some great AQ Ideas (Full Version)

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Ashmander -> some great AQ Ideas (8/6/2021 17:39:10)

shared vault (idea add storage ability to faces, gold and titles, optional able to store houses.(house storage up to 5 the value may or may not go up in storage)

ballyboo buff(adventurers can open ballyhoos chest once per day and get 25% gold and exp from the opens and 1 token per day guardians get 33% gold and exp 2 tokens per day per open and 2 opens per day and x guardians get 50% gold and exp from the opens and 3 tokens per open per day and 3 opens)

(house ideas 10 tokens hotel inn room, 5 tokens recliner by a tree + 1 slot, 1 token just a chair.)

(a random event teleport painting that teleports you to places until you get the locations portal painting plus a special shop)

max gold or exp idea (double gold if exp is at its limit and double exp if gold is at its limit)

exp recycle (exp storage store excess exp and give it to a character. can be a fraction of the exp a character may have.)

adventurer upgrade(ability to delete any adventurer character regardless of level)

fix the inventory (make the no drop items not take up inventory space and customize pet, misc., and the like as no drops (pick one of each of the non armor, shield and weapon slots and pick what you and to have as no drops) oh and have the adventurer shield and a misc. equipped by default if you are a adventurer

Ashmander -> RE: some great AQ Ideas (8/26/2021 12:20:23)

Some of these may be quality of life things but would help out a bit. I reset characters when they get to a certain level and one of them has faces I would love to store some that'll help.

But the no drops taking up inventory space can be a bit annoying

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