RE: Meet the ArchKnights - Ancient One *Online* (Full Version)

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Tharg Bloodaxe -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights - Ancient One *Online* (3/30/2005 14:36:02)

Tell me what your age is numerically in Orcish.

I do not like Orcish ^_^

Is Google the source of your power? Don't lie, globuurz humie. :p

No. Rather I am Google's sourse of power

What did you do for a living before you learned magic and became an 'Ancient'?

Sold kitties

What is the 9th element?

Element X?

What is your favorite profound quote?

It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that they are difficult.

Would you consider a wizard bent on genocide of a race by tempting adventurers with magical items as payment, an evil person?

Depends o nthe race.

Do you believe in true orc lovin'? *winks*

Errr... I suppose...

Describe my sig using only word.


demonhunter -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights - Ancient One *Online* (3/31/2005 2:50:48)

OMG, you haven't heard of Suzi Quatro? You can't be that 'ancient' then. She was a huge hit in the 1970's. At 40, she was voted as having the sexiest 'rock bum' of her time. She's the best thing to have come out of the U.S.A! She's from Texas, and is still performing, even though she's in her fifties...

Wallo -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights - Ancient One *Online* (3/31/2005 5:32:24)

What IS a tootsie pop spring roll? My brain yearns for the answer.

My brain has all the answers but sometimes won't give them to me. Such as now.

KazgrothX -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights - Ancient One *Online* (3/31/2005 14:04:09)

1) If you don't consider me a person, then what do you consider me?

A KazgrothX of course! Bit obvious...

2) What kind of food do they have at the "I hate KazgrothX" Parties? Cause, I mean, for a hotdog or two, I can learn to hate myself

Hotdogs? Of course!

3) How many licks to the center of my soul, in which lies the embodiment of evil?

You have a soul?

4) If you remember a time before people lied, how did inferior men attract superior women as they do now? In other words, how did you get dates?

That is a bit sexist, is it not?

Sorry for the lowblow, but I couldn't help myself......It was a good one, you have to admit. Ahem....

It was. Besides, I doubt anyone could help you ^_^

Duguur skarkuu! Me lat shakn!

demonhunter -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights - Ancient One *Online* (4/1/2005 7:39:53)

Simple question now, Ancient One. Which sig is better?

This one [image][/image]

The one above I suppose

or my current one?

EDIT: Thanks.

general greivous -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights - Ancient One *Online* (4/1/2005 18:05:41)

mine standart question

whats your favorite zard?



have you ever played legend of mana? and saga frontier?(just finish this 2 recently) ^-^


Tharg Bloodaxe -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights - Ancient One *Online* (4/1/2005 18:40:16)

I have a final question for you which I wanted to save for last, which is brought up by this equation which is Dilbert's Salary Theorem.

Given: Power = Work / Time and, Knowledge is Power

Substituting knowledge for power, we obtain:

Knowledge = Work/ Time

If time = money, then:

Knowledge = Work/ Money

Solving this equation for money, we obtain:

Money = Work/ Knowledge

Therefore, as knowledge approaches zero, money approaches infinity, regardless of the amount of work done.

How wealthy are you?

As wealthy as I need to be.

Da Dragon Slaya -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights - Ancient One *Online* (4/1/2005 19:46:25)

Would you pick your nose and eat it, to save mankind.

To save mankind? Yes....

Do you like Rock, Rap or Punk.

No, no, and no.

Did the 4400 go missing.

Sure. why not?

Deleted User -> [Deleted] (4/1/2005 21:46:34)

[Deleted by Admins]

weatherseed -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights - Ancient One *Online* (4/1/2005 23:34:36)

As for web comics, I'd suggest Men in Hats.

What would you love to do in the real world?

As in general? Hmmm. Graduate, get a job, marry, etcetera. The usual type of stuff.

Illusion -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights - Ancient One *Online* (4/2/2005 0:50:31)

Why/how can you put up with all these questions?

I have been gifted with a considerable patience I guess. That or I have nothing better to do ^_^

Oh, Ancient One, what is the meaning of life?

Quoting Fyrel I would say "Meow"

Mongoo$e -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights - Ancient One *Online* (4/2/2005 1:18:41)

do you know artix in person?


whats it like being an Arch Knight? (i envy you)

Hard, fun, annoying, challenging, and so forth. Nothing really to envy. Not at some times.

(joke) Who's your daddy?

My father

spellfire77 -> RE: Meet the ArchKnights - Ancient One *Online* (4/2/2005 2:47:34)

Well I typically don't bother asking much in these threads because it's hard to figure out what to ask that's probably not been asked of you about 30 times already.

How long have you been playing / been a fan of Fantasy RPG's?

A while. I dont think I have ever been so... 'involved' with any as much as I am with AQ.

Do you read any Fantasy Novels {such as Forgotten Realms or Dragon Lance as examples}?

Yes, yes, and yes. I read Forgotten Realms and Dragonlance among others. I love to read and can easily devour a 1000 page book in less then a day if I like it.

See.. there I go not having a clue what to ask :-|

I guess the last question is do you know who bestowed upon me my cool new title? I'd like to be able to thank someone but don't know who to thank ^_^

I believe it was Reens although I could be mistaken. The moderators faught over it since they all wanted too... I think Reens came out on top! ^_^
Wow I didn't realize that I was that well known [sm=icon_redface.gif] Still am unsure of who to properly thank so I guess I'll make a blanket thank you then ^_^

Thank you all for my cool new title I absolutly love it ^_^

Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions Ancient One.

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