Weapons that inflict fire burn (Full Version)

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Zennistrad -> Weapons that inflict fire burn (10/30/2020 2:50:00)

I'm trying a burn-stacking strategy with my offensive beastmaster using the Underworld Legion Minion, Rose pet, and Khainsword, and while it's doing pretty well so far it's pretty SP-intensive and I'm looking for an alternative weapon to use that can either inflict burn or gets a bonus with a burn, preferably 0-proc.

The only one I can think of is the weapon from the Samukematsuri set, and unfortunately I managed to just miss the Frostval 2018 event so that's not an option for me. Is there anything else?

Legendary Ash -> RE: Weapons that inflict fire burn (10/30/2020 13:53:14)

Katar of Fire

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