Friday 13th Invasion! (Full Version)

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Lord Darkovia -> Friday 13th Invasion! (10/13/2006 17:18:11)

Friday the 13th Invasion

Location: Falconreach -> Left -> Defend Town
Level/Quest/Items required: None
Release Date: October 13th, 2006

Objective: It is Friday the 13th and the Undead are attacking town and they are all wearing... uh... hockey masks? You must stand tall as wave after wave of the terrifying and oddly dressed undead attack, and save town from this horror-movie-like threat!
Objective completed: It is Friday the 13th and the Undead are attacking town and they are all wearing... uh... hockey masks? You must stand tall as wave after wave of the terrifying and oddly dressed undead attack, and save town from this horror-movie-like threat!

Scaled Yes/No: Yes

Introduction/War Meter

(X) Deadwood
(X) Eyeball
(X) Slime
(X) Skeletal Minion
Joke Wave - (1) Slime "Oh my ... is it your unlucky day."


Defender's Medal
13th Dagger (All Versions)
13th Staff (All Versions)
13th Sword (All Versions)
13th Mask
The 13th Ring

Side Quests

Dialogs around Falconreach:
Ash: The town is under attack to the East! Is this related to Friday the 13th? Let me and Twilly come with you!

  • Talk
    Ash: The undead are attacking the town! ... and I think they are wearing hocky masks! Take me with you, I can help defend the town!

    Twilly: Friday the 13th is so spoooky! Let Twillies join you and we can defend town together!

    Serenity: Welcome to the Falconreach Inn! Have you been helping to defend our town from the undead!


    Boss Fight: The 13th Mystery

  • Wave image

    Thanks to
    -- rey mysterio for info.
    -- grimreaper9.5 for info.
    -- Pink_Star for some corrections.
    -- Peachii for a rewrite.

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