RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (Full Version)

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mike da man -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (6/3/2007 1:19:18)

On the walk around quest (via Robina the hood), when you read the first or second sign (I can't remember), it says Captian Rhubarb. The highlighted word should be Captain Rhubarb rather than Captian Rhubarb.

And even if they wre, only use your sig once per page.

rpgguy2003 -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (6/9/2007 5:46:32)

In Dark Cloud Artix says"Togather we were able to defeat the Exodus." it should be Together

mythbuster2 -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (6/9/2007 12:36:38)

in troll form it says "as a troll you do triple damage whith a lowered bonus to hit.....trolls are slow afetr all" where is should say "after all"

*Description was amended previously*

.*. .*. .*. -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (6/10/2007 15:01:14)

Koofu Kaller's description: This special whiste lets you call for your Koofu!

The bold part should be whistle.


Arkarian -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (6/11/2007 3:34:26)

In The Devourer Saga Part one, Yulgar says "I'm getting a really BAD VIBE fromn you--"

which in fact should be "I'm getting a really BAD VIBE from you--"

Also in part three of the Devourer Saga or called "Chase the Huntress" when talking to Epheel the spider mage he says "follow the HUntress--"

Which should be "follow the Huntress"

This message brought to you by Arkarian, the proud lvl 45 ninja

Soul Keeper -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (6/14/2007 21:37:40)

In the death worms:

Native to the steamiest jungles, the Death Worms are used as assassin -

It should be assassinS.


caboodle -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (6/16/2007 12:27:20)

The predecessor has a typo in its desc. Last sentence reads: Their race has now serves the devourer.


Soul Keeper -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (6/21/2007 18:15:16)

In galrik's speech he said "About the twlfth time he drops you in Third City" Twlfth is spelled TWELFTH!

Zorbak says "It may be my borther is the bil one" It is spelled "brother" and "ebil"
not borther and bil

mike da man -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (6/22/2007 3:55:32)

In the screen where you can buy pet Twig (the moglin), it says for his description it says "I wuv fish and ice cream!!" Not that it's major or anything, but doesnt't Twig usually say "Ice Cweam?

No sigs on this board.

LightningIsMyName -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (6/22/2007 8:31:23)

New bugs quest:

Kabroz says: "It may be that my brother is the bil one" it should be Ebil

teddi cool -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (6/24/2007 8:33:55)

i have 2 typos : in the pit it says you hav e found a secret it should be you have found a secret:

also nemesis plate description says this l plate.why is the L there?
*already fixed*

davidlin -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (6/24/2007 22:35:31)

Not sure if it goes here, but it does have to do with text. The Dire Staff of Nihilus is not red in the character look-ups.
*That's not a typo, but it has been fixed*

Notspelling -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (6/28/2007 14:55:06)

in The Devourer Saga, Play Part 4, Warlic says"

We are all together here for one reason... Yo learn what can about the Devourer before it is too late...

I think it should be... We are all together here for one reason... To learn what we can about the devourer before it is too late...

Also in the Devourer Saga, Play Part 4, it says...
The greatest race at the time of The'Galin's last arrival was the Drakel. In the distance past the Drakel represent (I think should be represented because its the past)...
a link between Humanity and Dragonkind, and yet they are not half-dragons.... so on intill

With their 'magiscience' the Drakel build cities that were able to withstand The'Galin's destructive powers.

Also, it should be built because it was 1000 years ago.

ADDED: And ALSO in the devourer saga, part 4, the Huntress says...

I still appear young because living in-between universes, as The'Galin does, halts the flow of time. WHile I am here on Lore, I am aging normally.

That should be While.

Paladin Dracomancer -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (6/28/2007 21:05:56)

In the Sinister Seven Cutscene:


Should be our, not or.

Drakonnas Helm: Wear the helm of the great energy wizard, borther of Drakonnan...

Should be brother, not borther.

Also: I looked but didn't see this, but for Super Chiken:

...but at least it is on YOR side!

Obviously should be YOUR, not YOR.

Merged double post.

mike da man -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (7/5/2007 23:21:19)

On the new Transfarmers quest, the final boss's descriptions says "autozards and decpedragons." Decpedragons should say DecepDragons. And autozard should say AutoZard

Irish Buddha -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (7/6/2007 0:56:34)

When finishing the Necro quest, there is this typo...

"I will be able to increase BY powers several times"


Paladin Dracomancer -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (7/6/2007 12:57:19)

Transfarmers Quest:

You: Well, uh, one will stand, the other will fal!! Yeah!

Should be either one will stand, the other will fall! or one will stand, the other will fall!!

davidlin -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (7/7/2007 11:12:19)

In Transfarmers Quest:
Robina: Hehehe... Yeah, I'm sure the Dragons did it even though I. a ranger...

This should be I'm

Lady_Sif -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (7/11/2007 19:44:00)

Temple of Hope, Quest for the Fire Orb:

The intro to the Fire Orb quest contains two references to "a hoard of fire monsters." It should be HORDE.

Paladin Dracomancer -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (7/13/2007 15:40:41)

In the scroll for the Network War: "They fight for the Devourer in order to preserver what's what little they left of their homes..."

Should be preserve, not preserver.

Mutation Seeker -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (7/14/2007 16:10:44)

The Demon Spectre is called "DemonSpectre" but its description says, "The Demon Spectre..." with the space.

Mutation Seeker -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (7/16/2007 18:16:14)

In the Beach Bugs quest, Galrick says, "About the twlfth time he drops you in Third City." It should be, "About the twelfth time..."

Kosefira -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (7/17/2007 1:31:45)

Tiki Masher description. It reads:
'...although usually you cannot here it because the monster...
It should say:
'...although usually you cannot hear it because the monster...

Mutation Seeker -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (7/18/2007 22:56:15)

The scroll that appears at the beginning of the Level 0 Dracomancer Quest says, " must complete your SPirit Quest..." instead of "... you must complete your Spirit Quest..."

Seedling -> RE: AQ typos. Read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (7/20/2007 12:48:26)

Falerin: By Keesish the Owl of Eldron The Good!(real)

Falerin:By Keeshish the Owl of Eldron The Good!(should be)

MIK says Overharged when it should say overcharged

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