Make passive core on Delta Knight removable (Full Version)

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Romaian Master -> Make passive core on Delta Knight removable (10/20/2018 16:35:06)

Over the years that myself and many others have had Delta Knight, we've come
to see that there have been many other and more powerful passive cores come
out for armors. However, since the Delta Knight core is non-removable this makes
it difficult to use since the meta sometimes heavily relies on 3 cores.
(Eternal Protection, Eternal Enhance, and Absorption) Every time I use the Delta Knight
I feel underpowered to what I could have if the core had been removable.
My suggestion is a simple one, make the core removable and you'll see a lot more
people using this classic and old school armor!

Frankly, It's one of the best-looking armors in the game, and one i'd love to use again!
Click me for a picture

P.S. I know this may have been suggested before, however, I'd like to bring it to light again.
EDIT: Also this may be applied to the Delta Gear as well.

Thank you!

Albus dumbledore -> RE: Make passive core on Delta Knight removable (10/20/2018 16:39:22)

I wish they make it removable i wanted to use it many times but nah as long as that core on it its useless core in omega phase even critical heal more better than it even tech core better !!!

Mother1 -> RE: Make passive core on Delta Knight removable (10/20/2018 16:50:24)

IIRC the original reason why they didn't do so already was because they wanted the promo's to keep their own identities but at the same time though in this phase said core does need a change. If anything it would be a lot better as an active like it's delta weapons counterparts in the form of the following.

1) Activate the core.
2) any Melee attack (not just strike since we are in a phase where you could avoid using strike) that strikes the user will cause the effect to become active. (even when you are forced to strike by turn stealing gun)

At least with this change it would be more useful than outright just removing the core.

.Lord Ginger. -> RE: Make passive core on Delta Knight removable (10/20/2018 16:53:37)

Yea, lot of people want cores of promos to be removed in general.

Not just Delta Knight, everything. Like for beast rider and such as well.

NDB -> RE: Make passive core on Delta Knight removable (10/20/2018 17:14:26)

I agree with @Mother1 that the best solution would be to buff all of these cores rather than make them removeable. A good way to buff Curse Aura would be to make it passively lower opponent Support at all times rather than have it trigger on strikes. This would make it extremely useful for a lot of builds, especially Focus builds that rely heavily on going first against other Focus builds, and would help builds that normally perform poorly against Support builds, similar to how Absorption is sort of a crutch for builds that normally perform poorly against Focus. It would also take out the luck factor out of the core which honestly does not need to be there anyway seeing as striking is relatively uncommon anyway.

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