Spinning Death (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [DragonFable] >> [DF Encyclopedia] >> Weapons


AngeL AzraeL -> Spinning Death (10/26/2006 20:32:00)

[image]https://media.artix.com/encyc/df/tags/DA.png[/image]Spinning Death
The blade of this Dragon Amulet weapon has been places on an free-spinning axle and is enchanted to spin so the blade hits in a random place every strike. This ensures that the blade stays sharp as long as possible.

Location: Lugosi's Shop
Price: 1,600 Gold
Sellback: 160 Gold

Level: 18
Damage: 32-50
Element: Metal
Bonuses: Crit +1
Resists: None

Rarity: 2
Item Type: Axe
Damage Type: Melee
Equip Spot: Weapon
Category: Weapon

Other information
  • Weapon is animated; circular blade rotates continuously.


    Thanks to
  • Jay for image, other information, and corrections.
  • Dark_dragon_Slayer68 for sellback information.
  • Stephen Nix for corrections.

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