Sweet Dreams (Full Version)

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Primate Murder -> Sweet Dreams (9/14/2019 7:55:40)

How is Sleep calculated?

According to what I can see in info subs, Sleep is considered a 2-turn paralysis, which is 140*.85*2, *0.67 for 2/3 chance of infliction. That's 159.46% melee.

- Krieger Claws attempt to inflict it on special. 20% special occurs roughly twice a battle, so a on-special MC would be worth 25% melee, equating to 25/159.46 or 15.68% chance of attempting the effect. Instead, it's 31.5 - literally double what it should be. Where does the extra damage come from?

- Same thing with Cozy weapons - as they inflict paralysis on 20% proc, the attempt chance should be the same 15.68%. It's 42% instead.


- School Uniform has a skill that sacrifices 89.25% melee to inflict sleep with +10 bonus. 140*.85*2*.6 is 142.8% melee. 89.25/142.8 should be 62.5% attempt chance. It's actually reduced to 50%!

I must admit, I'm at loss.


Kurtz96 -> RE: Sweet Dreams (9/14/2019 12:11:21)

Perhaps they are just balanced incorrectly? I recently learned that both the Cephalapod pet and gun have a blind less powerful than it should be (thanks Ash) so it does happen.

Legendary Ash -> RE: Sweet Dreams (9/14/2019 15:59:39)

IMR didn't provide info on how many hits Krieger Klaw's special is, so I presume it to be 2 hits due to the not random /2 it has in the equation, which would mean .67*31.5*2*.85*1.4/2 = 25.115% melee, which is slightly above what correct for a 5% melee for a 20% proc special is worth, a 5/.2 = 25% melee.

School Uniform is .8(Defensive lean)*2 (skill)*44.625(penalty)/(.6(save difficulty)*.85*1.4) = 100% melee, which is split into a 2 turn 50% melee sleep, it is balanced.

Cozy weapons are the only ones imbalanced due to having an extra -17 on the save, while the paralysis rate remains at a value worth +0 on the save.

Primate Murder -> RE: Sweet Dreams (9/14/2019 23:56:19)



Where does the /2 come from? It's in the original formula to account for 2 hits (presumably).


School Uniform is .8(Defensive lean)

Doesn't defensive lean apply both ways? By inflicting Sleep on the monster you're saving 140*.85*2*0.8 % melee worth of hp. Shouldn't it even out?

Thank you for your help!

Legendary Ash -> RE: Sweet Dreams (9/15/2019 17:43:55)

Terror Raiment's MC Fearful Presence is 100% chance of not acting, in the balance equation it shows that Armor lean is taken into account for immobility 1.25*50(5% melee for 10 turns)/(1.4*.85*.5) =105.04% chance of not acting.

The Health loss saved by paralysis in different Armor leans affect only the balance equation in terms of offense only and not defense.

Primate Murder -> RE: Sweet Dreams (9/15/2019 23:09:35)

I see, thanks.

About my original question, though. You yourself have stated that:

I presume it to be 2 hits due to the not random /2 it has in the equation
Which means it uses 25.115% melee per hit, or 50% melee twice per battle.

Where does the extra damage come from?

Legendary Ash -> RE: Sweet Dreams (9/15/2019 23:51:59)

The approximate 25% melee modified by the special's proc rate.comes from the weapon's MC since its a GGB shop item.

Primate Murder -> RE: Sweet Dreams (9/15/2019 23:57:54)

Sorry if I was unclear.

25% twice per battle comes from MC. Where do the other 25% come from?

Legendary Ash -> RE: Sweet Dreams (9/16/2019 0:17:35)

There isn't another 25% melee, the MC is the Sleep status at a 31.5% rate and -17 difficulty as proven in post 3 worth 25.115% melee, the /2 in the equation most likely comes from the special being 2 hits.

Primate Murder -> RE: Sweet Dreams (9/16/2019 0:29:04)

*2Hits and /2 equals out to *1. Therefore the equation from post 3 should be:

Which is equal to 50%.

Legendary Ash -> RE: Sweet Dreams (9/16/2019 0:37:55)

Like you said, assuming 2 hits and /2 from the original info subs = 1, so there shouldn't be a *2 remaining in the equation in post 3, its just .67*31.5*.85*1.4.

Primate Murder -> RE: Sweet Dreams (9/16/2019 0:41:23)


Sleep is effectively a 2-turn Paralyse
Directly from the item's info subs.

The *2 is not for number of hits, it's for the duration.

So the equation is:
.67*31.5*2*.85*1.4 (*2Hits/2)

Legendary Ash -> RE: Sweet Dreams (9/16/2019 1:01:39)

Well, perhaps the /2 isn't for the number of hits, but the fact that Sleep is 2 turns of Paralysis similar to a +0 save Bleed being double of Burn/Poison, so *2 for Sleep is /2 from the info subs, which result in a 15.75% chance at -17 difficulty.
I think that's as far as we can speculate without any ingame confirmation of the specials' number of hits.

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