XP in gifts (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [EpicDuel] >> EpicDuel Suggestions


Grandma -> XP in gifts (12/8/2018 21:06:19)

1) I suggest adding xp as a reward from gift boxes - cut the chance of creds in half to add in xp.

Legendary Ash -> RE: XP in gifts (12/8/2018 22:43:23)

I think this suggestion severely underestimates the popular opinion on credits in Epicduel, that is a lack of moderate credits rewards in the game, players want to be able to afford Legendary Mode and the expensive achievements as soon as possible.
We had many comments on the forums and twitter where players asked for a credit reward for ranking up in Legendary Mode like leveling in Lv 1 to 40, this suggestion only aggravates the problem further by increasing the speed of achieving ranks with expected amount of credits lagging behind.

Giving Xp displaces expected experience in terms of knowledge and wisdom in combat with respect to the Lv of the character. That means there are more players who will fail to properly understand the game thus increasing chances of rage quit instead of being long term players due to unnatural progression.

Mother1 -> RE: XP in gifts (12/9/2018 9:12:09)

Not supported

While this suggestion would actually benefit me (seeing as I maxed out all my ranks) as well as anyone who is higher than rank 100 or below level 40 anyone in between this will feel the sting. Remember ranked 40 players who aren't max rank still need credits to unlock their ranks and for them to get this they need to battle. having players gaining EXP without the credits to back it up will in turn cause them to rank up without the credits needed to unlock the rank which in turn will cause them pain down the line.

If ranking up gave credits for each rank you gained like levels do due to the x3 exp boost things would be different but since they don't this would be a problem.

Grandma -> RE: XP in gifts (12/9/2018 10:06:10)

I think gifting gives us many times more gold than is needed for unlocking ranks - throwing in some exp won't hurt.

NDB -> RE: XP in gifts (12/9/2018 10:28:15)

Not supported at all. Think long-term. With this, we would all get max Rank instantly and then after that all the XP is useless. Maybe this year you'd be happy to instantly max out your Rank, but then what about next year's gifting? You'd probably end up complaining how the XP is a complete waste of a gift.

Not to mention, a good amount of people are already max Rank. I'm already almost Rank 500, so this wouldn't help me one bit.

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