Why I became a Star Captain in 2023 (Full Version)

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Sr. dragao -> Why I became a Star Captain in 2023 (9/15/2023 17:04:52)

AQW storyline keeps getting more complex but also uninteresting, poorly written, and tangled in dialogues nobody bothers to read. DF is much better than in 2008, adding layers and layers and still making it simple enough for the audience that grew with it get it. However, it is far from the same game of yore.
One game, though, sparkled up in my sight, MQ. I couldn't understand English nor its sense of humor back then. I barely leveled up enough to complete the saga. It has, however, the same feeling of the old AE games. It is not a perfect game, I know. We pointlessly grind a lot expecting random integers of luck.
But it was made similar. I feel powerful being a Star Captain, something I did not being a DragonLord in a long time. I'm aware you could also experience this sensation. Such a character portrayal might have happened since at this "era" account upgrades were seen as subscriptions rather than the true purchases of AE's games.
It is a miracle it is still on, even though probably this game does not take too much of the servers to run. MQ was not abandoned. Weekly releases are a thing the vast majority of games do not have apart from AE. Plus, it is a company. There are taxes, work, and several responsibilities we do not see from outside. Thanks, MQ, for this good time I can live today.

Glais -> RE: Why I became a Star Captain in 2023 (9/19/2023 15:22:52)

MechQuest has always been the most fun to pop into for a few minutes and mess around with builds. They had tapped into such a good gameplay system and I wish the complexity of the game hadn't killed it due to the resources needed. Too many rares, random stat rolls, and repeat quests ultimately made it not draw in people like DF did. I adore both games, DF has the better atmosphere but MQ will always be a bit more fun to play to me.

Warmonger DragonJax -> RE: Why I became a Star Captain in 2023 (9/22/2023 12:44:52)

I got back into Mechquest last year and have been playing semi-regularly, in the small chance of experiencing the childhood joys which I do. Only that I have access to far more items than before and that makes things more fun and not less. The changes of early late 2000's design is yet frozen in time whilst the other games have updated for the better but there is a certain charm to the old and worn that we gain comfort from.

Yes, development might have ground to a halt but the game lives in the community who plays it and I make sure to support the game occasionally still with purchases of Nova Gems and I am happy that you did so with a Star Captain purchase.

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