperor_Blitz -> RE: Nerf to Kartherax's Darkspawn. (9/5/2018 3:05:29)

Yea not that significant though. ^

.Lord Ginger. -> RE: Nerf to Kartherax's Darkspawn. (9/5/2018 10:39:57)

Lol, just wanted to see what you’d say to that.

If your primary is -240, it does 360 which is 30
200 is basically still 30
So what are you thinking?

melinalowks -> RE: Nerf to Kartherax's Darkspawn. (9/5/2018 14:17:20)

Why not make it based on X% of your primary?

racing.lo.mas -> RE: Nerf to Kartherax's Darkspawn. (9/7/2018 19:16:48)

If this bot only gave a small damage reduction on primary weapon it would be like a strong intimidate. This bot shouldn't be as a class skill, so its fine it makes you do 30 damage. Damage reduction is not the way to nerf this bot, so we only have 2 others way left to nerf it:
-Turns it last
-Damage its special does.

Even we could increase bot's coldown, all bots have 4 turns coldown after its special, but i think there's no reason for that.

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