=AQ= Legion-deery Stalks Lore (Full Version)

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CarrionSpike -> =AQ= Legion-deery Stalks Lore (3/3/2024 11:49:43)


Legion-deery Rare Monster Hunt

Adorable at first glance, this Deery has now become part of the growing Undead Legion Army. Do not underestimate this creature if you happen to come across it as it possesses a unique surprise. This legendary creature can be found randomly throughout Lore. Defeat it in combat and unlock access to an exclusive shop, featuring new Dreadstalker gear!

Legion Limited-Time Shop
Stop by the Legion Limited-Time Shop to find everything you need to show your allegiance to Dage and the Legion with the release of the new Legion Aegis, as well as the return of many fan-favorite items.

This is your last chance to pick up all of your gear from the general Limited-Time Shop before it disappears!

2024 Spring Z-Token Bonus - Ends April 9th!
AdventureQuest is heating up with scorching Z-Token bonuses, so it's time to thaw out and join the fun! For a limited time, you can get up to 35% extra Z-Tokens, as well as unlock a plethora of bonus items with selected packages.

Newsletter Link: https://mailchi.mp/artix.com/2024-legiondeery-rare-monster-hunt

Happy Birthday to Dage! Tag you're it. ~Anim

The Hollow -> RE: =AQ= Legion-deery Stalks Lore (3/7/2024 15:00:45)

We're in the final stages of testing, ensuring there are no unexpected surprises. Expect the release to be rolling out shortly!

CarrionSpike -> RE: =AQ= Legion-deery Stalks Lore (3/7/2024 15:31:54)

Can you elaborate on what "Dreadstalker gear" means? Does that mean a set of weapons (Melee/Ranged/Magic) and a shield?

The Hollow -> RE: =AQ= Legion-deery Stalks Lore (3/7/2024 15:45:14)

^Legion-deery's new gear includes 3 new weapons, shield, misc and 4 player faces, and Kamui already has the info subs posted. The release is live!

Dardiel -> RE: =AQ= Legion-deery Stalks Lore (3/7/2024 18:09:42)

Big fan of the bear trap aesthetic, AQ continues to keep up the sweet visuals.
I do have to mention the whole "trigger vs freedom" thing though - would it not be better in the long run to find a way for stun effects to work against bosses (but with reduced power, such as a suggestion I've made before) so that these items don't need to be these two-mode situations that require more time to create and are more prone to being relatively boring unless they take even MORE time to design to avoid just giving them boilerplate damage boosts?

Ogma -> RE: =AQ= Legion-deery Stalks Lore (3/8/2024 8:10:50)

Has anyone come across the legion-deery yet? RA for one hour has yielded nothing for me.

ruleandrew -> RE: =AQ= Legion-deery Stalks Lore (3/8/2024 8:23:27)

I can confirm you can encounter legion deery through random adventure location.

Lorekeeper -> RE: =AQ= Legion-deery Stalks Lore (3/8/2024 18:22:19)

Legion Deery should now be free of the bug that made shop mobs cause a BSOD when being taken down by a damage per turn effect.

Ogma -> RE: =AQ= Legion-deery Stalks Lore (3/9/2024 14:02:35)

I've spent many hours in RA (to be clear, RA is when you click on the distant mountain right?), but no luck finding it yet. Is there other location where it's easier to find this deery?

Dreiko Shadrack -> RE: =AQ= Legion-deery Stalks Lore (3/9/2024 20:26:43)

Paxia defense forces, attack glacius, flee on the 3rd battle if it's not the deery.

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