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RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: mighty mosquito

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5/20/2007 15:27:29   

Yo, I like computer programming too, though I'm not very good at it yet. Wanna teach me some?

Have you ever been to Florida, and if so, are you the bug who gave me the big welt on the back of my knee?

Tacos or burritos?

Meerkats are cool, right?

Whats your top five favorite songs?

If you could, would you put Drakath, Sepulchre, Xan, and send them off to an uncharted island?

If yes, would you sink the island once they got there?

Are you related to Atom Ant?

Thanks for answers!

Since these colors will make me add a number of unnecessary tags, I'll answer below:
1) Sure! Lesson 1: 1.#QNaN = bad
2) I've been to Florida a few times, but I don't go outside the hotel much. Too hot.
3) Burritos
4) Yep
5) Gosh... that's tough. I'd say Bohemian Rhapsody tops the list, followed by some Beatles songs.
6) Only if I have them three cupcakes... with only two cherries! *ebil laugh*
7) No, them fighting over the missing cherry would be too funny to miss.
8) Who?

< Message edited by mighty mosquito -- 5/20/2007 22:23:19 >
DF  Post #: 51
5/20/2007 15:35:06   

i have some questions

1. if you could have 1 title on the forum, what would it be?
Gosh, mine isn't good enough?
2. are you really a mosquito?
Yes, I am. Though I might be lying.
and 3. Are you allowed to get your own avatar?
Yeah, though that comes later.

< Message edited by mighty mosquito -- 5/20/2007 22:25:46 >


AQ DF MQ  Post #: 52
5/20/2007 15:40:00   

how old are u
No personal questions, please
how long did u play DF and AQ for
AQ since July 2004, DF since the very beginning
do u like the new abilitys u get now as an AK
They're a laughing riot!
do u feel kinda sad that ur going to have to deal with all the dummies
Dummies heck, it's the hyper people I'm afraid of

< Message edited by mighty mosquito -- 5/20/2007 22:26:42 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 53
5/20/2007 15:57:30   
Captain Planet
Banned Multi

I won't question your name if you don't question mine.

Onto the questions!!!

Mr. Fibble vs. Chuck Norris
*sigh* Chuck Norris. How many times must I emphasize this?
Geico commercials: Gecko or Cavemen?
Gecko, especally the original one before he got that British accent.
A group of undead ninja squirrels have invaded your house. All you have is a piece of gum, a tooth pick, and a rubber band, what do you do?
Fly out the window. I'm a mosquito.
If you had 3 wishes what would you wish for?
1) An infinite supply of chili con carne. 2) An infinite supply of bean burritos. 3) An infinite supply of Gas-X.
Favorite TV show?
Hockey Night in Canada, even though Don Cherry's a moron
Most annoying thing ever:
If you were to ask me one question, what would you ask?
Is this a question.
I'll be back with more questions soon(?)!

< Message edited by mighty mosquito -- 5/20/2007 22:30:02 >
AQ  Post #: 54
5/20/2007 16:00:23   

Ello Mighty Mosquito
Links to DF char pages?
Artix or C?
Guardian in AQ?
Why do you like miosquitos?
What title will you choose?
What avvy will you choose?
Do you like my sig?
Be seeing you around!
And which do you hate more? Flamers or spammers?
And who do you like better, me or the person above me?

Yep, colors again.
1) Karp's ID is 2128. My other two are unimportant secondary characters.
2) Uh... both and neither.
3) Yes
4) The real question is, do I NOT like mosqitoes? ...wow, that made no sense
5) Something with "Canuck" and "Mountie" in it
6) YAY!!!
7) It's good
8) I'll see you around, too.
9) Flamers, it's like Spam++
10) Eh, favoritism again.

< Message edited by mighty mosquito -- 5/20/2007 22:33:52 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 55
5/20/2007 16:01:43   
cookies taste good

do you like potatoes?
Sure do
favorite tv show?
Hockey Night in Canada
am i annoying?
I've met worse
can i have 50 bucks?
I don't have 50 male deer, sorry
favorite ceral?
Froot Loops
favorite kind of cookies?

....ill be back...sooon.....(dun dun dun)

< Message edited by mighty mosquito -- 5/20/2007 22:35:35 >


"Then listen up! When I joined the core we didn't have any fancy shmancy tanks... we had sticks! 2 sticks and a rock for the whole platoon, and we had to share the rock! Buck up boy, your one very lucky marine. "
DF  Post #: 56
5/20/2007 16:03:30   
Beowulf Z

oh so now Mighty Misquito has become a Archknight eh? because i used to know you as a member on the forums long ago...

Whats you favorite colour?
MAROON. The color of champions.
though it would be cool to be a AK =/ i mostly wanna be teh Minion of blobby the moglin! but for now ill protect him with my life! how you think i could archieve his oh Mighty Misquito?
Keep hanging around him and I'm sure Blobby will accept you as one of his own.

< Message edited by mighty mosquito -- 5/20/2007 22:36:32 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 57
5/20/2007 16:04:39   

Can I just say, loving the colour...

Colour is spelt with a 'u', isn't it?
It is, but that's one extra character to type, and I'm lazy
Anyway, speak to me in code.

Hmm, do you do ActionScript? (Flash coding XP)
No, I don't know ActionScript

If you do, I might have to come back to you... I've only mastered stop();
You're further than me

Ohh, do you like Final Fantasy?
Never played a FF game =/

Even if you don't, what's your favourite one?
See above

You know, I got bit by a mosquito the other day... Was it you? Or a minion friend?
I have many minions, so yeah, it might be one of them.

</end questions>

P.S. If I'm nice enough to you, will I get modship? -shifty look-
No, I don't like people who suck up to me. Do the exact opposite!

P.S.S. Is it the P, or the S that gets duplicated? -thinks-

< Message edited by mighty mosquito -- 5/20/2007 22:38:41 >
AQ DF  Post #: 58
5/20/2007 16:14:39   

what dragon egg did you get?
One of the yellow ones

whats your favorite element?
Toss-up between Darkness and Disease. I don't have west nile or anything, seriously, I just like the element.

whats your favorite dragonfable war boss?
Gorgok, the original DF dragon

do you watch WWE?
well thats all

< Message edited by mighty mosquito -- 5/20/2007 22:39:50 >


pm me if you watch WWE or naruto

AQ DF  Post #: 59
5/20/2007 16:20:16   

Back again. =P And continuing my questions. =P

1. What's Insect+Insect=?
2. Got Cheese?
3. Cheeze-Its?
No, but I do have cheese flavored rice chips
4. CHEESEBurger?
Sort of
5. What do you do on your spare time?
AQ, DF, C programming and going outside
6. Do you have an army?
7. If no, well... *no comment*
Good. You didn't hear ANYTHING.
Done. =P

< Message edited by mighty mosquito -- 5/20/2007 22:42:04 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 60
5/20/2007 16:48:35   


Do you like mosquitos?
I am a mosquito, so yes
Does blood taste good?
Real good, especially Moglin blood
Do you have a Dragonfable account?
ID #2128
Do you like sneevils?
Not really, they taste too gamey
How scared would you be if I put a can of bug spray explosives in front of you ?
Are you a strong mosquito..or whatever you are?
I can inflict 4000 Disease damage upon your character do some pretty amazing things
What did you eat for breakfast?
Twilly's left arm, with a side of Twig's right knee
About how much blood a day do you drink?
A lot
Will you promise not suck my blood?
I promise... nothing! Ha!
Have a good time being moderator!

< Message edited by mighty mosquito -- 5/20/2007 22:45:06 >


If you haz been reading this...
You wasted a couple seconds of your life...
Yep this is the ebilest thing a sig. can do to ya
Muahahahahah (ebil laugh) >:)
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 61
5/20/2007 17:09:31   

how did u become an archknight! i wanna become one...
Be nice and helpful and you may be noticed someday!
so... whats your favorite drink?
Toss-up between TAB and Diet Pepsi
twilly is tasty eh? then what about zorbak?
He's good, but ebil Moglins make me hiccup
would you rather "bee" a cow, chicken, or CHICKCENCOW?(lol lil pun in there )
I am weasel.
whats your most favorite mosquito species?
and dats all i got... darn... i wish i was u...

< Message edited by mighty mosquito -- 5/20/2007 22:46:38 >


Post #: 62
5/20/2007 17:10:07   

Exactly how much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
How many pancakes does it take to shingle a dog house in Taiwan?
What is your favorite energy drink?
Why should you never critisize someone until you have walked a mile in their shoes?
Because a kilometre isn't enough
Have you ever seen a llama, kissed a llama on the llama?
If I say black, you say what?
Edmonton Oilers
If I say dog, you say what?
Phoenix Coyotes
If I say shark, you say what?
Anaheim Ducks (HAR HAR)
What song did I just reference with the last 3 questions?
No idea
If train A leaves chicago, going 45 miles per hour, and train B leaves tokyo going at just under 200 miles per hour, when will trains C and D collide?
When trains E and F shoot into space
May I call you Foobie?
Foobie? Sounds like a Moglin name to me.

< Message edited by mighty mosquito -- 5/20/2007 22:49:36 >
DF  Post #: 63
5/20/2007 17:17:43   

Hi! Just a couple Q's, then I'll be out of your hair.

1.) Are you a girl? Because only female mosquitos bite, you know.
I'm male, but since I'm just so darn mighty, I'm not like the others.
2.) Why are MtAK threads always so darn goofy?
3.) Do you like to bite anything other than moglins and people?
4.) If yes to #3, what is your favorite thing to bite besides people and moglins?
Vampires. Notice any irony?
5.) Werepyres vs. Dracopyres?
6.) Favorite AQ Über?
Ultra Ice Katana
7.) Favorite anime?
Ugh... Inuyasha, probably.
8.) Favorite TV show?
Hockey Night in Canada
9.) AK powers are t3h l33tness, no? *wishes he had some...*
t3h h@xx0rz
10.) Speaking of AKs, ArchKnight or ZardWars?
11.) I think I've asked more than just a couple questions, haven't I?
You're killing me here
12.) Favorite AE minigame?
The Robina one
13.) Favorite AE staff member?
Favoritism = no
14.) What do you think of MechQuest?
It's okay
15.) I'm sorry for overloading you with questions. Do you forgive me? *puppy-dog eyes*
Yes, I forgive you
Gratz on becoming an AK.

< Message edited by mighty mosquito -- 5/20/2007 22:52:59 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 64
5/20/2007 17:19:23   

Mosquitoes! Yay us!
I hate em! You what?
well.....too bad... Okay, you're pushing it, pal.
Hi! Where is my attack button?
No This isn't DF, isn't it?
Yes Dangit! Must... attack...
Of Course Gotta improvise
Your Out of your mind! 4673 Disease damage! Critical hit!
Yep.....those were all my questions...... Thanks! You're good EXP!

and i lasted 17.42519.268! on that wierd game!....I beated you!.....and Mr. Irish! *gives you a gold star*

< Message edited by mighty mosquito -- 5/20/2007 22:55:33 >
AQ DF  Post #: 65
5/20/2007 17:33:28   

1. how do you keep fighting off the Df team's carrier Pigeons?
The ShadowReaper of Doom scares 'em
2. how many have there been?
That depends. Do Razorwings count as carrier pigeons?
3. what do you do with the bodies?
Made them into stew and sold them to Oaklore Keep. They're chock full of... ingredients.
4. what is the df team going to send at you next?
5. who the tastiest member of the Df team?
Probably Rimblade. Something about the Cysero Rebellion made him... good.

< Message edited by mighty mosquito -- 5/20/2007 22:58:19 >
AQ  Post #: 66
5/20/2007 17:41:00   

Cake or ice cream?
Do you like pie?
Yes, who doesn't?
Monkies or bananas?
Bees or trees?
Bees. Insects!
That's all for now

< Message edited by mighty mosquito -- 5/20/2007 22:59:06 >
DF  Post #: 67
5/20/2007 17:43:05   

so you love the beatles, I'm not a serious fan, though.
then 1. favourite song
2. fav. Beatle John Lennon
3. fav. album White Album
4. least fav. song Why Don't We Do It In The Road?
5. (trick question) would you like to see a reunion? Uh... yeah.
6. what song should be covered by .....(fill in another artist) Anything to do with Queen
7. your favourite Rolling Stones song (could be a trick question) I don't listen to the Stones, sorry
8. favourite excisting cover of Beatles song Not a serious fan, sorry
no.9? No 9.
10. favourite line in Beatle lyric? I am the walrus.

< Message edited by mighty mosquito -- 5/20/2007 23:01:03 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 68
5/20/2007 18:06:37   

What's up MM?

I feel shame for not having heard of you.


1. Who upgraded you to AK?
I'm not terribly sure, it might have been Reens, geopetal, or someone completely different
2. What is your favorite show?
Hockey Night in Canada
3. What did you have for breakfast today?
Nothing, I woke up too late =/
4. What's your favorite food?
Tuna sandwich
5. Why is your name mighty mosquito?
Well, I wanted to make sure everyone knew how great a mosquito I was
6. What country do you hail from?
That real cold one up North
7. Will you kneel before Zod?
As if
Good luck with being an AK!

*Flashes west side symbol*

< Message edited by mighty mosquito -- 5/21/2007 11:40:30 >
AQ DF  Post #: 69
5/20/2007 18:30:11   

Hi, congrats?
1. Who made you an ak/mod? Another one? It was wither Reens or geopetal.
2. Would you consider yourself smart? Reasonably so
3. Do you live in the U.S.A.? No
4. Do you like bunnies and pie? Not together
5. Do you read Eragon and Eldest? Huh?
6. Do you know Beleqwaya? Beg pardon?
7. Do you like my sig? Nice, is that from AQStats or did you make it yourself?

< Message edited by mighty mosquito -- 5/21/2007 11:42:03 >


<--Clicky if you love Twiily.
DF  Post #: 70
5/20/2007 19:34:48   

wow!hi might mosquito!

great job on becoming an AK!

i remember reading your comics,they rule.
Heh, thanks. Maybe if I find some time, I'll make more.

< Message edited by mighty mosquito -- 5/21/2007 11:42:45 >
AQ DF  Post #: 71
5/20/2007 19:40:56   

1. Cookie?
2. If so, then I demand payment. Ten dollars please.
I wrote you a postdated check. Don't cash it until the year 2100.

< Message edited by mighty mosquito -- 5/21/2007 11:43:23 >
DF  Post #: 72
5/20/2007 19:41:59   
Wyvern Knight

Hello Mister! I'm going to ask some questions, K'?
Alright, shoot!
I've never heard of you. Am I correct in quessing you spend much of your time in Q&A?
Usually, that and the 'pedia
Why do your bites itch? (Get this wrong, I get a fly swatter.)
With other mosquitoes, the saliva they produce on their stinger itches, but with me... well, I have a lot of MP and some very annoying spells.
What type of computer do you have?
Not exactly sure, but it has a 2.40GHz processor and 2GB of RAM.
If you were a rat, how many pieces of fur would you have?
Is the world a happy place?
Uh... define "happy."
How long do you plan on sticking around these forums?
Quite a while
Would you possibly have access to any records that may possibly show how my peoples behavior has been?
Classified info, buddy.
Ok. Just curious if it exists! Thats all...
Okay then, case closed.
Do you consider your new position a blessing, or a curse?
A little from column A, a little from column B.
Favorite console game?
Toss-up between Mega Man 2 and Super Mario Bros. 3
Until you became one, did you find the forum staff intimidating?
SCAKK, but he intimidates everyone.
I have a Guardian Blade, Wings of 100 Infernos, Heavy Ring, Defender's Dragon Necklace V, and a Magma Belt. I use Triple attack. What are my chances of ONE of those attacks inflicting a critical hit?
Um, I think thats all. thanks for your time Mister! (If I was at all annoying, you can warn me. K'?)

BTW: WAIT! One last question... when you found out you became an AK, did you *cough* "Dance more than expected"? I've always wanted to know.... thanks mister!
It was all over the news, how'd you miss it?
BTW2: Oh, and do the ads at the top of the page that sell Misquito repellent bug you? Gotta love how they change like this....
It's a conspiracy, but since they're not real, no.
If I were to buy this, "Mosquito Magnet", would I be immune to any punishment you try to give me?
Magnet? Do I look like an energy elemental?

< Message edited by mighty mosquito -- 5/21/2007 11:48:24 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 73
5/20/2007 19:47:10   

Since when have you been an archknight?
Since two days ago
Are you still going to the edited pictures thread, or do you not have time?
Maybe I'll go back there someday
What is the first thing you did when you were made into an AK?
Ask myself if this was a cruel joke
How long?
About six seconds
What color do you like to type in?
A brownish color
Is there a reason you became an archknight?
I want to help and better the DF community
Are you going to delete this thread after the third page =.= like the Mr. Irish one?
Uh... NaN?
I didn't delete the bloody thread!!!
That should be enough, see you later!

< Message edited by Mr.Irish -- 5/27/2007 5:04:15 >
DF MQ  Post #: 74
5/20/2007 20:27:10   

No questions here, MM. I just wish to say Congrats to ya!

(I bet you're thinking 'thank Lore for that!')

Thank you! When my army of Insectmancers invades Falconreach, I'll tell them to give you and you alone a head start.

Wow, did that ever come out wrong.

< Message edited by mighty mosquito -- 5/21/2007 11:51:19 >
DF  Post #: 75
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