General Animation Changes for Items to be Less Flashy (Full Version)

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PD -> General Animation Changes for Items to be Less Flashy (7/12/2020 14:29:27)

Just a quick suggestion, I'd like it if the Booster animations (and some other items) were changed to be something less epiletic-inducing and maybe also less time consuming like Essence of Carnage or Ramssey. The extremely quick flashing makes it kind of hard to look at. Particularly with Dunamis and Poelala Pets and Guests. This is further contrasted with some of the other Booster pets with shorter animations that do not induce as much flashing/color changes rapidly over its animation period.

EDIT: It seems that there are other things that could be looked at that are a bit too flashy/epiletic, maybe we can use this thread to hilight all things that are too flashy. So far:

1. Poelala
2. Dunamis
3. Pikazard

Adding more to this list will be helpful to me and the staff in general.

I changed the title of the thread to reflect the sentiment.

jd33 -> RE: General Animation Changes for Items to be Less Flashy (7/13/2020 22:56:15)

I agree with this. The flashing should at the very least be optional.

sobodobo -> RE: General Animation Changes for Items to be Less Flashy (7/14/2020 6:53:26)

Very nice.

Rorshach -> RE: General Animation Changes for Items to be Less Flashy (7/20/2020 11:34:53)

Could you list others? If any

sobodobo -> RE: General Animation Changes for Items to be Less Flashy (7/30/2020 13:47:18)

Mookie Twilly and Plushie Twilly also have this sudden high contrast flash.

PD -> RE: General Animation Changes for Items to be Less Flashy (8/15/2020 16:16:34)

I don't think it was acknowledged by anyone but thanks to the AQ team for changing the animations for the initial items that were suggested here!

Rorshach -> RE: General Animation Changes for Items to be Less Flashy (8/16/2020 2:24:55)

Thank you. Please add more into this list if you find any.

Mr. Roguish -> RE: General Animation Changes for Items to be Less Flashy (8/29/2020 13:50:13)


I have been pondering for a long time about the issue of rogues not aesthetically-feasibly able to use daggers; as daggers are melee weapons and melee weapons benefit from STR which doesn't make sense for a sly, stealthy, nimble, rogue to have a ton of brute STR.

I recently had an epiphany and realized that the simplest solution that would also satisfy what I would like to achieve as well as what everyone I debated with alluded to. Ultimately the designs of the weapon are irrelevant toward their function and any class or build can use any weapon regardless of whether or not they would get the maximum benefit from it. I'm suggesting that past and future rogue armors like the Frostval Mercenary Garb get built in daggers, tantos, ninjatos, like how the almost exact replica StarSlayer does. Not that I care, but for some other people, maybe make the armor's weapon toggle-able like some armors' helms, like the Armor of AWE. I see this as an absolute win

I think this could help both of us as well, of course it would have to be expanded to more than just rogue armors (though since its my suggestion I would want them prioritized lol). I find that the super artsy weapons now-a-days slow down my animation a lot as well even with the graphics as low as possible. If more armors were like the ones that put your actual weapon at the bottom and had its own pre-animated weapon that it always holds, it would help make the combat a lot smoother. It is my understanding that AQ is already going back and revamping a lot of armors, seems like a perfect way of killing 2 birds with one stone.

PD -> RE: General Animation Changes for Items to be Less Flashy (2/27/2021 16:31:05)

Just an additional update: Mog lightnaut is also quite flashy in this regard so an update to this would be nice.

PD -> RE: General Animation Changes for Items to be Less Flashy (7/15/2021 1:37:23)

A bit of a small update, but I got both the versions of Mog Lightnaut. I don't remember if the Guest version was available as of my last post before this one but it's worth noting that the Pet version of Mog still has the really epileptic animation versus the guest one which uses the less intense animation.

Although that being said, after taking a look at Dunamis and Poelala, the initial spark that begins the animation could still be too intense and prolonged. I don't think a spark is really needed. Maybe retaining the general power ring around them without a flash would be sufficient. The other boosters anyways seem to not have as long animations nor do they seem to be as intense, and I am hoping all the boosters that come along will follow the same pattern of being non-intense, succinct animations.

One more thing, the fact that Mog lightnaut and Dunamis float in the middle of his space sometimes makes it hard to click on items. They could still float, but not take the midpoint of the height they are allocated.

I know this is also asking for a lot, but can we get any updates on any animation changes that may or may not happen to the Paladin Manifestation Guest? It's still a rather common complaint that the guest exerts way too much resources, along with the fact that it is also very hard to look at while taking an inordinate amount of space on the screen.

Lorekeeper -> RE: General Animation Changes for Items to be Less Flashy (7/15/2021 11:35:13)

To provide said item: All of the mentioned items are part of a list I've kept up to date at Hollow's request, so that he can get to them as soon as he has a chance.

Sapphire -> RE: General Animation Changes for Items to be Less Flashy (7/19/2021 0:36:42)

Might be for another topic, but there are some items that *drastically* slow FPS and make the items darn near unusable. Are plans in the works to tweak those types of items to enhance gameplay when using them?

Rorshach -> RE: General Animation Changes for Items to be Less Flashy (7/19/2021 8:31:52)

^ I don't think there are items that have animations to purposefully cause FPS lag. There are animations which cause a lot of lag though.

There are also items or animations that are meant to take a longer time than wanted for some reasons.

Sapphire -> RE: General Animation Changes for Items to be Less Flashy (8/7/2021 12:18:51)

Yeah didnt mean to come off as though this was on purpose. Was just saying they simply cause lag. The big one obviously that you hear about is the Paladin manifestation guest. Its unusable its so bad.

There are others. The mystic hair raiser weapon does this, too. Others as well.

Should all be fixed IMO.

~ The Pally manifestation guest had a new version rolled recently that reduces its lag. I'm having a second look to reduce the brightness and size a little.
Pally Manifestation guest fixed.

I'll add the Mystic Hare weapons/armour to the list to look at.
Thanks. ~Anim

PD -> RE: General Animation Changes for Items to be Less Flashy (9/9/2021 19:24:45)

General thing I noticed is that a lot of armors/enemies tend to flash to white a lot when they get hit.

For the doomlight armor, this can get kind of irritating when facing enemies who have a lot of hits that land on you. And this is especially a problem given that the doomlight set's purpose is to get hit.

But for a more comprehensive list of enemies/armors that flash when hit:

Werewolf + Beast Form
Tempest Power Armor H
Haunted Dragonlord Armor
Champion Holy Avenger
Legion Marauder
Glorious Matchmaker
Zardshi Rider
GPS Tank
Crimson Paladin Rider (Rider only flashes)
Blacksmith Garb
Necromancer Cloak (Skeleton AND summoner flash)

War-Torn Dragon + War Torn Zhilo Rider
Alpha Weredragon
Wabio (Void and War versions)
Cerberus (Red Flash + Framerate slows) <--- I've heard many laggy rumours of this foe. Will see what I can do about both when I get a moment. Fixed ~Anim

I'll update this list as it goes on but the general point being that sudden flashes when getting attacked is kind of painful to watch.

Sapphire -> RE: General Animation Changes for Items to be Less Flashy (9/15/2021 13:04:37)

Two more that cause a significant slowdown

Blazing legion minion guest
And both pet/guest the dracolichs from Necromancer class armor. Having both out is....yikes

PD -> RE: General Animation Changes for Items to be Less Flashy (11/25/2021 15:43:36)

Just to fall under another category, I was playing Choice To Fall from the Burning Solstice Saga again, and the Jail Bars from Panic's cell are really hard to look at. They flash quite quickly and my eyes tired out very fast. We understand it's a very special prison, but we don't need it to flash THAT fast.

Rorshach -> RE: General Animation Changes for Items to be Less Flashy (11/28/2021 21:14:39)

Pinning this

PD -> RE: General Animation Changes for Items to be Less Flashy (8/26/2022 15:30:02)

After playing through the Golden Set quest, I encountered the NinjaChaun enemy and the 4-strike attack that doesn't use SP flashes quite a bit.

In addition, the Pet versions of some of the Boosters (Dunamis, Poelala, and Mogg LightNaut) still use the old animations, and even the newer ones can still have a really bright initial flash that can be hard to look at.

PD -> RE: General Animation Changes for Items to be Less Flashy (1/22/2023 4:14:53)

As mentioned per our discord conversations:

Armors that should be looked at for being a little too flashy:
Samukematsuri Samurai. Legion Shogun might possibly be affected too but I don't have this so I cannot check.
Academy Exuberance/Elegance.
Mighty UltraGuardian Armor. Might be worth exploring if the other variants also use the same dark-to-light transition.

Corvid -> RE: General Animation Changes for Items to be Less Flashy (1/26/2023 8:32:30)

The biggest offender for overly flashy animations is Re’s absolute annihilator (GGB weapon). I REALLY want to love and use this weapon, but the animation increases lag by a crazy amount.

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