Basic Robot when you start playing (Full Version)

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melinalowks -> Basic Robot when you start playing (9/4/2018 19:10:57)

Basically im Suggusting that when you make a new account or a new character you be given a Basic Robot which has a base damage of 150. For the primary it has physical damage and special energy damage

.Lord Ginger. -> RE: Basic Robot when you start playing (9/4/2018 22:25:29)

Um, no thanks. Robots are fine.

Robots are supposed to be something to add to your character later lol

melinalowks -> RE: Basic Robot when you start playing (9/5/2018 14:24:02)

That's more like a personal opinion if you ask me lol.

Back in Delta and previous phases, you would begin with just a Club, Blades, or Staff.

In TrollMega, better known as Omega, you now begin with a gun and auxilary, so why not throw in a weak 150 damage based robot too? As time passes, the new player can decide whether he wants an upgrade on his/her robot. By upgrade I mean buy a better one

.Lord Ginger. -> RE: Basic Robot when you start playing (9/5/2018 18:11:38)

You don’t know how OP robots are at level 5... everyone would have one yes but there’s no reason for it

melinalowks -> RE: Basic Robot when you start playing (9/8/2018 3:23:18)

OP? Not at Level 40 for sure, a basic 150 damage robot or a 170 damage robot, I would go with a 170 damage one lol

For lower levels, I mean there’s a bit more diversity, no matter what type of build and no class is better than another.

The reason why I would suggest such thing is maybe I just don’t like how the game is at the current moment (especially with passives gone) thus once in a huge while I just play on alt accounts. I don’t feel like spending too much time on Alts to earn credits just to get a better robot or even spend money in a game I’m just not going to play a lot.

Mother1 -> RE: Basic Robot when you start playing (9/8/2018 19:09:11)

@ Melinalowks

off topic

You have to look at balance from all levels not just the level cap. This is why balance itself is a mess. you buff/nerf something for one set of people only to over/underpower it for another who don't have the issue.

For example the color blast robot for example is situational at best for cap level to mid level players because they have more options to make it so they never have to use strike, and can avoid it. However at the lower levels to real low levels this robot is massively lethal due to the lack of skills especially energy moves so they can loop their moves which causes them in turn to rely on strike. due to gather many credits codes in the past with an alt I was able to buy the robot at level 4 and trust me this robot alone made my win rate go up by 35% due to many players either

A) skipping turns to avoid color blast
B) attack themselves without knowing why.

However on the flipside the blood hawks at real low levels are absolute trash special wise due to players lacking/ having extremely low armor points early on.

As for having a robot in the beginning of the game itself while the concept is interesting it would also depend on what the special is as well.

racing.lo.mas -> RE: Basic Robot when you start playing (9/8/2018 19:36:11)

I actually support it.
If you don't have a bot when you level up, then you are going to be in trouble. Just think it, if you are bad and you lose most of your games, and if you are also new you won't know you have some missions which give many credits. You will level up with no many credits and as soon as you start to find high levels with many bots you won't have many chances of get to lvl 40. Also have this in mind, you won't even be able to try a focus 5 build just because you don't money for a bot. That's not really fair. ED already gives a gun, an aux and a primary weapon when you start, then you can keep upgrading it with the money you earn from fighting. Why dont give a bot then? IMO this is really fair.
This people who already start don't know how to use a bot, and as soon as they rich a good level for getting a bot, they won't even know how a bot works. Lets say, giving a bot when they start might also help them to train about how to use a bot, do you get me?

But wait, that's not all. Im fine with this idea but it need many things to have in mind.

-First of all, this is going to be like the aux and guns you receive. What thats means? those have nothing special, they are just basic weapons. So if this is going to be a basic bot, then it won't definitely have a core. You are thinking about giving sort of a gamma bot for low levels, what can't be supported. So giving a bot without a core its fine to me. If you want 2 versions, then do it. 2 basic bots, one E and other P, since all bots have 2 versions.

-Second thing, balance. You can't give a bot which is as good as bots for level 40 players. Also I guess you should bring a bot that you can use whenever you want, like the aux and gun ED gaves you when you start. So perhaps this bot can be upgradeable, in this way, you can use it since you are level 1 till you get rank 200.

There are many good reasons to add bots for low levels, I don't really find a reason not to do it. I actually gave an explanation about how those bots can't not be OP and bring issues to low levels.

Albus dumbledore -> RE: Basic Robot when you start playing (9/9/2018 1:13:33)

OP ??? u just do not support them cuz not u the one who suggest the idea!

what would happen if they get free assault bot from start how is it op ?

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