Returning player - items missing (Full Version)

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ramorite -> Returning player - items missing (2/28/2023 19:44:14)

I played this game 10 years ago, and I check on my account every couple months out of nostalgia.
Today i noticed multiple items I used to own have disappeared, and a few new items are there.
I can see that the previously owned items were sold back for AC and the new items were bought all in September 2022 via the account management, 5 months ago.

I have no memory of selling these items, or even being on the game at that time.
Also there's no way i would have sold the items in question (dragon rider, bamboo rifle, void parasite wings, entire steampunk armor set with coffin) unless i was blackout drunk and i don't drink. Bamboo rifle was my favorite weapon.

Is this known to happen to people? Why would someone hack my account to sell and buy random things? my account isnt progressed any further. Nothing seems different at all besides the new and missing items.

Is there a way to get my stuff back?

Axios -> RE: Returning player - items missing (3/1/2023 11:51:30)

Good morning, ramorite, terribly sorry to hear about your items having seemingly gone missing from your inventory. If you're worried about unauthorized access to your account, I encourage you to change your password via your account settings. Additionally, you are able to purchase AC items that you've previously sold via the same portal, by clicking here. Furthermore, if you wish to submit an inquiry pertinent to this matter, or others related to your account, you may do so via our player support options.

Have a wonderful day!

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