Legendary mode (Full Version)

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Thesixnine -> Legendary mode (7/13/2019 4:29:45)

only cosmetic and pve purposes. no more effect pvp. make pvp balance simple now yes? we is can have more shops for have high rank. Shop rank 100, 125, 150, etc. am think is good idea. no big trouble refund players again. more players come again maybe? idk

chusen -> RE: Legendary mode (7/13/2019 6:20:28)

I mostly blame how grindy it is to level a character especially combined with Legend mode
Although Legend Mode is a fun bonus
Just very grindy
It'll take ages for casual players to even play the game like how it should be due to lacking a whole lot of crazy stuff
P2W promotional items already makes it unfair, Imagine grinding all the way just to get obliterated by it losing all hope
so the chances of getting players back is pretty pretty low unless they are P2W players

Mother1 -> RE: Legendary mode (7/14/2019 16:32:27)

I suggested this years ago, however it was shot down and ignored by those who were high ranked saying "only the low ranks who don't want to work their way up through the ranks like the rest of us did would support this."

Seeing this suggestion again makes me laugh in a good way though.

.Lord Ginger. -> RE: Legendary mode (7/15/2019 7:29:25)

The reason players changed their mind is because of the state of the game

Mother1 -> RE: Legendary mode (7/15/2019 14:37:10)


Legendary mode wasn't made for casual player it was made to quell all the hardcore level grinders who reached the top so fast and were complaining about not being able to do so anymore. So this mode was made to quiet this while at the same time also appeasing those who wanted enhancements back in some form.

Armagedon2018 -> RE: Legendary mode (7/16/2019 22:12:11)

Well then let him know that everyone agrees to eliminate the legendary ranks.

Mother1 -> RE: Legendary mode (7/17/2019 11:15:27)

@ Armagedon2018

I personally still think they should compensate those players who spent their credits/Varium to unlock the ranks they acquired kind of like how they did with Enhancements back in Delta. people did spend real money in some cases to unlock them.

Armagedon2018 -> RE: Legendary mode (7/17/2019 22:26:29)

Yes, it is the most likely to happen if the ranks are removed.

Thesixnine -> RE: Legendary mode (7/18/2019 13:14:16)

am think we should still have the points if rank is removed. we is can make new good builds

Mother1 -> RE: Legendary mode (7/18/2019 19:23:10)


and what about those who didn't get ranks? This would cause imbalance due to those who got the ranks and those who never got the chance to acquire them.

Thesixnine -> RE: Legendary mode (7/18/2019 20:09:15)

no am say everyone is have points. if no more ranks then everyone is have the points we get from ranks. if no more rank then people is buy points is refund but every lvl 40 is have the points from rank so we can is make more builds.

.Lord Ginger. -> RE: Legendary mode (7/18/2019 21:12:33)

It's not like you magically get more builds with more legend points. Your build with no legend points is basically equal to those with legend points if everyone is the same.

Also, you'd hurt the non legends if people come back

Thesixnine -> RE: Legendary mode (7/18/2019 21:43:08)

am english is no very good. am is saying we have stats of legendary points if rank is no more and the points is have distribute from lvl till it equal lvl 40. u now get what I say? and am not say build is be magical. u is make maybe new and is better build if we have is still points

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