Change massacre requeriment (Full Version)

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racing.lo.mas -> Change massacre requeriment (12/4/2018 0:55:58)

Requeriments on skills are supposed to nerf certain builds avoiding players spamming one stat. There are 4 options for requeriments: support, dexterity, strenght and technology.

-Mass with support requeriment: this only avoid players spaming strenght. However, massacre builds are not based in strenght, they are based in support! So this doesn't represent any problem for CH. Also this stat increase static charge and malf!

-Tech requeriment: Ch mass build always uses poison, which has also tech requeriment. If both need the same stat then one of those requeriments would be useless. Moreover massacre increase with tech, so giving a tech requeriment would have no sence.

-strenght requeriment: No! Same reason of support, or even worst. We would have players with only strenght.

Which stat is left? :

-Dexterity requeriment: Yeah, of course! Absolutely nerf for mass ch. They use only 2 stats: support and tech, and... in some cases strenght. The only stat is useless for those builds is dexterity. If we forces them to use it, then they'll have to reduce support or strenght. Making them a bit weakers.

NDB -> RE: Change massacre requeriment (12/4/2018 10:29:35)

Yeah, this would clearly help. I don't know why he keeps lowering the tech scaling when all that is doing is hurting focus builds.

racing.lo.mas -> RE: Change massacre requeriment (12/4/2018 11:27:50)

Yeah true. The problem here are support massacre, not tech massacre.

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