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RE: Nonvariums-Uped as ever

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4/24/2011 18:55:12   

Frostlich i perfectly agree with you. but im not talking about a non var merc. Im talkin about a all 45 merc build. Yea a non var mage can probuly own a non var merc because of half and defense matrix.
Post #: 76
5/2/2011 17:15:15   

Non variums are getting flushed down the toilet and titan and nighwrath are probably not going to make stronger non varium weps because they want us to buy varium to support the game.
Post #: 77
5/2/2011 18:09:53   

Why should they that means for them less money in the game. I night not like it but I hope they keep make us weak.
AQ Epic  Post #: 78
5/2/2011 21:59:52   

^ loads of ? came into my head when i read your post.

@ giras

yeah i think the devs are trying to tell us non variums to buy varium. The devs are ignoring us for a reason to hypnotise us to buy varium.

back on topic

basically yeah non variums are uberly under powered due to the weps can be used 5 lvl lower update and the enhancements to sidearm and aux update.

yes the update did not help non varium at all all the did was made 5 focus build able to abuse stat. 5 focus + stat abuse + GAMMA BOT= cya around non variums. yes basically i can get trashed by a lvl 28 with 33 weps because they just have too much stat points. they are almost equal to a lvl 33 varium player.

Player 1 pm to Dev 1: dear dev 1, non variums are being killed so easily with this new updates wish that u could give us some way to at least stand a chance against the varium players.here are a few of my suggestions. with regards player 1.

Devs 1 replys: we are currently trying to improve the game do look out for our reduction in enhancements and many more intresting updates.

After replying dev 1 decided to talk to dev 2

Dev 1: Oh man i just got another complain from another non paying player. it is getting annoying.

Dev 2: yeah i been getting them too but i basically press control c and control v will send u the word doc with the answer i give all those pesky non paying players.

Dev 1: wow thx alot. now i just have to press 4 button when answering a pm.

Dev 2: Np lets jsut ignore the post they make in the forums and when they do pm us just press control ...

Dev 1 and 2: C and control V. and type your trully from Dev 1/2

Dev 1: But wat if they send us a whole list of suggestion.

Dev 2: that is easy just make them feel appreciated and say that the suggestion are good even if we did not even read them.

Dev 1: Oic. a very effective solution indeeed.

Dev 2: btw wat are we going to make this comming update.

Dev 1: Idk maybe an promo which cost loads of varium in game. Oh Oh not forgetting vid on how we drew the promo.

Dev 2 : yeah yeah. we woud get loads of $$$$$$$ by doing that.

Basically that is what i think the devs are thinking. money and more money. the devs lock serevrs because of money. the devs do not make non varium stuff because of money. it is all about money and all i can say is the devs are money minded look at the varium sell back it is so little. even varium updates are getting crappy. lets just say if i do get varium i would feel even bad because the varium updates are as bad as the non varium updates. Basically the devs do not think that non variums would buy varium. if i m treated good as a non varium i would certainly buy varium. the devs do not think. A non variums can become 1 of thier paying players 1 day.


AQW Epic  Post #: 79
5/2/2011 23:44:04   

I could see them thinking something along those lines. You really can't ignore the lack of non-varium items lately.


My Character Page
Epic  Post #: 80
5/3/2011 0:43:33   

Luna I agree with you.
AQ Epic  Post #: 81
5/3/2011 10:38:44   

EHHH errmm. My reason for not buying varium is because... If you buy varium once you will constantly have to buy more and more each week cause of new armors,zookas etc

DONE: Mission a


Epic duel Name : http://www.epicduel.com/charpage.asp?id=GROTOM
Non var merc
Epic  Post #: 82
5/3/2011 18:52:18   

Agreed. You see, if a varium newb goes against a non varium experienced player, it would still take much effort for the non varium to win the fight.
AQW  Post #: 83
5/3/2011 20:20:11   
One Winged Angel1357

even older Variums have issues with the new crap i was just on my lv 31 Varium merc and lost to a lv 30 varium merc with new varium gear just becuase my gear is from halloween

the real reason F2P is UP'ed is becuase of PD's wonderful stat inflation with the Varium constantly getting new gear they always get higher stats while most F2P's use beta or even alpha based gear which you can imagine is horrible compared to Varium gear(the exception to this rule is most Aux's you see)
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 84
5/3/2011 22:24:48   

Yeah old stuff (any really)(except nonvarium stuff cuz they almost never get better) usually get passed in half a year or less.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 85
5/3/2011 22:55:50   


Player 1 pm to Dev 1: dear dev 1, non variums are being killed so easily with this new updates wish that u could give us some way to at least stand a chance against the varium players.here are a few of my suggestions. with regards player 1.

Devs 1 replys: we are currently trying to improve the game do look out for our reduction in enhancements and many more intresting updates.

After replying dev 1 decided to talk to dev 2

Dev 1: Oh man i just got another complain from another non paying player. it is getting annoying.

Dev 2: yeah i been getting them too but i basically press control c and control v will send u the word doc with the answer i give all those pesky non paying players.

Dev 1: wow thx alot. now i just have to press 4 button when answering a pm.

Dev 2: Np lets jsut ignore the post they make in the forums and when they do pm us just press control ...

Dev 1 and 2: C and control V. and type your trully from Dev 1/2

Dev 1: But wat if they send us a whole list of suggestion.

Dev 2: that is easy just make them feel appreciated and say that the suggestion are good even if we did not even read them.

Dev 1: Oic. a very effective solution indeeed.

Dev 2: btw wat are we going to make this comming update.

Dev 1: Idk maybe an promo which cost loads of varium in game. Oh Oh not forgetting vid on how we drew the promo.

Dev 2 : yeah yeah. we woud get loads of $$$$$$$ by doing that.

Hehehehehehehe. I can honestly see them thinking along those lines. I mean, for a 2-3 man team working in an office, you can only wonder what they talk about daily.
Post #: 86
5/4/2011 0:49:31   

@ above



yes stat inflation does not improve things for non varium. basically i can get trashed by a 4 focus support merc yes 4 focus and yet she has like 110 or maybe more support. Now that is dangerous seeing a 4 focus merc with a stat with more than 100 points in total.


yeah and not to mention non variums need luck to win sometimes. blocks,crits basically non var really need those without luck they are garbage.

back to topic:

oh i do hope the get rid of those OPED EGGZOOKA soon becaus ethose zooka are really really oped when a 28 uses them. with that zooka the 28 are basically like 33. if they can make a non var zooka which can match he power of that zooka i would be so overjoyed but looks lke they wont do such stuff because the devs are too money minded.
AQW Epic  Post #: 87
5/4/2011 0:56:34   

EGGZOOKA we all want it in the game and armor I am quite happy with those items. But I really hate this new blance thing. I apologise for my miss spelling.
AQ Epic  Post #: 88
5/4/2011 0:59:50   

i mean the EGGZOOKAs have to go rare soon before every1 who has varium has it.

@ below
easter is already over. the zooka should go a.s.a.p 1 week means round 100 plus players get that zooka. the zooka make varium players stronger and us non variums weaker do u gte it that zooka has to go rare this week or non variums are sooo dead. because almost half of ed varium community have those zookas.

< Message edited by Luna_moonraider -- 5/4/2011 1:06:28 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 89
5/4/2011 1:01:59   

I think should give them one more week then go rare.
AQ Epic  Post #: 90
5/4/2011 13:14:05   

again l say to nons l was there once to and l think nons should get a little better items but remb one thing l was the 1st non varium mage to reach emperor in gamma and the 1st non varium mage to get on all time board.
but just keep fighting right use booster if u have to remb non variums can beat any varium player and any given game time

always the SyFy
Post #: 91
5/4/2011 13:54:15   
Day Shade.

Yes now is even harder for unvariumed players to find a good build, because of the last updates. I am one of first unvariumed players who reached lvl 33 , but is difficult winning in battles vs full variumed players. But we are not complaining . Some new big lvls wepons will be good for us and the idea with the place for the unvariumed ppl is good too.
Post #: 92
5/4/2011 13:56:02   
Day Shade.

But that doesnt mean that unvariumed players are that bad , some of em are rlly good.
Post #: 93
5/4/2011 15:03:08   


again l say to nons l was there once to and l think nons should get a little better items but remb one thing l was the 1st non varium mage to reach emperor in gamma and the 1st non varium mage to get on all time board. but just keep fighting right use booster if u have to remb non variums can beat any varium player and any given game time always the SyFy

Its harder now then 2 months ago. I know I get emperor If I worked hard. I actually enjoy being non varium player more then varium player. Cause its harder to win matchs. No offence SyFy its easyer to be varium player to win matchs.
AQ Epic  Post #: 94
5/4/2011 19:19:43   

TEchnically I'm an emperor because i have bout 28000 wins from all my accs
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 95
5/4/2011 19:26:36   

TEchnically with all 6 accounts I made and play some. I have 35k wins in 1vs1 and 5k in 2vs2 wins.
AQ Epic  Post #: 96
5/4/2011 19:29:50   
One Winged Angel1357

to all P2P's trying to say we arent UP'ed pls get some F2P gear and i mena all F2P non var armor though PRimary and no robot or enhancments do 100 battles as full F2P and tell us we arent UP'ed

that challenge is really to help you get the full grip of the problems we have to face
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 97
5/4/2011 23:40:31   

^ yeah they must do that because it seem they do not know how hard it is to be a non var player now a days. But would they do it no cause they are so afraid to spoil their good win ratio. if they can go into the daily board(any of the top 3 possition i would say we are not up)and remeber no enhancements and no robot. i would suggest they start a new file.

@ miss syfy

it is diffrent now booster dun cut it anymore. the varium players now a days also carry them so basically if we use booster they would use booster too. booster vs booster = non var players loses because non varium are out damged. varium weps have loads mmore dmg com pared to non varium weps. not forgetiing enh and stat points too. basically a non var will always die. not forgetting variums have 1 more form of atk called robot. non variums dont have any unless the scamming arcade decides it is time to be kind and give us a robot.

@ day shade
yes there are good non variums but the good non variums are suffering because they do not get good or useful weps to use.


yes i like the thrill of being a non varium trying as hard as u can to beat the varium players and when u do beat 1 u feel so great because u did it with your own skill. lolz that is why i chose to stay as a non varium but now a days it is like we being ignored and we r like the free food to the varium players. i prefer the beta stages when we r not free food and we can do anything without any restrictions. no restriction in stats, no restriction in hp,no locked serevrs. do miss the old days.

AQW Epic  Post #: 98
5/4/2011 23:44:23   

I agree luna I like beta times more at least non varium merc had freedom to do what we want to do. I am also enjoy being non varium player cause its harder matchs.
AQ Epic  Post #: 99
5/5/2011 0:01:20   

^ hehe and mages had the freedom to heal loop ahh do miss heal loop. it is anoying but still ok. only problem back in beta was the non var bh are super under powered u know wat i mean.
AQW Epic  Post #: 100
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