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str spammers

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2/14/2013 11:58:29   

why do you guys all call them "brainless strength spammers"? they are real people too and they deserve some respect. whats wrong with you guys
Epic  Post #: 1
2/14/2013 11:59:23   

You don't see what is wrong in abusing one specific stat too get on the leaderboard?
AQ DF MQ Epic  Post #: 2
2/14/2013 12:04:16   
the final hour

using a build that is vastly overpowered to an extent where your not just wrecking your own fun but once everyoine jumps on the bandwagon the ones that are trying to play for fun . are forced to switch too the build or get a awful lot of losses. that deserves no respect. your wrecking everyone funs in the pursuit of a high w/l record that no one will respect once they see your build.
Post #: 3
2/14/2013 12:08:56   

how would you like if i was like "ur not a strength spammer so you suck! noob!"????
Epic  Post #: 4
2/14/2013 12:08:56   

Because Str abuse focuses on spamming Strike + Gun + offensive skills; Zerker, DS, Bludgeon; sheer abuse of one stat for damage. Yeah, that's totally strategy. What if you're about to die? Smash harder.
AQ Epic  Post #: 5
2/14/2013 12:10:53   


how would you like if i was like "ur not a strength spammer so you suck! noob!"????

I would be proud since I'm not abusing one stat.
AQ DF MQ Epic  Post #: 6
2/14/2013 12:16:21   
the final hour

didnt read that properly but im still making a point here on why strengh abuse is nothing to be proud of.

id turn around and say yup cause i am spamming strengh on a merc right now as it happens i am a noob . i know it . i just got that disheartened tht a build as awful and unstrategic as the strengh abuse build is so effective dam near unbeatable if you dont block . its so boring but the balance is so horrific people are being forced into the builds. by so many people abusing theese brainless builds.

merc - double strike/ maul beserker chairmans fury (if your still alive \) rage your dead no matter what at this point .

bh - smoke strike/ gun strike /gun mass your more then likely ded or running into rage .

ch - same as bh

you get my point they take o thought or creativity or stratergie or fun to use .

and spoil everyone elses fun . and get too man y undeserved wins

< Message edited by the final hour -- 2/14/2013 12:18:48 >
Post #: 7
2/14/2013 12:37:09   

It the same problem almost a year ago with strength blood mage until the fireball nerf. If you weren't around then it wasn't fun especially since they could destroy you in 2-3 turns and every mage you ran into was a strength abusing BM. Now it is happening again but with Merc's since defenses got nerfed. It isn't fun in the least, and requires little to no effect since you know that since defenses are low you can destroy anyone with high strength making it a brainless win most of the time.
Epic  Post #: 8
2/14/2013 13:18:10   

strategy is defined as: "the art of devising or employing plans or stratagems toward a goal." ~merriam webster dictionary

i dont mind when people spam one stat, or if someone copies my build( would be so pro if that happened). the Thing is as "brainless" as you may think these builds are, they win. And people who use those builds don't care if it is "original" or not. People tend to go with builds that work in this game. Now you may be content with yourself in using a build that is only partly original and lose, that's fine. and if you can make a balanced stat build that wins 99% of the time, congratulations. but that does not mean that everyone else is an idiot that uses another build that works just because it is formed from the use of one main stat. People also seem to claim to think there is no strategy in using a strength build. this is a completely false statement.

Strike + Gun + offensive skills; Zerker, DS, Bludgeon

yes we use those skills , why? because they improve with strength. it would be noobish to have 100 strength and 10 dex , then use multi-shot and expect it to do some damage, What other skills do you expect us to use? plasma bolt? the problem half the time when people make claims like this is because they lose to a strength build more than wanted. And instead of changing to a build that counters the majority, or using a strength build themselves. they decide to stick with their current build instead of adapting.. then they get all bent out of shape because they choose not to find a counter build. Others just take too much pride in their builds when they have a build that has a high percentage and is more complicated. But by definition of a strategy, may i remind you, it has nothing to do with complications. If you master and devise a complicated build that works, good for you! but that does not make everyone else who choose a more simpler route any less smart than yourself. Some people simply just choose to go the simple way, because its fast and efficient.

so in conclusion i'll say this
a good merc build in omega:
First, get good strength, high health, and moderate dex( becuase dex is lowered for everyone your less likely to be blocked)

Second, use mual becuase it has no warm up and it ignores %20 defense plus a chance to stun (support lowwered stun chance higher)

Third, use berserker because at max it can do 90% more damage than a normal strike and on rage can do massive damage

Fourth, if blocked, stuned, or emp your best chances to survive long enough to win would be to use intimidate lowering multiple sources of damage.
MOST people saw this strategy and deemed it usable in the levels closer to the level cap ( because before omega it was not as popular in these levels, and was mainly used in the beginner levels for 1vs1)~

strength builds are strategies, even if they are not complicated to you.

strategy: the art of devising or employing plans or stratagems toward a goal

the goal being to win

and the plans or course of action would be your build, which was devised, by either you or who ever made it.

strength builds are strategies...
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 9
2/14/2013 13:29:46   

@ classified

Now if everyone thought like you then no one would be complaining. However, at the same time it isn't balanced in the least and if one build can destroy all how is that balance? Especially if said build destroys you before you can make a move or a plan to counter it.

That is why many call these kinds of builds brainless because they destroy you before you can even counter in some cases.
Epic  Post #: 10
2/14/2013 13:32:26   

Jeeez... grow up dude.

Epic  Post #: 11
2/14/2013 13:34:56   

As human beings, I do believe that everyone should be treated fairly with equal amounts of respect. However, the character and builds in game. Impossible, they deserve none. These builds have just destroyed the balance that we were promised by the Developers. These builds have caused 1v1 battles to be quick and boring. These builds require no effort to make or use, and all you do is double strike and berzerk. Strength really needs a nerf. Meanwhile, why don't we all try my caster Merc :3 Bunker + Surgical! XD


- F4tal1tY

- My Guide to Tech Mages - Please check it out! Feedback is appreciated! :)
Epic  Post #: 12
2/14/2013 13:40:57   

@f4tal1tY would you be so kind to pm me the build so i dont have to spam strength?
Epic  Post #: 13
2/14/2013 13:45:05   

there brainless cause you can literally relate it to one of the most brainless quotes ever devised.. "HULK SMASH" .. that's pretty much all that needs to be said about str builds :/
they take no though other than spamming the strength stat and connecting with the opponent which is even easier if you have an unblockable active skill on your armor ( chairmans ) +
an unblockable active on your weapon.. cause then you have those ( unreducable ) damage based skills as well as your gun ( which can only be deflected so still does damage ) then the
countless low mp cost skills that scale with Strength. ( Dbl.strike, bludgeon, maul, frenzy, etc etc ) and the one medium cost ( blockable ) beserker and finally the insta win high energy unblockable
massacre. With all of these strength based skills that scale by a % compared to moves like bunker, or unfortunately the now useless multis ( seriously with the nerf to stat points give them 100% damage back it's pitiful... ) which do a set number ( 50-52 dmg as example ) which is easily defended against.
Epic  Post #: 14
2/14/2013 13:50:18   

I don't use a strength build, but I laugh hard when I see people whining and raging about them :P.
Post #: 15
2/14/2013 14:11:07   

I must agree at the owner of this topic. That is very very true.
AQW Epic  Post #: 16
2/14/2013 14:25:33   

@mother1 i cannot deny the fact that strength builds do seem to at the least overcome most builds currently in the game :P (btw is your name from the game title :3)

@ansh0 yea, its really nothing you should take personally, but comments like "brainless" bother people (some more than others) , and this is because no matter who may deny it, we all care about other peoples opinions. That's why this forum exist.

@ReinV most players don't say hulk smash :P, even tho i do like saying catch phrases that go along with attacks, it has nothing to do with it being brainless. and don't you have to connect all attacks to deal damage?

i laugh too

MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 17
2/14/2013 14:31:45   


most players don't say hulk smash :P

Yup, most just say Noob, which is funny seeing they are using the Str abuse build...

The Irony in that
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 18
2/14/2013 14:35:27   
The Incredible Hulk



I say Hulk smash in 2v2. Quite fun when you say it since my name ends with hulk. If I berseker I say ' hulk hulk hulk smash' ;D. But I don't tend to use str alot. I normally use 5 focus.

People tend to call str brainless because they repeat the move over over again, and don't use a strategy to it etc. Maul, Berseker and so on. Its like saying they are an NPC which NPC it self repeats moves all over again.
Epic  Post #: 19
2/14/2013 14:40:37   

^haha i sometime say "ALL ABOARD THE KNUCKLE TRAIN TO FIST PLANET" when i use my gamma bot xD

But don't all builds repeat moves over again, to an extent ,in each battle?
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 20
2/14/2013 14:50:16   

Here is one I say. If my azreal's borg uses it sting and crits with the infernal interdictior I would say "That really must of stung if it sent you flying" Or "What the matter allergic to wasp stings?"

Also yeah you got it with my user name. Though very few in game know see this.
Epic  Post #: 21
2/14/2013 15:23:25   

@ Classified ~ the hulk smash comment was not something people say when using this build is was to relate that saying to the style of the build.. all str spammers do is attack attack attack
I haven't ever seen somebody say "hulk smash" in game.. that would be silly and of course you have to connect with the moves but the problem is the only defense against a str build is blocking them... which is pretty hard when they use skill cores and such that scale w/ strength that are unblockable/deflectable
Epic  Post #: 22
2/14/2013 16:51:42   

Does it really take more brains to click the Bunker Buster tab than the Double Strike or Berserk? It's not these ppl's fault strength is so buffed now. It's not their fault that defense is so nerfed. And they don't have to go make up some 'creative build' that loses a lot because of it. It's not any less fun to win by strength than it is to win by focus 5 builds or any other build for that matter.

Tell ED to bring back our defense and most of this whining about strength will go away.

Post #: 23
2/14/2013 16:54:34   
the final hour


Does it really take more brains to click the Bunker Buster tab

yes cause if you dont use bunker correctly it could cost you the fight .

however with beserk maul double strike massacre, just click and win in most cases no matter what you do you have a far higher chance of winning then loosing no skill/ thought process involved
Post #: 24
2/14/2013 17:04:30   

There are still some build can be used in Omega, It just weird everyone sticking with Strength build.
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 25
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