Bamboo Chime (Full Version)

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Shindou -> Bamboo Chime (6/9/2006 16:01:31)

Bamboo Chime
This staff was made from a piece of bamboo from a beautiful bamboo grove. It has a single chime in it that rings with a pure tone.
(No DA Required)

Location: It's A Dirty Job... (Books 1 and 2), Forest Cave (Books 1 and 2), DeathKnight, Doomwood Destroyers, Mystery Doors, Undead Assault
Price: N/A
Sellback: 72 Gold

Level: 13
Damage: 18-48
Element: Wind
Stats: Block +1, Parry +5, Crit +1, Pierce Def +5
Resists: None

Rarity: 2
Item Type: Staff
Damage Type: Magic
Equip Spot: Weapon
Category: Weapon


Thanks to
  • Silver for image.
  • AngeL AzraeL, aNyThInG, Chuf, daynewolf036, DGal_14, Icyhell, King Diego 41, and Sonarous for information.
  • AztecArcher, Jay, and Peachii for corrections.

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