=DF= Friday, March 8th Design Notes: Fear Engine: The Aker'varus (Full Version)

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Laeon val Observis -> =DF= Friday, March 8th Design Notes: Fear Engine: The Aker'varus (3/8/2024 22:24:55)


Friday, March 8, 2024
Fear Engine: The Aker'varus
Hey there, heroes!

Just when you thought you found the way out of the Fearscape... One final test stands before you. Kassandra's ultimate fear.


The Aker'varus, terrible beast of legend, has been brought into being as a feargheist— and it's all that stands between you and escape.

Will you, Sirius, and Kass be able to surmount this final challenge and put an end to the Fear Engine? Or will you meet your end at the teeth and claws of the Aker'varus as have so many before?

Find Sirius in Book 3 Falconreach to find out in the finale of the Fear Engine saga! (Note: There will be an Epilogue quest released at a later date!)

Also this week, a new cosmetic item is now available!


The Swiftblade Hood is perfect for any covert and fashionable Rangers! This color-custom hood is the first part of a set, coming later this month!

You can get it from the sales banner in the Book of Lore, or from the cosmetics shop in Bk3 Cysero's superstore!

Finally, a number of fixes and updates! Don't forget to clear cache!
  • Kassandra and Sirius have had their tooltips updated.
  • Artifact hunter Kassandra's Seek skill has had its mana cost reduced to 20, to match real Kassandra.
  • Updated Pirate's Plunder skill's tooltip to fix an incorrect description.
  • Cysero's Spare Hammer has had a special added.
    • On hit: 20% chance to apply -20 Crit for 3 turns.
    • On demand: 5 turn cooldown. 1 hit x 200% damage. Attempts to apply -40 Crit for 6 turns, and also attempts to shrink your foe. If an enemy targetted is shrunk, damage is increased to 1 hit x 400% damage with 300 Crit.
  • Fixed an issue with Epoch's Timeshift tooltips being overwritten in some cases.
  • Ranger's tooltips have been updated!
  • Added an About Ranger dialogue to Zhoom in Bk1 Sandsea.
  • Anything else I may have forgotten!

And that's all for this week!

Paw printed and tagged! ~Gingkage

Flabagast -> RE: =DF= Friday, March 8th Design Notes: Fear Engine: The Aker'varus (3/9/2024 2:02:48)

Cysero's hammer is looking pretty good with that new special... Guess I'll have try the Clashening again.

As per the quest:

Looks like Inanitas is quite mighty even among Celestials if he can straight-up vaporise a creature like that... Let's hope Sirius recovers from the trade!

And I doubt Kassandra will be making it out of the Fearscape...

Also just to note - I like how Inanitas' speech bubble is decorated with swords, similarly to Caeternam having chains on his. Maybe Wargoth's will be different as well?

Vaalirus -> RE: =DF= Friday, March 8th Design Notes: Fear Engine: The Aker'varus (3/10/2024 16:56:10)

Well that was something


I find it rather interesting to hear that not only is the Aker'varus a dragon, which in hindsight was hinted at with that one draconic looking bird feargeist we encountered in the other fearscape, but it is also one that appears to bear a metallic based physiology in its form. Outside of the mechanical robotic dragonoids, I don't think we've seen something like that in Dragonfable at least not to my memory. Would love to see the real thing especially since we know the Arcana did not succeed in defeating the creature. Who knows might even give Kassandra a chance for some actual pay back...if she survives what comes next

On another note, I did not expect that Inanitas itself was actually in the artifact but I think it might explain why no one in the Imperial family has been able to use the necklace's power in generations since the celestial could simply choose who gets to use their magic. Though it still begs the question as to why Sirius has been the only one in the lineage who has been afforded the opportunity to use that power in the many years since the last one. The answer may just be that bloodline has been deemed unworthy until now, what with all the rampant corruption, but I wonder if there's something else going on there. Stranger still is Inanitas statement on wanting Sirius to live because they "have much to do," is he referring to them working on the Southern Empire? Thus meaning Inanitas wants Sirius to become emperor against his wishes? Or perhaps the celestial has other plans they're referring to.

In any event, there's still the fate of Kassandra. It sounds like there's good decent chance of her being trapped in the Fearscape, as opposed to straight up dying in the Fear Engine exploding, which if so makes me think the next step could be to free her from such a fate down the line, provided her being trapped there isn't like some sort of permanent state we simply cannot undo. Though it would be a pretty convenient escape from the Arcana for her if all goes well. As for Sirius, it'll be interesting to see how he develops from here if Kassandra dies or if he simply believes she's been lost forever given that she's really the only positive familial experience he has and he desperately does not want to lose her.


Looks like Inanitas is quite mighty even among Celestials if he can straight-up vaporise a creature like that...

I'm not sure I would go as far as saying that he's especially powerful among his kind given that we really don't know the full extent of the species' prowess especially when you remember the Exalted celestials had to be nerfed significantly for us to even fight them in the simulated tower. We don't really have a proper baseline as to just how much natural offensive power they really hold at least when comparing to each other anyway. Though if Iananitas is indeed a cut above the rest of his kind then I wonder if the six wings he sprouts from Sirius' body is supposed to be reflective of this given, if memory serves right, six winged angels were typically high up on the pecking order of abrahamic faith...and there's the shape of his horns.


Also just to note - I like how Inanitas' speech bubble is decorated with swords, similarly to Caeternam having chains on his. Maybe Wargoth's will be different as well?

mmmm I'm picturing exploding suns or planets for Wargoth's speech bubbles.

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