RE: Meet the Mods, this week: Morgensturn (online) (Full Version)

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Galum -> RE: Meet the Mods, this week: Morgensturn (online) (5/3/2005 9:44:20)

Heya Morgensturn im back.

Welcome back.

Do u have a MsN Massnger/IcQ/An active email adress/all?

All of the above. However, I rarely have IM programs active.

if yes can i have one of these?

My email address should be available in my profile.

how did the name Morgensturn came up in you mind?

As I've said, it was the name of an old RPG character.

i gusse u know what VtM is so do u prefer VtM or VtR ?

I never read VtR, and I don't intend to.
It was a cheap marketing trick, and a dirty way to get more money out of people.

in WoD what race u prefer (without were-cat)??

Wereaardvark, of course.
Other then that, Trolls.

what is your fev monster?

Pink Fluffy Bunnies of DOOM!

well im off cya (again) Morgensturn

See ya.


tonto14 -> RE: Meet the Mods, this week: Morgensturn (online) (5/3/2005 10:46:02)

Okey dokey do you do any art?


Can i see if you do if you dont can you make some and show me?

I couldn't do any art to save my life.

Why isnt custom titles given out any more and mainly why are creative titles only given to sig makers?

They aren't. They are given to all artists.

Wanna see a video of me skating with my pals on my new digital camera?

Sure. Link'em up.

If you could commit suicide in anyway in these ways which one would it be.

I wouldn't.

1) eating any aardvark on a blind date (it wore poisonous lipstick and dress and you knew it)
2) dancing with an aardvark and deliberatley putting your own head in its mouth
3) swimming in see of aardvarks and deliberately letting yourself drown.

What time is it and what would you most like for your birthday?

November 8th. And I'd want a Battle Aardvark!

if you were a shark would would you eat first?

I would would eat random cows.

who is your favourite mod and least favourite

STG -> RE: Meet the Mods, this week: Morgensturn (online) (5/3/2005 11:18:01)

hellllllllo, mister aardyvarkyyarkspiznarkeyvarkyarkblarkdarksnark.

Hi. But what does spiznarley have to do with it?

do you prefer Ultra V to Godzilla?


dost thou believeth that world war 2 was a step too far?

ever heard of Busted? they sucked.

Never heard of them.

think Busted sucked? try listening to McFly. they're all the same thing to me. scum.

is the Cap'n your favourite Admin?

is Gal the one who used to be demento?

Nah. Gal is Demento's brother.

and finally, what does QFFQFQQFQ mean to thou?

Quick! Fire Frozen Quantities of Firebirds! Quality and Quantity Firebirds! Quick!

Dor -> RE: Meet the Mods, this week: Morgensturn (online) (5/3/2005 14:43:34)

Hi Morgensturn!
sorry if I'm annoying because it's the 3rd post I made here :P --- Am I? [seriously, answer please]

Nah, it's OK.

What kind of Mod are you?

The Fluffy kind!

What is your MOST favorite computer game of all?

Golden Axe.

-mine is Prince of Persia: Warrior Within

What is your favorite RPG Online game?

Yohoho! Puzzle Pirates.
I don't really have the time to play it these days though.

Where have you been when you went out to other countries? (all of the ones you remember)

Well, I've been to Turkey, and I've been to Egypt, and I've been in Boston last year.

How did you become a Mod?

SMBDoll posted a thread about openings for mods, and I applied, and was chosen.

What do you like more,
Dogs or Cats?


Do you play.. *the R word*...? (RS if you don't know the R word)


- I hope not... :O

What pets do you have?

I have a Resident Feline called "Morgaine La Fey".

Who's your favorite Archknight?

You know I can't answer these kind of question.
Besides, I wuvs them all!

Bye Morgensturn!

See ya!

tonto14 -> RE: Meet the Mods, this week: Morgensturn (online) (5/3/2005 15:04:11)

just a few more questions (hi again)

how old are you ?


Wat time is it?

It's Paarrrrrttttyyyy tttttiiiiimmmmeeee!

Do you think certian religious people shouldnt play this game due to certain beings in it that they believe is a figment of eBil and there religion says that they are wrong?

I think each person should decide this on his or her own.

how old do you think i am and where did you here about aq?

I have no idea how old you are. I saw an add for AQ on Sluggy Freelance

Jawika We -> RE: Meet the Mods, this week: Morgensturn (online) (5/3/2005 15:04:26)

Hey you.

Hi there!

Isn't it strange that there's only a one letter difference between 'garage sale' and garbage sale'

I've always found English to be a strange language.
After all, you people write in the wrong direction.

Do you believe freedom is a choice, right, ability, or power?

It's a right, but it's also a choice.

Are you going to see Episode Three of star wars?


So Jedi or Sith?

I shall be known as Darth Aard!

Have you ever gone snowboarding?


Well it's been cool, aloha...

kratos -> RE: Meet the Mods, this week: Morgensturn (online) (5/3/2005 15:45:25)

hey morgensturn its your turn muahhahahahaha!can you swim?

Swim? I can swim, but Aardvarks are really more of a burrowing sort of creature. read what i said below then

if you cant im sorry but i want you to swim all the way to canada with paranhis and mean crabs in the water with you ill put them there for you then when you get there scream'wassup!' then i will give you 100000000000000000000000000000$ the next day

SiLvErWiNg -> RE: Meet the Mods, this week: Morgensturn (online) (5/3/2005 15:50:14)

hiyas! *snuggles hi* ^_^ few quick and painless questions for ya...

Hi! *Aardvarkambushuggles*

whats your favorite part of AQ?

The people. I really love the player community and my fellow staff members.

whats your favorite part of being a Mod? Least fav?

My favorite part is being in on the secrets and plans. My least favorite is dealing with the people who just won't listen to anything you say.

what NPC would you have? (or are you already planning one) how abouts a custom weapon?

I'm going to be the Wereaardvark subrace NPC!
Seriously though, I haven't really decided yet. My custom weapon is still being forged.

why is there a beluga whale in the Delaware river?

I should hope not.
The poor thing should be in the sea, where he's happy.

why the name Morgensturn?

Because it was the name of a much loved RPG character.

hope those were ok for ya ^_^ *scampers off*

Kodi -> RE: Meet the Mods, this week: Morgensturn (online) (5/3/2005 17:13:10)

Oooh! OOh! I'll be faster than Vephy!

Which questions freaked you out?

All of those having to do with eating Aardvarks.

How is it to have a gecko dancing on your head?

It tickles!

A kitty?

They tickle and prickle at the same time.
They trickle!

Red or Blue?

Purple is good too.


How many roads must a man take?

Could you list your favorite RPGs? (yes, this is my evil plan of d00m to make the forums crash :>)

Ooooh... are we talking computer games, or the old fashioned tabletop ones?
I'll answer about the tabletop ones.
Diana, Warrior Princess.
Amber DRPG.
Macho Women with Guns (funniest game ever)
And a hundred others I can't remember right now. Way too late to think.

Have a nice day/night/morning/evening!

Deathmage -> RE: Meet the Mods, this week: Morgensturn (offline) (5/3/2005 17:15:48)

Do you have the power of making me a Mod?

Nope. Only admins can do that, and only SMBDoll does.
And only when we need new mods.

If you gave me a title what would it be?

...of DOOM!

Do you like Star Wars?


Kellehendros -> RE: Meet the Mods, this week: Morgensturn (offline) (5/3/2005 18:55:35)

*Waves to Morgensturn.*

Waves back.

Didn't you used to be the Aardvark from Arkansas?

Nope. It was always Kansas.

I liked that better, its sounded more funnier.

I just horrible slaughtered the English language in those last two lines, didn't I?

It is now flopping around on the floor, like a fish out of water.

If 42 is the answer to everything, does that mean 24 is the wrong answer to everything?

Of course not. It is a very valid answer to plenty of questions.
How many hours are there in a day?

Geckoes, Kitties, or Hawks? (I suppose I'd accept Hawkes too.)

All of the above.

Personally, I prefer Hawkes.

So, what's the best part about being a mod?

Working with the other staff members.

If you could be anyone in the entire world, real or fictional, present day or historical, who would you be?

The Librarian.


Lots and lots of books!

(Since its tradition) What is Vephoma?

Some things are nor meant for men (or women) to know.

What's the square root of 37?

I don't know.

I'm afraid that like Hawke, I've run short of Randomness. *Shifty eyes.* Don't tell anyone I was here, okay?

I won't.

*Huggles Morgensturn, hands him and pie and some cookies, then dashes off.*

Pie! And cookies!

theaya -> RE: Meet the Mods, this week: Morgensturn (offline) (5/3/2005 19:00:37)

-poke- Hewo!

*pokes back* hi!

Do you like coffee?. I do.. coffee coffee.. Sugar! hehehe..

Nah. I don't really like the taste, and since it has no effect on me...

ok sorry.. um.. did you ever eat a squirrel?....

No. Never got the chance.

did you know squirrel day is this thursday?

I didn't know that.

What would win Mailbox or Spork?

The Spork, of course.

Did you know the square root of 5 is 4?..

That doesn't sound quite right.

okayza i gotta jet and cook and drink more coffee.. baiza! -waves then runs into a wall-
Watch out for the.....!

The Drifter -> RE: Meet the Mods, this week: Morgensturn (offline) (5/3/2005 19:05:30)

What's your opnion on the most awsome edible substance in the world, root beer?

I don't really like the taste.

Who's armor do you think is cooler, storm/clone trooper or mandalorian?

Storm Trooper. Looks way cooler.

Favorite book?

Didn't I answer that one already?
"Dead Witch Walking" by Kim Harrison.

If you would give me any title what would it be?

He Who Repeats.

If a plane crashes at the border of canda and the usa were do they bury the survivers?

They don't.
Survivors don't need to be buried.

Want a glass of root beer?

No thank you.

Ultimate Dume -> RE: Meet the Mods, this week: Morgensturn (offline) (5/3/2005 19:05:48)



If you had anything more fun to do than this, what would it be?

Dancing around the computer and trying to raise up Hardware Demons.

What good books have you read recently?

The list would cause the forums to crash.

In a way, am I boring? (There's a possible yes somewhere in here. *eyes widen*)

Well, you could try not asking questions I've answered before.

What is the best thing, to you, to listen to while playing AQ?

Tom Smith.

Do you like randomness?

Yes. Randomness is good.

Is it okay if I stop the questions from here on out?

I am here to answer, so if you have no more questions, I'll just move on to the next player.

miroku13151411 -> RE: Meet the Mods, this week: Morgensturn (online) (5/3/2005 19:06:46)

Okay, Morgensturn, here I go...

1. By the name I'm guessing a dude, but what gender are you? (I always start conversations like this, yes... I got it wrong once.)

A dude is correct.

2. Silliness, eh? So I am guessing you know of Foamy..?


3. Can you overlook the fact that I mentioned Foamy on this site? It was for the sake of knowledge...

Mentioned what? I already forgotten.

4. Anime... you dig it?


5. Watashi koigokoro Sushi. Watari?

I have no idea what you just said.

6. Did you understand that (5) or did you have to look it up?
7. Have you seen the word "Aetheran" around this site, and if so do you know who started it?

I have no idea who started it.

That's what I got.

jendinn -> RE: Meet the Mods, this week: Morgensturn (online) (5/3/2005 20:26:24)

you like KOTORII?!did you know that thats my favorite game?have you finished it?which side is your favorite?

I finished it for Light side, and am still doing the Dark side.
I much prefer Dark, of course.

did you know that seahawk has it but he said in his question topic that he hasn't played it?

Then he should get to it then, I think.

how many times have you finshed it if you have finished it?

Just the once.

okay now to stop witht he KOTOR real questions now!

when will(or if) the main mods ever do any questions(artix,rhubard,galanoth,safiria)?not to say that your not a main mod...

Didn't SMBDoll have one already?
I don't know about any of the others.

Chaos Emperor DvS -> RE: Meet the Mods, this week: Morgensturn (online) (5/3/2005 20:48:49)


1. Is it just me or has this entire board gone on the more 'softer' side?

'softer'? How?

2. Why must you a extremely large number of forum mebers be all 'snuggly' *shudders* with each other?

Because we wuvs each othew! *Snuggles*

3. If you could destroy a monster in AQ perminately, which would it be?

Yetis must die!

4. Do you like personal questions?

Depends. How personal?


Pae -> RE: Meet the Mods, this week: Morgensturn (online) (5/3/2005 21:24:53)

Chocolate dipped fire ants or chocolate-dipped black ant?

Hard choice.
I'd have to say fire though. They have a certain...
Spicy taste.

Are all aardvarks snuggly?


Would geckonapping be allowed on an aardvark's back?

Geckonapping? As in, a Gecko taking a nap or a Gecko being kidnapped?
If the former, then it is welcome. The latter will be frowned upon.

Where is the Aarkvark From Kansas really from?


Was he away from keyboard at the time?

He always is.
Types by Telekinesis.

=Max= -> RE: Meet the Mods, this week: Morgensturn (online) (5/3/2005 23:00:19)

Pae or Seahawk?

I will not answer this question.

Do you hate exams? I hate them.

Exams aren't that bad.

Morgensturn is an intersesting name. Could you tell me the story behind it?

Didn't I answer this one already?

I dare you to post in this thread and ask yourself questions!

How is my sprite and card?

They're nice.

Abiogenist -> RE: Meet the Mods, this week: Morgensturn (online) (5/4/2005 1:32:40)

Hi =)


I haven't seen you before, where do you mostly post?

Mostly in Q&A.

Aardvark belongs from what family?


Do aardvarks bite?

Only sometimes.

Any good Aardvark recepies?

Fire Ants in pesto sauce.

Aardvarks, how do you want to eat them?

Canibalism is not nice!

What's a poke?


How much does a poke cost?

They're free!

Is a poke more precious than gold, or is time?...


Bye. =)

demonhunter -> RE: Meet the Mods, this week: Morgensturn (online) (5/4/2005 4:09:47)

Am I the only one on these forums who listens to Suzi Quatro?

I don't know. Are you?

I don't believe it. There has to be someone else out there!

Sigh... Don't have much else...

DragonMagi555 -> RE: Meet the Mods, this week: Morgensturn (online) (5/4/2005 10:18:19)

Hello Morgensturn!


Favorite Band?
Echo's Children

While it's only one of my favorites, I thought me and one of my friends were the only ones...

Which CDs do you have?

Unfortunately, I don't have any of their CDs. they are impossible to get here. I just steal CDs from my friends, listen to them repeatedly for a week or 2 and return them.

Which song(s) are your favorite on each CD?

I think that I like "Wings" more then any of their other songs. With "Annie's luck" and "Butterbug Blues" close behind..

What other bands do you listen to? I wonder if I've heard them too ^.~

It's a lot more single artists then bands, I think.
My current favorites (subject to change whenever I feel like [:D]) are Tom Smith, Heather Alexander, and Eleanor McEvoy

A fellow filker! And I realized my mistake about the artist thing, oops. =/

I hadn't heard of Eleanor McEvoy, but the others I listen to constantly. =P

Well, I've got to go...

- DragonMagi555

miroku13151411 -> RE: Meet the Mods, this week: Morgensturn (online) (5/4/2005 10:20:10)

Hey! Suzi Quatro! Rocking![;)]

Okay, Morgy one more set, eh?

1. Do you like sushi?

Never really treid any, to tell you the truth.

2. If you like sushi, what's your favorite?
3. Do you speak hebrew?


4. What exactly is the perogative to poke?
5-I. Have you ever glomped anyone?

Nah. I prefer to Aardvarkambushuggle people.

5-II. Have you ever glomped anyone, and who?
6. Gozen watashi baka? (Are you crazy?) (Like me?)

Completely and utterly insane.

7. Are you Otaku? If you don't know what that is, don't answer.
8. Do you read BTN in the GOCA?

Not really. I barely have the time to do my moderating duties these days,

9. If so, would you mind is someone, say, did a report on your aardvark skeelz?

Not at all.

Invain -> RE: Meet the Mods, this week: Morgensturn (online) (5/4/2005 12:53:10)

(Random silly questions, yay!)

If you were a mushroom, what kind of mushroom would you be?

The kind that appears after 12 budgers have jumped up and down.


Because they have the most fun.

If you were a herder, what animals would you herd?

Ferrets are the coolest herd animal ever!


Because it's a challenge. Anyone can herd cows.

How many Frogzards does it take to screw a lightbulb?

Depends. If there's a lightzard around, they just wouldn't bother.
Otherwise, I don't think they can. No hands are a problem.

Dadric Daeglos -> RE: Meet the Mods, this week: Morgensturn (online) (5/4/2005 14:36:09)

Only one question is needed morgen, and you already know what's coming...

Do I remind you of the babe?

What babe?

The babe with the power.

What power?

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