The STO - Student Teacher Organizantion (Full Version)

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Teh Shadow -> The STO - Student Teacher Organizantion (9/21/2006 20:19:27)

Welcome To The STO


what is the STO? The sto (stands for Student Teacher Organization) is a group dedicated to bringing teachers and students togethor.

Do we have forums? yes, FORUMS (thx Taylor R and Dragon!)

The Principal

Teh Shadow ~ I am here to assist you with all problems

The Assistant

Bramble ~ In Charge Of Thread While I'm Not Here/School

Head Of Technical Support

_Depression ~ Master Of The Fourms. Report To Him For All Fourm Needs

The Vice Principals (VP's)

They are generally good at everything, and as such have been recognized by their fellow teachers. (Have Mod Powers on Fourms.)

Taylor R.

STO Hall of Fame

Wu218: Founder of the STO
Siris99: 2nd Principal of this Fine School

Former VP's (aka prefects) who no longer teach here
The One To Rule

The teachers:

*note: student number= max number of students the teacher will teach

[image][/image] Teh Shadow
Teach - GIMP and PS (one only)
Specialty - Sigs/Banners/Avvys
Student number - 2
students: TKill(GIMP), FireBrander(CS2), AQ Boi

[image][/image] I.Char
Teaches: Photoshop, Terragen, and Cinema 4D
specialty: Any digital art.
note: I can do animation. But it's only simple (i.e. The have come
Student number: 3
students: tinytiger10, FLCL., MyName
tutorial: iChar's Happiness tut

[image][/image] Taylor R
Teaches: Photoshop Elements 3.0, terragen and GIMP
note: none
Student number: 2 GIMP & 1 PS
students:john anderson smith, .Body

Ansel aka Ice cream Man
Teaches: Hand Drawn Art
specialty:Anime, graffiti, anything hand drawn
note: if there is anything special like animation that you do.
Student number: 3 max
students: Hell Dragon and MAF1A & Gotag

[Temp. Resign]

Teaches: Poetry
Specialty: Freestyle Poetry
Student number: Any number, but they must know what they would like to learn
students: none yet

Teaches: GIMP
Specialty: Rendering and blending
Student number: 2
students: l0ganb

[image][/image]Kereo Takana
Teaches: Gimp, HTML/Skinning, Pivot, or Animating in Gimp/Spriting.
Specialty: High Quality HTML, Power Pivoting, Manga, Spriting and Sprite Animating.
Note: Activity is REQUIRED along with MSN or Yahoo! Messengers. No more PM's about private tutoring. If you do, I won't accept you here, or in the PM. Always ask here.
Student Limit: 5
students: camelburp, Damaster12

messenger contacts: MUST CONTACT THROUGH THESE
Yahoo: kereotakana

Teaches: Pivot
Specialty: Effects
NOTE here to answer questions, is retired

Tutorial: Simple effects guide for pivot:

Teaches: Cinema4D and Photoshop CS
Specialty: Digital Art
Student number: 1
students: .:Monty:.

Teaches: Photoshop, GIMP
specialty: sigs
note: nothing too special
Student number: 3 per program
students: Driger89 (PS) darklord517 (ps), Sir Chatalot (PS), The Invictor (gimp), l0ganb

[image][/image] Nuclearnerd
Teaches: Pivot
Specialty: General
NOTE here to answer questions, is retired
Tutorial: walking tut

[image][/image] .Passion//
Teaches: Photoshop, Poetry, Gimp
specialty: Sig's, Poetry XD
note: Old-Expert in Gimp
Student number: Any
students: Klanek, ravemaster_13, fre0082, silent15420, Gio1000, Kaiba365
om/f/tm.asp?m=5622187]HTML Tutorial[/link]

I Gots The Gun!
Teaches: Pivot, Comic Making
specialty: Effects
Student number: 1 main student(first student, if student away i focus on second .etc, if all students leave then first student will become main) 4 normal students.
Students: None

teaches: PS CS2
scpeciality: Tags
Number of students: 1, 2 if they have msn

The Black Knight
Teaches: Photoshop CS2, C4D, terragen(a bit)
number of students:1
student: Zero Hex Driger89(c4d)

[image][/image] Darklord
Teach - RPG Maker XP
Specialty - Scripting, Mapping
Student number - 2 for starters
Students: dormedas, RandAlThor

[image][/image] Bramble
Teaches: GIMP, CS2
scpeciality: sigs/avvys/banners
Number of students:2 for each program
students: *Le Gasp*(GIMP) _Chaos_ (PS) Steel 908 (GIMP) [AD].Blade(PS)

[image][/image] Godx
Teaches: Photoshop CS2 and teaches a bit of bryce 5
speciality: sigs
Number of students: 1 student
students: tissue

[image][/image] CaMoFlage 1334
Teaches: Weapons, Microsoft Paint, GIMP splicing
specialty: Any
note: I can do some effects (lightning, fire, rain, ect)
Student number: 2

[image][/image] l0ganb
# of Students:5
students: Lasagnaoflore

[image][/image] The One to Rule
Teaches: PS CS2 (basic) GIMP (Advanced)
specialty: Tags
Student number: 4
students: The nightmare mina,

[image][/image] Appel
Teaches: Flash Animating, Illustrating & Basis Actions.
Specialty: Illustrating
Note: I will only teach people if they already have Flash 5/ MX or 8.
Students Number: 5
Students: Khat, Darklord 517, Sanjie
Tutorials: AppelX's Tutorials

Teaches: GIMP
specialty: BGs
Student number: 2
students: none

To Apply As:

A Student:
Simply post here saying who you would like to teach you and in what subject. If the teacher you requested has their max number of students fufilled, then please request another teacher.

A Teacher: Send me a pm with the bio filled out (what each teacher has written about them above). Also, send me several examples for each program you wish to teach

A VP: you must be a teacher already and have two teachers nominate you (by sending me a pm)

To begin lessons, please pm the teacher you requested ONCE I SAY YOU ARE IN!

Special Note To Teachers: If you wish to have an emblem or sprite or anything of some sort placed next to you bio, please pm me the link so I may add it.

STUDENTS: If you know a teacher who is inactive, please inform me

Waxxington -> RE: The STO - Student Teacher Organizantion (9/21/2006 20:51:34)

I wanna be assistant.anyway congrats on becoming principal[:D]

Tkill93 -> RE: The STO - Student Teacher Organizantion (9/21/2006 20:51:36)

can you remove me from Ts1 and add me to Teh Shadow for gimp

Teh Shadow -> RE: The STO - Student Teacher Organizantion (9/21/2006 21:01:36)

Tkill - Done Mate, PM me With an Example To Began

L0gan - Thx lol, But you have to earn my trust first lol.

Banner Coming Soon(If Bram Gets Finished With It Quick)
And Looking For assistant so be on ur toes.

Zero Hex -> RE: The STO - Student Teacher Organizantion (9/21/2006 21:07:26)

:3 Could you remove me completely? Thanks. ^-^

[AD].Blade -> RE: The STO - Student Teacher Organizantion (9/21/2006 21:44:56)

isnt badger boy gone? if so can i be mem's student?


and kereo are gone

Teh Shadow -> RE: The STO - Student Teacher Organizantion (9/21/2006 22:16:03)

Zero - Done.

[AD] - Thx for update. PM him to begin.

[AD].Blade -> RE: The STO - Student Teacher Organizantion (9/21/2006 23:14:57)

kk ty

The Falcon -> RE: The STO - Student Teacher Organizantion (9/22/2006 4:59:18)

Could Darklord517 be removed as my student, its been like a month and I never heard from him >.<

Teh Shadow -> RE: The STO - Student Teacher Organizantion (9/22/2006 8:12:07)

Alright, done

Bramble -> RE: The STO - Student Teacher Organizantion (9/22/2006 11:01:06)

I'll be ur assistan I'm on pretty much everday :P
Oh and I never said i'd make the banner ¬_¬
But might as well xD

John Anderson Smith -> RE: The STO - Student Teacher Organizantion (9/22/2006 12:53:35)

So siris left [&o]

No more Weapon lessons for me [:(]

And I'm only Taylor's Student now... (Not _Dperession and .Passion//'s [&:])

Good luck on maintaining the Thread and the Organization TS ;)

Good luck on the Banner Bramble xD

Memorex -> RE: The STO - Student Teacher Organizantion (9/22/2006 17:14:42)

Teh Shadow plz remove me from the list of teachers, i no loner have time to teach anyone

Teh Shadow -> RE: The STO - Student Teacher Organizantion (9/22/2006 17:43:25)

Alright Mem.

Hm, I was counting on you Bram....I though you where my friend *Sniff* You got the position.....for now I guess....(It's cuz I know ur loyal :P)

JAS - Done and thx lol.

John Anderson Smith -> RE: The STO - Student Teacher Organizantion (9/22/2006 17:44:50)

Lol, I re-edited the post when you were writting that one [:D]

Difference: I'm not .Passion//'s Student either [&:]

Teh Shadow -> RE: The STO - Student Teacher Organizantion (9/22/2006 17:47:34)

lol, Done.

John Anderson Smith -> RE: The STO - Student Teacher Organisation (9/22/2006 17:48:57)

The STO - Student Teacher Organizantion

I just noticed that [:D]

Teh Shadow -> RE: The STO - Student Teacher Organisation (9/22/2006 17:50:02)

lol, I copyed it from Siris, so yeh not my falt we both cant spell lol.

Bramble -> RE: The STO - Student Teacher Organisation (9/22/2006 17:50:15)

Woot I made assistnat! :P
Ty Mav I'll get to work on the banner soon :)

Teh Shadow -> RE: The STO - Student Teacher Organisation (9/22/2006 17:51:13)

Hey, me and you have been friends since we both had GIMP....although I started before you lol.

John Anderson Smith -> RE: The STO - Student Teacher Organisation (9/22/2006 17:52:17)

Bad, bad spelling siris [:D]

It's spelled Organisation [;)]

Congratulations Bramble :D

Edit: Weeeeeeeeeeee-heeeeeeeeeeeeeee. 1st day and 2nd page already? :O

Teh Shadow -> RE: The STO - Student Teacher Organisation (9/22/2006 17:55:18)

eh, yeh....the 1 day aneversery is like 6:00 P.M. EST

siris99 -> RE: The STO - Student Teacher Organisation (9/22/2006 18:59:48)

I technically copied it from wu; I just modified most of his hold style into nonexistence. Me speel welll ([:D])

Glad to see this is flourishing now, it kind of validates my decision.

Teh Shadow -> RE: The STO - Student Teacher Organisation (9/22/2006 19:22:37)

lol mee speel weel tooooo[8D]

Lol, but a few people have quit, y know...

_Depression -> RE: The STO - Student Teacher Organisation (9/22/2006 19:31:59)

Can I be assistant *gives cute anime eyes*? I use GIMP, ya know *winkwink*.

NEway, can someone turn me off of temp. resigned?! And preferably make my only student l0ganb. But take it one step at a time. I know Prinicpal's have a ton of stuff to get done. xD

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