Faction Suggestions/ideas (Full Version)

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Cyber Dream -> Faction Suggestions/ideas (4/9/2019 15:15:59)

Hello, after my long hiatus from the forums. I can finally say that i'm back, here AND on Ed. So it's only right that I put my great mind to use!

Bring back Tokens

First off, I want to hit on Tokens, this will tie in to my next suggestion. I think Tokens should be brought back. Why? Well, why not? Tokens had a numerous amount of uses, for example. We could dump them in flags, cheevos, and they even made playing pvp more intersting just by the simple fact we could get them. Right now, alot of us are in the endgame, credits are very hard to get, VERY hard. Bringing tokens back would make it easier to get remaining achievements and they could really correlate with the on going wars.


Next, I want to suggest that we bring back flags. Flags were the backbone of faction competition, internal and external. There was no bigger rush than trying to move your way up from a member to an officer by increasing your token contribution. There was also no better feeling of capturing flags from other faction. All in all, bringing back flags, with the addition of tokens will have nothing but benefits.

Now here's the juicy part, these are my suggestions linked directly to factions themselves.

Allow decorations to be placed down inside of your HQ (along with vanity items). Should be purchasable with tokens,creds, and varium.

Faction bank. Can store tokens and faction items? (along with this, add in a feature allowing you to choose if you want your battle tokens to goto your inventory or faction bank.

Multiple banks which can have permissions added to them.

Banner for the player who was the most influential for the day,week, and month.

Add in a flag map. This will be used to strategize, the map will contain a list of all the flags in delta v along with the amount of token contributed by the top factions holding the flag.

A screen for faction leaders/officers and factionless players. Players with no faction will be put on this list and can be contacted by a leader/officer. Players should be able to choose if they want to appear on this list or not.

Add in a teir achievement related to all faction dailys.

*This will be updated daily

.Lord Ginger. -> RE: Faction Suggestions/ideas (4/9/2019 18:26:59)

Hey Cyber, I really like your ideas!

I think this can be a good way for factions to be more competitive and give players a reason to play, I really like the concept of flags in general and miss them.

Also kinda off topic but I do think that battles themselves should bring influence for victories (kind of like battle tokens)

Cyber Dream -> RE: Faction Suggestions/ideas (4/9/2019 19:15:44)

Wow, I really forgot that we used to get influence per match. Bringing this back along side war bombs would actually be a good idea to improve factions and encourage play. Though I think war bombs should be the only factor that actually contributes towards the war.

VanitySixx -> RE: Faction Suggestions/ideas (4/9/2019 19:48:15)

This is a great idea. Now that passives are back, the game has been doing better in the last few days than it has since gifting ended. Bringing back yet another nostalgic and HUGE feature such as the battle tokens and battle flags would be AMAZING. Most people know I am extremely competitive when it comes to playing, so when I play, I need something to fight for. I think almost everyone in ED wants a reason to PvP, since thats the reason most of us signed up for the game in the first place.

Now that actual battle has gotten the attention it needed, for ED to take that next step, I believe updates regarding factions should be next up. All of your suggestions are good ideas, and if they were implemented, I know it'd give a lot of other people the incentive to battle. Because truthfully, not every faction is active enough to win dailies on a regular basis. But maintaining a flag? Plenty of factions are active enough to do that, and it will only thicken the overall competition of the game.

sippingcider -> RE: Faction Suggestions/ideas (4/9/2019 22:11:46)

I support bringing back flags, those were a lot of fun!

Fighting with your faction to win a flag is a lot more fun than fighting with all of exile/legion for a war I think.

NDB -> RE: Faction Suggestions/ideas (4/9/2019 22:30:45)

I like the idea of flags, but there has to be a better incentive to donate. I also like the idea of making a way to get influence outside of war, so I was thinking that a good idea would be for you to get a certain amount of influence for each token you donate, like 5 influence per token or something.

Cyber Dream -> RE: Faction Suggestions/ideas (4/10/2019 1:10:22)

@NDB I think we're thinking to far ahead here. Bringing back flags would be an incentive to tokens itself. I think we should keep it simple for now, bring back the old or something similar to the flag system, see how it plays out, and build from there.

NDB -> RE: Faction Suggestions/ideas (4/10/2019 1:24:37)

What do you mean? I meant an incentive to donate, not to get tokens. Before, a lot of people didn't donate because they didn't get anything out of it and would rather spend them on buying achievements. Actually, now that I think about it, what other function would the tokens have now besides flags? Now, achievements are bought for credits, not tokens.

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