Vamp (Full Version)

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skyboy59 -> Vamp (3/8/2005 14:20:02)

Vamp / Vampire Transformation / Advanced Vamp

Darkness Armour. Subrace Armour

Location: Vampire Castle (Vamp [10], Advanced Vamp [70, 90, 120, 135, 150]); Temp version called Vampire Transformation automatically added to a Subrace slot in your inventory when you become a level 0 Vampire.
Element: Darkness
	ClassLv	0	1	2	3	4	5	6	7	8	9	10	10	10	10	10	10
	Level		-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	70	95	120	135	150
	PLevel	10 MC	13 MC	16 MC	19 MC	22 MC	25 MC	28 MC	31 MC	34 MC	37 MC	40 MC	70 MC	95 MC	120 MC	135 MC	153 MC
	Price	146	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	23032	184868	4229511	20236032 96820665
	Sell	73	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	11516	92434	2114755	10118016 48410332
	Melee	32	32	33	33	34	34	35	35	36	36	37	42	45	50	52	55
	Ranged	22	22	23	23	24	24	25	25	26	26	27	32	35	40	42	45
	Magic	27	27	28	28	29	29	30	30	31	31	32	37	40	45	47	50
	Fire	100	100	100	100	100	100	100	100	100	100	100	93	93	93	90	90
	Water	105	105	105	105	105	105	105	105	105	105	105	100	100	100	95	95
	Ice	99	97	97	97	95	95	94	94	94	94	94	85	84	84	83	82
	Wind	96	91	91	89	87	87	85	82	81	79	79	67	58	51	46	42
	Earth	99	97	97	97	95	95	94	94	94	94	94	84	84	84	83	82
	Energy	97	95	95	93	91	90	89	87	86	86	85	69	70	65	59	56
	Light	110	110	110	110	110	110	110	110	110	110	110	105	105	105	100	100
	Dark	92	90	87	85	84	82	80	79	78	75	75	63	54	47	42	39
Hits: 2
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
	BR%	65	69.5	74	78.5	83	87.5	92	96.5	101	105.5	110	155	185	230	252.5	 279.5
	Stat%	166	185.8	205.6	225.4	245.2	265	284.8	304.6	324.4	344.2	364	281	347	446	495.5	 554.9
	BTH	1	1	2	2	2	3	3	3	4	4	5	8	11	15	16	 19
  • You receive Armour Lean x1.25
  • If you are a Level 10 Vampire and have completed Safiria's final Subrace Quest, your Vampire Transformation will automatically be upgraded to the Level 70 version. As you level up, when your character level meets the next armour level, it will automatically upgrade to the next available tier (90, 120, 135, 150G).
  • The appearance is based on your hair colour and whether your face is male or female.

    Draw upon your inner strength and transform into a Vampire! - Vampire Transformation
    Serving Queen Safiria proudly in the battle against the Werewolf King and his army. - Vamp
    Serving Queen Safiria proudly in the battle against the Werewolf King and his army. This armour is only usable by players who have properly unlocked it by completing the advanced vampire quest. - Advanced Vamp




    Level 1: Blood-Letting - Toggle
    Time to spill some blood! This skill empowers your weapon attacks and spells to cause your foe to start bleeding from their wounds! This costs «» per turn to maintain.
      Toggle. At the end of your turn, you pay the listed SP cost and your opponent starts Bleeding (0.2*[Hits connected]/[Hits attempted] power). It counts all your weapon attacks and spell hits. [MainStat] is determined based on the last applicable hit. Your opponent can resist with a save at a +0 bonus.
        Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLvl
        Major: MainStat vs MonsterEND
        Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK
    	Lvl	10	13	16	19	22	25	28	31	34	37	40	70	90	120	135	150G
    	SPCost	9	11	12	13	14	16	17	18	20	21	22	39	51	72	84	98

    Level 2: Drink - Passive Guardian Only
    Now that you got your opponent's blood flowing, it's time for a sip! This ability lets you heal HP equal to 25% of the damage inflicted by the Bleed Status
      When your opponent takes damage from bleeding, you heal HP equal to 25% of the damage.

    Level 3: Alluring Pressence - Toggle
    Vampires have a certain mystique about them, making them seem unearthly and liminal and other fancy words. You can now draw upon your vampire powers to enhance your CHA at the cost of a small MP upkeep.
      Boosts Charisma for the listed MP cost per turn
    	Lvl	10	13	16	19	22	25	28	31	34	37	40	70	90	120	135	150G
    	CHA	15	15	20	20	25	25	30	30	35	35	35	45	45	45	50	50
    	MP	10	10	14	14	17	17	21	21	24	24	24	42	42	42	47	47

    Level 4: Mesmerize - Active Guardian Only
    Gaze at your opponent and convince them to attack themself! This quick-cast skill doesn't take a turn to cast. This skill is only usable twice per turn
      Quick-cast skill. Does not use a turn. Maximum of 2 casts per turn. Pay the listed SP to inflict Control on your opponent (1.0982 Turns). The opponent can resist with a save at +20 bonus.
        Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLvl
        Major: YourCHA vs MonsterCHA
        Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK
    	Lvl	10	13	16	19	22	25	28	31	34	37	40	70	90	120	135	150G
    	SPCost	19	21	24	26	28	31	34	36	39	42	45	77	102	144	168	196

    Level 5: Children of the Night - Active
    Call forth a swarm of bats to battle by your side! The bats costs a bit of mana every turn to keep under your control and can leave your foe Blinded, Vulnerable, and Bleeding!
      Summons a Bat Swarm as a Guest. Use the skill again to dismiss the Swarm. Summoning or dismissing it will not use a turn.

    Level 6: Mist Form Guardian Only
    Temporarily transform yourself into a cloud of mist to heal yourself! Then, leave a cloud of mist over the battlefield, enhancing your blocking!
      Heals you for the listed amount. Afterwards, you gain a Defence Boost (3 rounds, +20.238 defence)

    	Lvl	10	13	16	19	22	25	28	31	34	37	40	70	90	120	135	150G
    	Damage	4-12	5-14	5-16	6-18	7-21	8-23	8-25	9-28	10-30	11-33	12-35	22-66	30-91	44-133	53-157	63-188
    	Stat	58.1	65.03	71.96	78.89	85.82	92.75	99.68	106.61	113.54	120.47	127.4	196.7	242.9	312.2	346.85	388.43
    	SPCost	19	21	24	26	28	31	34	36	39	42	45	193	255	360	419	490

    Level 7: Eldritch Attunement - Passive
    Your connection to the mystical grows stronger, letting you gain a bit of MP each round.
      Every turn, regenerate the listed MP per round.
    	Lvl	10	13	16	19	22	25	28	31	34	37	40	70	90	120	135	150G
    	MPHeal	2.5	2.8	3.1	3.5	3.8	4.1	4.5	4.9	5.2	5.6	6	10.3	13.6	19.2	22.3	26.4

    Level 8: Ancient Wisdom - Toggle Guardian Only
    Vampires are immortal, barring any mistakes. That old age lets you draw on eldritch secrets, granting you a boost to your INT for a small MP upkeep.
      Boosts Intellect for the listed MP cost per turn
    	Lvl	10	13	16	19	22	25	28	31	34	37	40	70	90	120	135	150G
    	INT	15	15	20	20	25	25	30	30	35	35	35	45	45	45	50	50
    	MP	10	10	14	14	17	17	21	21	24	24	24	42	42	42	47	47

    Level 9: Nightfall - Active
    Call forth the powers of the night to cast this spell, inflicting high Darkness damage to your foe!
      Darkness SPell that deals the listed damage. Does not respect your weapon special.
    Element: Darkness
    Hits: 1
    	Level	10	13	16	19	22	25	28	31	34	37	40	70	90	120	135	150G	
    SPCost	Magic	47	53	59	65	71	78	84	91	98	105	112	193	255	360	419	490	
    	Mel/Ran	38	42	47	52	57	62	67	73	78	84	90	154	204	288	335	392
    	Damage	3-11	4-12	5-13	5-16	6-17	6-20	7-22	8-24	9-25	11-34	12-39	80-241	111-335	170-508	207-618	234-703	
    	Stat%	186.75	209.03	231.3	253.58	275.85	298.13	320.4	342.68	364.95	466.81	509.76	716.49	898.47	1192.85	1367.67	1451.9	
    	BTH	2	3	4	4	5	6	7	7	8	9	10	17	22	30	33	38	

    Level 10: Evolve - Toggle Guardian Only

    Draw upon secret necrotic energies to transform yourself! This transforms you into a more powerful form, increasing your damage at the cost of your defences. You also pay « » MP and « » SP per turn to further buff your damage and heal HP based on the damage inflicted!
      Armour becomes fully-offensive ( Armour Lean x1.25).
      If you have the listed MP/SP Cost, your armour attacks deal the listed damage. Melee/Ranged Specials deal 1.75x damage, Magic Specials deal 2x damage. Spells cast in this form gain +37.5% non-LS damage. You lose access to all Active Abilities. Normal attacks become:
    HITS: 4
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: «As Weapon»
    	Mel/Ran								Magic
    	PowLvl	40	70	90	120	135	150G		PowLvl	40	70	90	120	135	150G
    	BR%	110	155	185	230	252.5	279.5		BR%	82.5	116.25	138.75	172.5	189.38	209.63
    	Stat%	91	140.5	173.5	223	247.75	277.45		Stat%	91	140.5	173.5	223	247.75	277.45
    	BtH	5	8	11	15	16	19		BtH	5	8	11	15	16	19
    	MPCost	30	51	68	96	112	131		MPCost	30	51	68	96	112	131
    	SPCost	45	77	102	144	168	196		SPCost	45	77	102	144	168	196
    Bonus Stat damage is increased to STR/4 for Melee, STR/5+DEX/10 for Ranged, and INT/4 for Magic. Your attacks take -12.5% (Melee/Ranged) or -25% (Magic) additive damage. This does not affect LS damage; not factored into the numbers above. All damage dealt in this form deal a further *7/8 damage (This includes Spells). You heal HP = 1/8 of the damage dealt. If you do not have enough MP/SP, then it does a normal 2 Hit attack instead.


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Evolved Male Image thanks to Zeldax. Vamp Female Image thanks to mega000200.


    Starts off as a standard armour attack:
    ClassLv	0	1	2	3	4	5	6	7	8	9	10	10	10	10	10	10
    PowLvl	10	13	16	19	22	25	28	31	34	37	40	70	90	120	135	153
    BR%	130	139	148	157	166	175	184	193	202	211	220	310	370	460	505	559
    Stat%	166	185.8	205.6	225.4	245.2	265	284.8	304.6	324.4	344.2	364	562	694	892	991	1109.8
    BTH	1	1	2	2	2	3	3	3	4	4	5	8	11	15	16	19
    With two equally powerful hits, each hit does *1/2 damage.
    Lvl. 10: The SP-Costing attack deals *2 BR%. When used with a Magic weapon, it takes *0.75 BR%. With four equally powerful hits, each hit does *1/4 damage.

    Lvl. 6 and Lvl. 9 start out as standard skills:
    ClassLv	6	7	8	9	10	10	10	10	10	10
    PowLvl	28	31	34	37	40	70	90	120	135	153
    Damage	24-72	31-94	29-86	31-94	34-101	63-189	86-259	127-380	150-448	179-537
    Stat%	284.8	344.2	324.4	344.2	364	562	694	892	991	1109.8
    BTH	7	9	8	9	10	17	22	30	33	38
    EleComp	N/A	N/A	N/A	1.20552	1.24483	1.27490	1.29463	1.33728	1.38009	1.27490
    Lvl. 6: Deals *0.85 as an auto-hit penalty. Takes -50% additive damage to pay for the Defence Boost.
    Lvl. 9: Multiplied by the listed EleComp.


    November 19, 2004: The armour was released as the Vamp armour.
    October 20, 2017: The armour was updated

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