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=MtAK=Meet the ArchKnight: Gus!

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3/14/2008 13:56:36   

Hey everyone *snugs*.

Welcome to my MtAK and in case you don't know how they work, have a look over there --> Here.

I have rights not to answer questions if I deem them too personal or if I just don't want to. You can post 20 questions and have up to 2 posts. I'll edit with this color. With all that said, ask away! ^_^


< Message edited by gustavo_l_f -- 3/24/2008 19:03:08 >
Post #: 1
3/14/2008 13:56:54   


W007 F1R57 P057!11!1111!1 M3 L13K F1R57 P057!1!!11!oneeleven!1!!!!!!122323443!!!!!1!!1111!!!!!!
Liez! You have first reply! D:<

Hello there. Now then, I shall edit in questions, niao.
And I will edit them, now. :P

Didn't you like already have a MtAK?
Not me, maybe you got confused because another guy did one last week? :o

Do you 5P34K D3 1337?
1 d0n'7 5p34k 17 much, 4|7h0u6h 1 c4n und3r574nd 17 w3|| 3n0u6h, ju57 |1k3 5p4n15h. =)

Why did you choose that name for this forum?
It represents something, I just won't be sharing exactly what o:

Do you enjoy being a AK?
As much as the next guy *points to the poster below*

How dark is it in the AK Cellar?
We mostly get umbra, however, once in a while, we get a bit more light, penumbra. :P

Why did you choose that avatar?
I was never finding one I *really* liked and when I was looking for renders for someone, I came upon Kirby and I made the background. ^_^

Do they feed you in the AK cellar?
We get bread and water once in a while, since no technology is allowed nor can we see the light, we can't tell how long.

Now then, what would you do if I *Calls forth 100 Mutant Zombie Ninjas*
If I was bored, then I'd *Calls forth Devourer* , otherwise I'd just grab my Golden Axe and slash all of them down. >:3

Do you play any other games besides AE games?
The game of life once in a while is nice, but I haven't played it much lately. Jokes aside, I play a few racing games and soccer games on my PC.

Do you play all of the AE Games? If so, please list the levels of your main characters.
Yes, mostly AQ followed by DF and then MQ. Lv.104 in AQ, 34 in DF and 15 in MQ. All upgraded. ^^

If you read the DF Design Notes, what do you think of Zhoom getting a 8% penalty for having no comments? If you dont read the DF Design notes, tell me if you remember me. Or you can choose to answer both, although Ill take this as 1 question.
I read it and I Zhoom should have never lost the points. His answer has worth a bonus +16%.

Who kidnapped you to work as a AK again?
I can say I was Ice'd.

Are my AK cellar jokes getting old?

I'll stop anyways. Make your best Kirby Emote.
<(-X_x)> @=('.'-Q)

vs vs , which ones better? Dont forget, no smily abuse!
Depends the moment, however the latter is definitely the most used one, I think. >.>

10+ 10 + 10 - 10 - 10 x 10 x 10 - 10 - 10 - 10 x 10 + 10 =?
-1090 *Calculator*

Do you read alot? If so, who is your favorite author, and what is your favorite book?
I'm not an avid reader, however, I'd say Rowling and Tolkien are my favorite authors, or at least the ones I've most read. There may be a few others, just can't remember. :P

What would you do if you went in AQ, selected Battle, and you met a Frogzard. You equipt your Asgardian Set, and attack, but you only do 1 damage. Then the zard does 100000 damage and kills you.


Im done now, but Ill be back next page, I think.
*Safe for now*


< Message edited by gustavo_l_f -- 3/14/2008 14:35:41 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 2
3/14/2008 14:10:21   
Fallen Into Shadow

/steal xX's. Gothmog!!

I see that you are an Archknight. That's pretty cool.
Yup. Likewise. :P

Who is better? Zz or Gurthang?
The person who asked me to join Angband or the cursed evil meteorite sword? Hmm.... Gurthang sounds better. :P

Real Madrid or Man U?
Although Real aren't doing to well at the moment, they are and always will be better. Man U are just lucky >_>

Gothmog or Gandalf?
xXGothmogXx > Gandalf > Gothmog. Fact.

What is your favorite food?
Probably something from the Italian cuisine. Pizza, Lasagna, Cannelloni, Spaghetti and all that other stuff is just great. Steak is good too. Lemon Cheescake for dessert.

What gets wetter as it dries?
Living beings because when it's dry and hot, they sweat, thus becoming more "wet". :P

/me snugglepounces gus
/me snugtackles Goth

Why do you never want that avvys I find for you?
I never find something I like, nothing personal. Took me quite a while to find something I like. >.>

What do I have in my pocket? :P
Hopefully, money.

Favorite kind of drink?
Guarana Soft drink, exclusive to where I live. I also like chocolate milkshake, but I'll drink almost anything (Yep, I like trying out new stuff). ^_^

What music do you like?
I like a lot of different stuff, mostly ranging between rock and rap, Kanye West, Timbaland, White Stripes and Red Hot Chilli Peppers are the first that come to mind, however there are countless others I like, as well as those nice songs you hear on the radio and never know the name of. I even listen to the radio when studying. :P

Rate meh! D:
Congratulifications, you get a negative score. Remember, aesthetics are more important than the best stuff.

Congratz gus. I was upset when Ice asked me first and I thought you didn't get it.. then... it was Awesome how we both got the job!!! Angband FTW!!!!
It sure was, took me by even a bigger surprise :P

Who is this joker above me :P /me looks up.
/me looks downwards and beyond

< Message edited by gustavo_l_f -- 3/14/2008 14:48:46 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 3
3/14/2008 14:16:58   


Congratz man!

I know you already, so... :P

Tea or Coffee?
Not that I'm a fan of hot beverages, but coffee smells better. Kauphy ftw :P

Pizza or Tacos?
Pizza. I've eaten one in Italy, so I'd need to try out a Mexican taco to have a real taco experience. For now, pizza. I eat it every week. ^^

Grass or Hay?
Grass, I can play soccer and rugby on it :P

Poison or Nuclear Substances?
Uranium bullets make holes in Iron walls and tanks. They also make big *BOOM*s. Poison can't do that. Nuclear substances it is.

Snoopy or Woodstock?
One is incomplete without the other.

Liverpool or Liverpool?
So you like the Beatles?

Tolkien or Rowling?
I've read more Rowling, however Tolkien is cooler because he made up a new world whereas Rowling made one but as a parallel to our world and very linked with it.

That was all, don't want to disturb your work too much :P
*goes back to deleting, locking and etc.*

< Message edited by gustavo_l_f -- 3/14/2008 14:54:26 >
Post #: 4
3/14/2008 14:30:16   


/me snuggletackles gus
/me snugpunces Ras

you bloody took long enough maing this thread
*blames Goth*
Hey, it's on a first come first serve basis!

I like your disclaimer, its vague enough as for you to not answer any kind of question

so Brazil FTW
El Salvador FTW!

tesmpets a n00b. truthz?
Laik completely.

I see your avatar claims to be snuggable, so general snuggling of you is therefore allowed since you are snugable therby agreeing to getting snuggled all the time. Correct?

Tell the truth. Does aqua crack his whip as his new slaves help roudn the forum much?
Actually, it's Ice who cracks the whips >.> <.<

If Goofy where to implode what would happen?
Reverse Big Bang.

So this idea of the EC mods Ras to have to take care of the Comparisons Request be sexy


officially speaking, for what reasons can I poke you for
Bad thread, post, random stuff...

on a similar note how much poking would be deemed unesecary poking
100 times per second?

I ask because Goofy loaned me a toothpick of poking +5, its not as good as his +10 one but it works :D
I have a Shield of Anti-Poking +1>You. [/win]


Blame Goth for me finding this thread so quickly, while lurking in the forums i saw that he had just posted and clicked inmeadiately
*Blames Goth again*
/me sets mode +balrog

I wantz a rateting on teh onlinez gamez persona of my person. NAO.
Can't see your DF char, no can do! o:

So currently im addicted to Super Smash Brrthers Brawl. Help me T.T it has syphoned me like the soul vampire the Wii is T.T
Get a computer next to your TV, so at least we can talk while you play on your Wii. Nintendo does not use brainwashing techniques.

I hope you notice ill be back. might bting tacos next time.
Yay for tacos! :D

/me baibai snuggles gus
/me baihuggles Ras

congratz on the slavedomAKdom, do not power abuse or I R GET MADZ
Thanks. *Doesn't power abuse*

< Message edited by gustavo_l_f -- 3/22/2008 19:53:34 >
AQ  Post #: 5
3/14/2008 14:30:40   


Congratz freaky dude :P
Thx, weirdo >.>

Whatch Football (soccer)
6 days a week. :P

Whatch the English league (Premiere, FA cup, Champions league also)
Every Saturday for the Premiership, sometimes Sundays. Champions League on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. ^_^

Man Utd, Man Utd or Man Utd?
Real Madrid.

O.o, Man Utd!!! Me tooo
Look again :P

Cya *snugglehugglebugglechugglewugglemuggles Gus*
*/me snugglewugglehugglecookiebacktripleflipintheariuparoundandtwicedownsnuggles Doddip*

*Steals all of gus cookies while snugglehugglebugglechugglewugglemuggleing Gus*
Good thing I stock them in sections of infinites.


< Message edited by gustavo_l_f -- 3/14/2008 15:07:35 >
AQ  Post #: 6
3/14/2008 14:38:42   


Bout time you got your MtAK up

So still got that hat I sold you?


Anyway, my hat needs selling to Gus. Unless you want to buy it for two cookies?
I already owe Gus all my cookies for buying it from you, so no.

But of course.

The dodgy one with sequins and a feather...
Yep. I used it last Carnival.

I got a better one, tis be shaped like a chicken...
Whatever suits you best :P

So, more randomness. I ban you from google for these.
You can't ban me from Google. You know I'll get you back? D:<

Do you what the word 'Oxter' means?
Yep. I googled it.

Or what about the word 'Snollygoster'?
That too. Hey, think you could pronounce the chemical name for Titin? ;P

Favourite band/artist?
I wouldn't be sure as there are quite a few. I said a few above //lazy competition.

Well, congrats again, seeya on IRC.


< Message edited by gustavo_l_f -- 3/14/2008 15:15:40 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 7
3/14/2008 14:49:42   
Legendary AK!!!



How be you on this fine day?
I had a surprize geography test, others than that, well.

Shackles still painful? What colour? Why?
They still hurt, but I'm not sure on the color, it's pretty dark in here.

Well, I'm a lazy busy person, so I be off now. Sorry I couldn't post more questions (or should ye be greatful?). D:
Well, if you ever decide to get un-busy, there's always the next page! ^_^

Ciao, seeya on IRC! :D
Bu bai!

< Message edited by gustavo_l_f -- 3/14/2008 15:18:14 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 8
3/14/2008 15:07:56   


Do you know me?
I hope so :o

#SaraSnuggle ftw!


Do you live in my channel?
I contact it with my mindwaves, I'm shackled in the dungeon! :o

/me replaces the "g" in gustavo_l_f with a "G"
*gustavo_l_f is now known as Gustavo_l_f

Let's flip a coin, you get tails.
Only on one condition. Tails I win, heads you loose. Kay?

Yay, it's heads!
You loose =(

I win, you lose.
Au contraire.

Can I have the first 15 characters of your username?
Nu D:

Is xXGothmogXx gothicly goth?
Nope :o Perhaps he just enjoys Gothic style architecture? [/guessing]

How much did you pay to become an ArchKnight?
One soul, mine.

MechQuest identification numbers?
/lazy to check

:o PJ&C :P

Can you rate me?
Lv.130 NAO! D:<

Why did you give xXGothmogXx a -99999999?
He just got a negative number, I never said how negative o:

Do the raters at UAoR take naps?
Some of them do, it's not like anyone checks *sees Goth snoring*
Keep it down!!! People are trying to nap!

It's what keeps us partially sane.

Do you enjoy your naps?
Definitely, nothing like sleeping on the job ^_^

Can you rate and nap at the same time?
Sure. I can also eat while rating and napping.

Are you the only young rater at the UAoR?
I'm young? >.>

It's a uneven number.

Yes! I am done with French until I am dead!

Isn't French class miserable?
Yep, but you never know if you'll wake up in the middle of Paris :P

I know.
Has it happened to you before?

Anyway, I am out of comments/questions.
And I'm out of answers, for now.

Thankies! ^_^

< Message edited by xXGothmogXx -- 3/14/2008 15:44:39 >


AQ DF MQ  Post #: 9
3/14/2008 15:48:20   


what does the _l_f stand for anyway?
Something, I'm sure of it >_>

Why did you have your MtAK thread so late?
*Blames Goth*

Why in Battle Strategy?
Because it roxxs. :3

Looking forward to KH Birth by Sleep?
Not much of a videogame person, mostly computer shtuff o:

Were you surprised when you were asked to become an AK?
Yep, especially since Goth was asked a few minutes before me :P

Did you even consider turning it down?
If it were opposite day, I might have considered doing that....

Do you like to have your smiles eyes first or mouth first e.g :) or (:?
I choose them randomly. Eye first for less common ones and mouth first for common ones, so I never follow standards. :P

You were there on my first rating session with TG remember?
Yep, you've come a long way */steals*

If not it was on the 24 January, this year.
1 month and 5 days later...

Do you consider yourself more easy going or serious?
Depends the moment, mostly easy going, but I'm serious when I need to be. :3

Why did I use this thread when I could've just asked them on IRC since I'm talking to you right now?
It's symbolic.

Bye and again, congrtaz
Thankies! ^^

< Message edited by gustavo_l_f -- 3/14/2008 15:55:09 >
AQ  Post #: 10
3/14/2008 15:51:45   
Cow Face
One Heck of a Guy

Hey. (:

What is the answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything?
∞ / 0 = 42. Jokes aside, it's being happy. =)

What is the meaning of life? (I answered this years ago... can you?)
I would believe it is to seek out and accomplish our goals, as individuals and as the human race.

What is our purpose within this mortal coil?
Evolve and have contact with other individuals.

How does one truly know God? Or whatever is the prime deity in one's religion?
We don't really know, but it's just a question of how to answer what science can't. Personally, I believe God exists, after all, even if there was a Big Bang, something or someone created the 'emptiness' which existed before and lead to the Big Bang. Science and religion are, in my opinion, supposed to complement each other, howover, I don't think they do it well enough :o

And the hardest question of all...

What is 2+2?
*Sweats*...42, 4 or the square root of negative 1*Doesn't know*

< Message edited by gustavo_l_f -- 3/14/2008 16:01:18 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 11
3/14/2008 16:00:01   

Yeeyz i hopez 1st page =D
I want seven pages D:

U know the meaning of life? I mean it, i want to kill my self somethimes.
I don't know it, however, one can speculate on it. I wouldn't commit suicide though. o:

Do u agree with parents who kick and hit their child for nothing?
I don't agree with parents who kick and hit their kids for whatever reason. It's the parents fault if the kid does something wrong. If the kid gets kicked and hit for no reasons, then the kid would revolt and be a bad person when he or she'd grow up. :/

Read it again, what can I do about it?
Spread the message of <3?

How old are u?
It's an uneven number. :P

Where u livez? =o
Brazil ^_^

*Takes it back*

can i be ur minion/pet/slave?
As long as you'll be useful and loyal :o
Can i rule the world? =D

Doez u hatez me?
Should I have a reason to? o:

Canz u do privatez0rz rating for me? =D
PM ratings don't fit o:

wellz i thinkz thiz waz it.
And those are the answers. :P


U want a cookie? =D *givez 1 to ur cookie taste*
*Adds to collection*

< Message edited by gustavo_l_f -- 3/14/2008 16:06:46 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 12
3/14/2008 16:04:06   

Hello gustavo_|_f or should I say..."Gus"? <---(1)
Either is fine, people just call me Gus (Or gus, or gustavo) because it's shorter and easier to type :P

Let the interrogation commence!
<.< >.< >.>

Serious Questions

2)When were you asked to join the AK dungeon?-If you remember.
29th of February, 2008. Quite an easy-to-remember date really, only once in 4 years o:

3)What is the hardest monster for you in BSG?
Frogzard, definitely. But on a non-joking-note, either rTerrorzard because of the limited strategies or Z.A.R.D.I.S because of the Real-Life luck facotr.

4)What comparisn in EC suprised you the most?
When strong weapons loose because of Bonus to Hit or special :P

5)Do you think mages are overpowered and why.
Certainly, they can dish out about the same if not more than warriors and not expose themselves and up to now, their MP is almost limitless. I don't mind if their nerfed or not, since it doesn't (Or shouldn't >.>) affect me. :P

6)If there was a train coming and 3 people straped on the tracks, would you throw a man obese enough to stop the train to save the other 3 killing only him?
I'd never kill a living being, even to save others. I wouldn't do much if I jumped in so I'd try to rescue to 3.

7)True or False?/This statement is incorrect.

8Age and Country of Residence please?
known. Brazil.

9)Do you have anything taboo or different such as: Vegatarian/25 Tattoos
29th of February >_>

10)Are you strict with rules?
A clean forum is more attractive to intellectually better forumites. Strict rules get rid of the spam. Better forums overall, so I'd say being strict is necessary at times.


11)Pie or Socks?

12)Do you find this amusing?
It is amusing, yes.

13) What do you think of this pic?
Send him to space! D:<

14)Do you like SoaD?(System of a Down)?
Quite a few songs, Serj on his own is cool too. :)

15)Are you still chewing your first peice of Stride gum?
Nope, I get bored after a while and get a new piece :3

16)What other forums do you go to?
EC and CR&A, used to go to AK GGD too, with less frequency nowadays. I also look at DF and MQ from time to time.

17) Pitagora Suicchi-Awesome or what?
I definitely though Tom & Jerry when I saw it. :o Definitely cool ^^

18)Should guns be legal without a liscene?
Guns shouldn't have ever been invented. Humanity +1 suicide points.

19)Is it POSSIBLE for my character to beat Symphon for my new build?
With a little strategy, probably any build could. My warrior almost won once >_>

20)Can YOU HpMp Phlox?! If you want to know how just PM me.
Heh, no, as a warrior I'd have a hard time. When I was a mage, perhaps. I could easily kill Phlox without (HP/MP) potions. ^_^

Well thats all gustavo...*AHEM","Gus". I'll watching over BSG forums and such. Meet again someday.....I'm watching you*scary voice*
Sure, S2o *keeps an eye*


< Message edited by gustavo_l_f -- 3/14/2008 16:20:38 >
AQ  Post #: 13
3/14/2008 16:08:02   
Shadow Curse

Hey gus!
Hey SC :)

How ya doin'? :P
Well. ^^

How'z the edit color? =P
*hopes it doesn't run out* :o

You started your MtAK Thread when Gothmog ended his? :o
I let him do his first >_>

Well, I can't think of anything to say, really..
Well, you have some time to think :)

Except.. Congratz. ^.^
Thanks :D

I'll see you later!
Bai bai! ^^

< Message edited by gustavo_l_f -- 3/14/2008 16:23:56 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 14
3/14/2008 16:27:04   

hey gus sup
Heya. All's good. =)

so who asked you to become an AK?
IceMasterYeti! ^^

favorite game aq,df or mq?
I'm quite unsure, depending on the moment I like and play one more than another. Right now, AQ has grabbed my attention. ^_^

thats all for now
Bai, and see you on the RH forums! ^_^

< Message edited by gustavo_l_f -- 3/14/2008 16:33:14 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 15
3/14/2008 16:32:28   
Chaotic User

Hello Gus! ^_^
Hey Chao :D

I'm not good with questions, so i'll do the same thing that i did in Goth's

C O N G R A T S!
Pwettie colors :D Thx ^^

< Message edited by gustavo_l_f -- 3/14/2008 19:43:52 >
AQ MQ  Post #: 16
3/14/2008 16:37:23   

Hey Gus
Heya roner =)

Congrats on being the new Archnight!
Thanks! ^_^

What do you get fed if you become an Archknight?
Normally, leftover leftovers, but if we're lucky, pieces of bread appear o:

Do you actualy know all the ArchKnights?
Haven't talked to all of them, but a good number of them ^_^

What would you do if a Undead Armogoggon tried to tackle you?
Left. Triangle. Circle. Circle. Square. R2. Erm... defeat it and take it's xp? :P

Are you a big fan of Kirby(I've only had one Kirby game <_<)?
It's fun, but I wouldn't consider myself a big fan, I just though it was cute and would make a nice avatar :P

What's da best 'thing' about being an Archknight?
The custom avatar and title are real cool, contributing to the forum and the community is really cool too. ^_^

What would you do, if Artix let you take over AQ for a day?
Mega Crazy Rare and Cheap Uber Day.

Thats it!

Bye! ^^

< Message edited by gustavo_l_f -- 3/14/2008 16:43:43 >
Post #: 17
3/14/2008 16:41:39   

ques whos back
A Croatian :o

do you like think the universe has no limits?
It's confusing and relieving depending on the moment. It's hard to throw away the concept of limits, knowing there isn't a side A or B...

am I anoying?
Nope, should I be scared? O_o

do you like wrestling?
I've watched a bit of it, not my favorite thing, nor my least favorite.

quick chose hamburgers or pizza?
Pizza Burger. Burger Pizza. Er... Bacon Double Cheeseburger or Bacon Pizza? Hmm...

do you use the word mydterious often?

hehe I am so ebil

tell all the numbers of pi
3,148insert next infinite digits here*

do you still go to school
Depends what you consider school ;)

and do you read comics
A few webcomics, sometimes.

< Message edited by gustavo_l_f -- 3/14/2008 16:58:31 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 18
3/14/2008 18:30:51   
The Game
Pegasus Overlord

Hey gus!

Do you know who I am?
Nightbane's father, of course.

Your opinion on being stolen by a Ninja Yeti.
Ninjas > Pirates. Yeti's > Humans.

So, any plans for world domination?
I have a few blueprints hidden somewhere >_>

How would you rate my character on a scale of 1-10?
No IT for a warrior :OOO 9.5/10 maybe?

Your thoughts on Angband.
100% Pure and utter awesome win.

Any other forums you would like to AK in?
CR&A *cough* Rating and Strategy <33333 It's where I grew up ;o

Is rating fun?
Yep, after all, we have the best part of the community! ^_^

What qualities have you brought to the AKing world?
My charming good looks. I would believe it's my dedication to the community

Well, that is all my friend. Bye!
Come back soon! :P

< Message edited by gustavo_l_f -- 3/14/2008 18:41:09 >
AQ  Post #: 19
3/14/2008 18:39:14   
Elemental Leviathon

You told me to post so I am!
<.< <.> >.>

What else am i supposed to say?
Insert some random questions o:

What is your favorite element?
Amongst the original 4, Earth, amongst AQ's 8, Ice, amongst DF's numerous ones, Bacon and in RL, Plutonium or Uranium o:

Am i fat?
Sure o: Too much kauphine >_>

Are we alone in the universe?
Look over there ------->
And you'll see other lifeforms.

What are your feelings about the word 'Bye' ?
It's a symbolic way to end a conversation. =)

< Message edited by gustavo_l_f -- 3/14/2008 18:51:33 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 20
3/14/2008 18:44:58   

Ziox! ^_^ You came all the way from MQ Q/A to visit me :D

Congrats my friend!
Thanks! :D

So how about this weather?
Crazy thing. *blames Global Warning*

Would you go crazy if you were on a desert Island with a Monkey?
Probably, especially if it started to throw fruits at me >.>

What would you name the Monkey?
Charlie. I have no idea why >_>

I am very glad you changed your Avvy :P
"Snugglable AK" and "Creepy Shadow" just don't go together well o:

Well I think thats it...maybe....
So it ends my edits for this post D:

Do you see a man in the moon?
It's Nix :P

ok thats it...for real this time....
Okay then...

see ya on the IRC
[/ends post and goes back to IRC]


< Message edited by gustavo_l_f -- 3/14/2008 18:54:31 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 21
3/14/2008 19:16:22   
Legendary Artist!

Gus! /me snuggles Gus
Clyde! :D *snugglehuggles*

You grew up too fast ;-;
I'm sorta tall, but I've stopped growing for some time now :P

Soooo...Kirby huh? The Ice Kirby > You.
Kirby is cool, yeah :P

Have you read my poetry? (If No. D:<, If Yes ^_^)
I've not read all of it, but I've read one or another thing =)

How's them shackles?
A little tight, but I'll get used to it. I hope.

What's your flavor?
Triple chocolate chip with mint.

Isn't Nix made of alot of gas hot air? Muwhahaahah. :3
Well, since he is elemental and elements do turn to gas, sure :P

Does it hurt when I say Bye?
If it's temporary, I see no reason why, there's a small "What now ;_;" moment, but it shortly passes, but if it's a "We'll never see each other again" type of Bye, then it's utterly crushing.

If so Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye.
See ya!

/me snuggles gus before leaving. :D
/me countersnugs Clyde

< Message edited by gustavo_l_f -- 3/14/2008 19:34:44 >
Post #: 22
3/14/2008 20:40:44   

/me edits.
/me edits too.


Um. No more spamzor. Over 20 lines but only 20 questions :P
I have a bad feeling about this... o:
As you should
And did.

Can you believe that I am 100? Can you say, "asgardian plate on sunday"?
Nope, I don't believe you got to Lv.100. Btw, I already have had Asgardian for a while :p
You lie! You believe nao!
By "don't" I meant it was hard, but I know you got there. :P

um. Gus V.S Goth?

um. Zz V.S Aqua?
Zz was more important to be since he basically set up my rating career and to IRC which pretty much lead to everything else. Aqua is a really cool person here, but Zz wins.

um. Yango or NP?
Tough one. I've talked more to Yagno, however NP is a bit more funny, yet Yagno is funny at times too...Hmm...*Tie*.

um. IMY or Doom Scakk?
Again, another tough one. I definitely spent a lot more time with Scakk, however IMY has been more influential as of lately, another tie I'm afraid. :P

Which old school rating center on the forums was the best in your opinion?
Can Angband be considered one? If not, Scakk and Evo's. If that's too recent, then Spelly and Silvers.
So? Angband ate 2 full threads and was on a third and doing well when we fused with Void. I believe EGF's skillz are questionable when compared to Angband. One more thing about Angband: Me, Goth, TG and Zz. See anything that we all have in common? :P *Cough*Ak-ship*Cough*
Um. Thats true but... Angband only had that many threads because it was around longer. Also, angband was missing... me! Plus EGF died because he who must not be named... arif... Plus I have a life outside of AE so I couldn't manage the center like angband was managed. You got me on the AK stuff though.
Compare individual raters and you'll find Angband a lot better :p

Who offered you the job as AK?
It IceMasterYeti in IRC by query.

Did you consider even for a second denying it?
Um...no :P

Time for the lightning round....
/me places hand on the buzzer
"Epic Phailure" = ERRRR Wrong Answer!
Newb >_>
:O You can't call me that! AK verbal abuse on a measly member! /me tattles!
It's a charismatic way of calling you. Ras and Puppy call you newb, newb :p

AQ or DF?

DF or MQ?

Sprite or Siera Mist?
Sprite's a bit sticky and no Sierra Mist over here.
Epic Phailure
Would I lie? :/
Not really.

Chocolate V.S Vanilla?
Epic Phailure
Have you ever eaten avnilla? As that little twig >.>
Um. I was talking about teh ice cream. Laik, chocolate only wins in de ohter stuffz.
Cookies then. Or mint. Or Ferrero Rocher Ice cream :3

UAQ V.S AQstats?
AQStats (UAQ is mostly covered by the Pedia)

Windows or Mac?

IE or FFX?
FireFox hands down.
Epic Phailure
IE doesn't have a Simpson's skin nor a way of know the weather. You phail. Again.

OK, that ends the lightning round.
Well that's a relief :P

If you had to choose somewhere else to be AK in, outside of EC and BS, where would it be?
Definitely CR&A, it's one of the places I grew up in.

Do you prefer spamming, or strategy?
Spamming is reserved for IRC. Creating strategies is really fun though, elaborating various methods of how to defeat a monster, researching the best possible equipment around and stuff.
Psh. Either bad joke or you didn't get it. I meant against monsters. Spamming attack button or spells V.S a strategy.
Your question was poorly elaborated. Either ways, I mostly attack with Asgardian and IT no pets or guests, if the monster is a bit harder, I think a bit about what to do, not too much stategy involved.
Spamming > dat

How will you name your lockings? (I.E RiceLock)
~Locked until I can think of something better, ~Snuglock just wouldn't work :P

What if this question was not hypothetical?
Then this answer would not be hypothetical.

Thats all, for now......
Over already? :(

/me bai snugs
/me baihuggles

zomg /j #WolfGus :O
/spammerz #tempest :O
psh #tempest > #wolfgus
Psh. You haven't the minimum clue as to what happens in that channel, nor are you prepared, physically and emotionally, to know.

< Message edited by gustavo_l_f -- 3/15/2008 17:48:09 >
AQ  Post #: 23
3/14/2008 20:44:11   
The Trobble One

So now that goth is finshed, it's torturing time for you my friend.
*Runs for it*

Your not my friend.
I'm not? D:

It's question time now.
Answers will follow.

Hi and,
Congrats on your recent AKship?
Hey, and thx?

What's your favortie video game? Besides online games? Besides AE games?
Soccer games and racing games, as well as some RPG's for my (old) GBA =)

Bye and Enjoy
Bai bai

I wanna become an AK. Who give you AKship?
So do I. IceMasterYeti AK'ed me =D

EDIT: that was fast.

< Message edited by The Trobble One -- 3/14/2008 21:10:51 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 24
3/15/2008 1:40:55   

Hi everybody! (gus!)
Hello Dr.Nick ZardX3 =D

You know, funny thing. I have a math teacher who's called Mr. Gus!
I can assure you it isn't me >.>

Favorite Equment in AQ?
That I have, ShadowSpear. That I want and is possible, Mjollnir. That I want but will never get, Stick Blade.

Favorite color?
Silver <3. If it doesn't count, dark blue.

Hierachy in life? (ie Child/adult/teen/senior?)
Hierarchy? King.

Like my Char page in sig customized?
It looks nice, although the orange hair doesn't go well with the whole "Green theme", maybe orange trimming to fix it? I don't know, I'm clueless with character looks. :P

Do you like me sig quote from Edison?
Looks cool =)

Favorite food?

Favorite flavor of icecream?
Ferrero Rocher =P

Favorite movie?
Hmm...trick question...Jackie Chan movies are always great :P

Pi day!!!!!! 3.14159! Yum apple pi(e)!!
Green apple pie is the best :P

Do you know who Kirby is? If so are you a fan of him :3?
Yes and yes :P

Rate me! (CHAR in sig :)) *weird smiley cause of double chin*

Wait a minute are you the same gustavo with the shadow of a guy with yellow eyes avatar and an icey tree? O_o
This and this? Yep :P

Do you like the Simpsons and Family Guy if you know them?
But of course :P I watch Simpsons with higher frequency though :P

I might have more, this is all I can think of.
I thought it'd never end o:

Bye everybody! (gus!)
Bai bai ^_^

< Message edited by gustavo_l_f -- 3/15/2008 22:20:05 >
AQ AQW  Post #: 25
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