Smoke Mountain (Full Version)

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Suikoman444 -> Smoke Mountain (8/12/2006 0:49:56)

Smoke Mountain Quest

Location: Travel Map > Travel South > Smoke Mountain

Rumors abound of a dozen Adventurers who journeyed to the western slope of ancient Smoke Mountain, once home to the legendary dragon Akriloth. A new monster called the Terrible Tharg is said to have claimed the mountain, and all who have challenged him have failed. Will YOU rise to the task??

«You»: Such a desolate, ruined place. It's amazing anything can survive here. HELLO!!! Is anyone here??«You»: I did not mean to ask if there were any MONSTERS here. Whew...maybe I should just turn back.
Nifaria: I am Nifaria. Why have you come here??
«You»: Whoa!! I, uh....I am looking for the Terrible Tharg. I have come to challenge the beast!
Nifaria: Ahhh yes...another mortal dares walk on Tharg's soil.
«You»: *gulp* Is this Tharg--immortal?
Nifaria: No, he is not. But I am, as an Elemental Fire Spirit. I am descended from a long line of Fire Mystics. My sister is Mercuria--though she is still alive.
Nifaria: When Mercuria dies, she will become like me. Our bloodline courses with elemental magic.
«You»: That's all well and good, but I only need to know one thing: Where is Tharg?
Nifaria: You are quick to risk death...You will find Tharg just on the other side of the fire fields behind me.
Nifaria: He is resting now, after dining on a Frost Giant that his minions imported all the way from the Northlands.
Nifaria: Good luck to you... May you not be Tharg's dessert.
«You»: THAAARRRGGGG!! It's time to see who is king of the mountain!!
Tharg: SNIFF SNIFF Is that my second course, minions??
«You»: hmmm....His voice came from pretty high up on the screen... That's usually not a good thing.«You»: Now THAT is what I call a victory! Maybe I should put "terrible" in front of my name too!

Tharg Hide

«You»: Now I can wear Tharg wherever I go...hehehe...

Entry thanks to Mogster. Last line from X/Mercenary. Guardian requirement thanks to Archlist.

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