=AQ= Crafting FAQ (Full Version)

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The Hollow -> =AQ= Crafting FAQ (1/17/2019 17:18:50)

With crafting coming to AQ this year I am starting a thread to answer questions and a place to share your ideas. This is the most massive project we have taken on in AQ. Made even more challenging given our team size, working with a game engine that is over 16 years old - but we are just crazy enough to do it anyway! The db entries/updates alone will number in the many thousands, so this update will be released in several parts throughout the year. *One of the ultimate goals being an additional system that will extend the life of the game for all our max lvl players. Giving those players ways to fine tune their character beyond the lvl cap.

Crafting schedule:
- BattleOn Inn Update
- Adding the Crafting Forge to the BattleOn Inn along with UI. Mobs will begin dropping resources after combat, along with first craftable items.
- Several weeks of adding more and more items to be crafted
- "Tuning"

*Crafting must be implemented first before we can add this system to AQ. This does not mean we are raising the lvl cap.


1. What can we craft?
In the beginning you will be able to craft equipment and upgraded equipment. Ie. you craft a Longsword of Slaying, you can use that to craft a Longsword of Slaying +1. A possible idea is replacing gold cost to upgrade an item, instead using an upgrade token you can craft. The first updates will be strictly equipment though as we continue to build on this feature.

2. What kind of resources will drop?
A FrogZard may drop something common like FrogZard Hide. Or drop a rarer item like a FrogZard Tooth.

3. How many resources can we carry?
I will not have the exact number until the UI is finished, but it will be so high you never have to worry about running out of space.

4. When is this coming?
I do not want to give dates too far ahead, but will keep you updated as a release gets closer.

Lineolata -> RE: =AQ= Crafting FAQ (1/17/2019 17:22:17)


CH4OT1C! -> RE: =AQ= Crafting FAQ (1/17/2019 17:24:20)

This sounds amazing

LUPUL LUNATIC -> RE: =AQ= Crafting FAQ (1/17/2019 17:24:33)


1. What can we craft?
In the beginning you will be able to craft equipment and upgraded equipment. Ie. you craft a Longsword of Slaying, you can use that to craft a Longsword of Slaying +1.

What exactly would mean +1 in this context ?
And we can craft even Armors as an option ?
Also .... i know it is a longshot but .... if Archmage would never be ever released and i know the art was done ..... can it ever be a plan to consider it being as craftable ArchMage armor?

P.S: We have a lot of Swords already in-game would be interesting to have Staffs in there and some other variety.

Weeum -> RE: =AQ= Crafting FAQ (1/17/2019 17:33:41)

It would be cool to see some status effect infliction unique to the crafting system, like an effect to scramble the enemy's elemental resistances, or to be able to tag them with a status that rewards you for matching a randomly chosen element. Weapons that feed on your gold for bonus damage would also be cool for players that have been maxed for a while and have more gold than they'll ever know what to do with.

Tomes that rely on stacking damage statuses as opposed to direct attack spells would be super cool to see for FD mages. (Not that anyone runs FD anything in 2019 LOL)

PlayMyTrapCard -> RE: =AQ= Crafting FAQ (1/17/2019 17:51:23)

Much of the content in this game is easy with the gear we have available to the extent that it already feels like overkill. Will new challenges release where this new stronger gear will be necessary? I feel unchallenged as it is and hope for new enemies and bosses beyond our level to kill with this gear.

AliceShiki -> RE: =AQ= Crafting FAQ (1/17/2019 18:30:37)

@Weeum Rainbow Raygun can already scramble the opponent's resistances.

Weeum -> RE: =AQ= Crafting FAQ (1/17/2019 18:34:56)

Dang. I thought I was onto something cool and original. :/

Evolved_Mamba -> RE: =AQ= Crafting FAQ (1/17/2019 18:45:59)

This idea reminds me of Metin2.sg. For instance, I spent so much time trying to upgrade an armor and weapon to +9 for the right resistance, damage against mobs, players. Also spent time farming each day for certain number of drops required for upgrading. Excited to see how crafting will be developed for this game.

Macho Man -> RE: =AQ= Crafting FAQ (1/17/2019 19:45:18)

Well this is an update that I didn't that I needed. The HYPE is real!

Necromencer -> RE: =AQ= Crafting FAQ (1/17/2019 19:50:17)

My only concern here is the possibility of having to farm hard to find mobs for uncommon drops. Other than that this seems like a real interesting idea.

Deaf of Destiny -> RE: =AQ= Crafting FAQ (1/17/2019 19:59:54)

WooHoo it sounds so fun!

aef823 -> RE: =AQ= Crafting FAQ (1/17/2019 20:55:12)

I hope this crafting system also expands into the potion system

ninnin90 -> RE: =AQ= Crafting FAQ (1/17/2019 21:25:48)

This sounds amazing. If this can be done right, and I'm reading/assuming what it will do correctly, a crafting system could be a phenomenal addition to the game.

With this hypothetical 'Long Sword of Slaying +1', is it that you craft/buy a Longsword, which is then upgraded via crafting to have the 'of Slaying' tag/suffix? Or that you buy/craft a 'Longsword of Slaying' that you then upgrade via crafting to have a '+1'?

How will what monsters drop work, exactly? because from just what I know about the game I'd have to assume something like:
Since monsters all already have species tags attached to them (dragons, zards, undead, mutants, etc..) I would assume things would drop based on this, possibly its elemental typing, and the monster specifically? To use a hypothetical, a monster like "Super Undead Dragon Boss" for instance, might drop things related to Darkness creatures, Dragons, Undead, and maybe even something unique to it completely. Were as a basic frogzard would drop things related to zards, and possibly earth creatures?
(will estates have buildings that can generate certain crafting materials?)

Will items obtained without crafting be upgradable via the crafting system? Can mastercraft items be further upgraded via crafting? Could an item in the future have it's mastercraft effect be that it can be upgraded more than other items?

On the other side of this, this has the possibility to not only add end-game customization options for max level characters, but also improve the leveling experience for lower level characters as well. Taking on the game's colossal multitude of main and side quests is bound to give a leveling character a ton of various crafting materials they can use to make progressing easier or make their experience more unique. all in all, it sounds like the crafting system has amazing potential and I am super hype.

Deaf of Destiny -> RE: =AQ= Crafting FAQ (1/17/2019 21:29:44)

I would love to see forge that things require from weapon and you have to do dismantle instead of sell it. there is more chance to get rare "any" items from dismantle after to make a staff - sword - dagger - spear - bow - crossbow/gun and many. once you complete and it should be giving you special attack and insane BtH

Strength.designer -> RE: =AQ= Crafting FAQ (1/17/2019 22:15:40)

This really is amazing, it is going to make the game multiple folds better in my opinion, and especially, as you said, for max level characters.

Congrats to the staff for this project and I hope it is a success.

ruleandrew -> RE: =AQ= Crafting FAQ (1/18/2019 2:44:33)

Crafted equipment is a tiny bit stronger than non crafted equipment. Is this fact true?

Ninjaty -> RE: =AQ= Crafting FAQ (1/18/2019 13:02:16)

Personally I would much rather see the gifting/trading system implemented, but I suppose this will be nice as well.

How much control will we have over these crafted items? Will they be an extension of custom weapons, to the point where each player might have an entire collection of different custom items (possibly with far more variety than the current custom weapons offer), or will they be items that just requires X amount of new resources instead of gold/Z-Tokens to obtain?

The Hollow -> RE: =AQ= Crafting FAQ (1/18/2019 17:20:17)


What exactly would mean +1 in this context? With this hypothetical 'Long Sword of Slaying +1', is it that you craft/buy a Longsword, which is then upgraded via crafting to have the 'of Slaying' tag/suffix? Or that you buy/craft a 'Longsword of Slaying' that you then upgrade via crafting to have a '+1'?

It could be plus to anything... BtH, damage, etc. We could also let you craft different elemental versions of a weapon. I was simply using the name Longsword of Slaying as an example but I see what you're getting at... a list of prefixes/suffixes, similar to Diablo, that you can apply to any weapon. Awesome idea but not doable as That would require a fairly major change in how Item inventory is stored -Captain Rhubarb


And we can craft even Armors as an option?

Yes, any equipment can be crafted.


Crafted equipment is a tiny bit stronger than non crafted equipment. Is this fact true?

Not necessarily, all equipment follows the same balance standards.


How will what monsters drop work, exactly?

There will be resources shared between mobs based on type, element, etc. After winning a battle, a Firezard and Akriloth could both drop a Fire Essence resource since they are both fire creatures. Akriloth and a Darkness Dragon could both drop dragon scales. Akriloth's Heart could only be obtained by defeating Akriloth.


How much control will we have over these crafted items? Will they be an extension of custom weapons

Moving Custom Weapons and Potions could be a possibility.

LUPUL LUNATIC -> RE: =AQ= Crafting FAQ (1/18/2019 17:23:49)


We could also let you craft different elemental versions of a weapon

This would be incredibly good if was added as starting options imo many players have favorite weapons they'd want more elemental versions of.
But that means we can craft elemental versions of ANY weapon ?
And how would crafting elementalised versions of weapons interfere with a future Trading system for the weapons ?

Also.... can the art of the elemental versions have a change depending on element? For example: a bit of red tent for Fire,blue for Water, light blue for Ice ...

Deaf of Destiny -> RE: =AQ= Crafting FAQ (1/18/2019 18:40:14)

@hollow It would be great idea. When we get wars, event and many and beat them to get items then dismantle then many commons, rare and very rare items gonna straight to forges' bank?
Of course we can kill the monster to drop rare items

Ninjaty -> RE: =AQ= Crafting FAQ (1/19/2019 1:30:41)


Yes, any equipment can be crafted.


Moving Custom Weapons and Potions could be a possibility.

Very interesting. I just hope we get a lot more options than we did for custom weapons; they never truly felt custom made. When those were first announced, I had assumed each player could essentially craft their own completely unique item, or at least have so many options to choose from that each player's would be virtually unique. This ended up not being the case there, but here's hoping it will be the case this time around.

Kay Oh -> RE: =AQ= Crafting FAQ (1/19/2019 22:50:44)

I'm happy the staff are still passionate enough for the game to work on huge updates like this. Gl Hollow, Kam, Imry, and Kaelin! (Am I missing any other staff that will have a major part in this update?)

Kilvakar -> RE: =AQ= Crafting FAQ (1/20/2019 8:03:47)

It sounds like a really fun idea. I just hope that the drop rate for some items isn't so low that it becomes a grindfest.

I'm guessing we'd have a limited pool of brand new, customizable items that we could craft. But would it be possible to modify/upgrade existing items as well?

J9408 -> RE: =AQ= Crafting FAQ (1/20/2019 11:08:20)

Are we able to choose armor animations? Or is there a standard?

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