UR GGB purchase priority (Full Version)

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Ogma -> UR GGB purchase priority (4/7/2024 8:38:16)

What would be the purchase priority for a beastmage? Currently I have :
- Poelala (pet+guest)
- Creature 72 (guest)
- Prime Chaos Orb

Also I was looking for TimeKiller spell but it seems not in GGB?

Sapphire -> RE: UR GGB purchase priority (4/7/2024 12:42:28)

TK is a GGB crossover.

I would say the list you have already are probably the main things, but there are other items to get. The most attractive I guess is a matter of opinion, and could depend on what you prefer in terms of playstyle.

Cr72-I recommend also getting the pet. Panic stacking with both is insane.
Silas-Dual Fire/darkness elevuln stacks purely on top of other fire and darkness elevulns instead of averaging in the current stack.
Mosquito- Obv it's good, and even better if you own Nightangel's Incarnation
Lust/Envy-For Lucky Strike shenanigans. These outperform every other pet booster

Quadmod-For those without Quadforce
Nekomancer Empress Doll- The redesign is very very very strong.
Summoning Stone- Goes well with Bunnies and for Guest damage boosting
Warlics Oblivion Sphere- +50 INT and LUCK might even beat a +20% damage misc , especially when you consider the 8 BTH boost. Also, +50 main-stat is +10 status potency when major inflict is that main-stat

Dragonguard-Lucky strike shenanigans.
Summon-All the booster guests- Element specific boosters vastly outperform Poelala, at the cost of slots. NEcromoglin might be worth it with Necromancer alone
Furious Troggle- Unlimited BTH
Summon Queen Agea -Elevuln stacking for a Beastmaster is one of the most powerful starts
Mosquito- Same as pet, although usually pets are better than guests in terms of healers
Invincible heart-For those without invincible star
Twisted Siphon- Not as strong as when SC lean unintentionally helped healing.

Golden Dragon Head SHield-Great for Dodge-Lucky Strikes if you wish to do that instead of dodgelash
Mindbreaker defender-Omni defloss + blind quick cast. One of the best shields in the game esp for Mages as it's INT inflict, although the stat revamp normalizing pet/guest BTH makes it not quite as useful


Bards of War- Very good staple for beastmasters
Monsterlord-Leaving in a few days. Might be worth it

Cutlasses-Can be used with NEko's free spell that eats burn for a +30% boost. Nekomancer!
Seraph Calamity/WInged sapphire/Underworld/Luminous whiff- Some combos exist that make their non-burn effects quite good.

Ogma -> RE: UR GGB purchase priority (4/9/2024 15:21:37)

Thank you for you input, much appreciated!

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