=AQ= Z-Token Package Updates! (Full Version)

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The Hollow -> =AQ= Z-Token Package Updates! (3/26/2024 14:42:49)

Some required adjustments have been made to the Custom Face Z-Token Package bonus. Custom faces will now be included as a bonus with the new 250K Z-Token Package, and no longer available as a bonus with the 150K package. I understand this may come as an inconvenience, but it has become necessary due to the increasing costs associated with fulfilling orders. The current 150K package will still be available but solely as a means to acquire a larger quantity of Z-Tokens at a discounted rate. Additionally, please note that custom faces can only be redeemed by the character making the purchase, and can no longer be transferred or gifted. Rest assured that any outstanding orders that were previously gifted, or received as part of the old 150K package will continue to be fulfilled.

And to maintain consistency, the following faces in the Custom Face Shop will be removed later this week and will return with updated pricing, levels and names to match up with the other faces in the shop (Lvl 25 and 1000 Z-Tokens).

  • SOUP
  • Googly Gogg
  • Hooded Skull
  • M'Scythe
  • Vampire Knight
  • Mango No Mango

    We've also introduced a new 300K package, offering the best value if you're just looking for a massive haul of Z-Tokens!

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