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Issue 40 - Adventures with Watery Hosts (Sentharn and Eukara)

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3/11/2009 16:04:53   
Eukara Vox
Legendary AdventureGuide!

Adventures with Watery Hosts
by Sentharn and Eukara

"You know, Talvan, everyone makes such big deals about dragons ... which I understand is necessary. Dragons are awesome creatures. But, you know, I think there are other creatures in the world considered 'mythological' that need to be given some time."

"Oh? Like what creatures?"

"Well, considering your behavior the other day while reading about dragons ... I think perhaps we should read up a bit about Kelpies. You know, since you share the same area of the ladder with them now."

"I thought we resolved that already. I said I was sorry. It's not my fault the Dewball incident is still fresh in my mind..."

*sigh* "You know, one day I will air out all your foibles and then we will see just what happens. But, let's not go into that quite yet. Ever wonder why Kelpies occupy one of the lower rungs on the Creature ladder?"

"Right, right. Let's just read this article..."

*Chrysa pulls a book off the shelf* "All right, well, let's get comfortable..."

*Talvan jumps on Chrysa and sits* "Ooompf! Well, make yourself at home. Let's see, I believe Kelpies are with the water creatures. Bup, bup, bup ... ahhh, page 156: Aquatic Creatures of Mythology. Oh look, this looks like a nice article on water dragons on page 163. We should read it sometime. Ahh, Kelpies are found on page 168."

In the wilds of Scotland and Ireland, in the lochs and rivers of dreams, Kelpies lie in wait. But just what are these creatures from the faerie world of Celtic times? For generations, people have tried to find and study these beings, only to find themselves out of luck. As much as any Celt would love to claim that they have seen and survived an encounter with one of these creatures, all stories are to be filed away under legends, faerie tale and tavern talk.

"What?! I share a ladder rung with creatures from a faerie tale?! Just for mentioning an innocent little incident involving Master Samirk's--"

"Master Samirk! Why, had the apothecary not been so enamored with your gleaming blue hide, the explos-- Forget it. Moving on, and yes, you seem to be sharing a rung with a "faerie tale creature."

"Hmph ... I suppose I can forgive you this once. But it really was his fault! I didn't mean to knock that barrel of molasses down, but he put it so close to the edge, and my wings were getting tired, and--"

*Chrysa scritches Tarvan's eye ridges* "It's okay heart-sister. The barrel was too close to the edge. Well, that was an interesting beginning to the article, let's move on."

"All right..."

The first thing one needs to know about Kelpies is that these creatures are mostly of the malevolent nature. Though there have been reports of the occasional kind and helpful Kelpie, humankind must realize that these creatures are not to be approached. Stories circulate as to why these creatures are so evil, but never has history or cryptozoologists been able to pinpoint exactly what went wrong. In most stories, Kelpies are black, horselike creatures that live in the water. Apparently, any water will do, for they are rumored to live in anything ranging from a simple rain puddle to the sea.

"Moist horses! O the insult! They can't even fly! They can't speak! And they can't be an eighth as beautiful as I! After all, I am one of the most uniquely beautiful dragons in existence."

"Wow, my dear, eighth is so specific. Yes, you are uniquely something, all right. I would have thought you would be more insulted with being linked to a creature that is considered evil. You learn something new every day."

"Just because one might be considered evil doesn't mean that they're not beautiful. But when compared to moistened ponies who can't even hover..."

"Moving along before you say something to mar that beauty of yours."

One of the first things one must know, for it is essential to his or her survival, is that Kelpies are adept shapeshifters. This is a matter of convenience for them as they tend to play with our instincts and emotions that way. Kelpies can take various forms, including an attractive human female. Commonly, Kelpies are seen as quiet, tame horses standing beside or in the water, calmly nibbling on the grasses that grow nearest the shore. If approached, the Kelpie will feign shyness, further encouraging a human to get closer.

"Hmph. Both shy and unable to fly...These creatures can't possibly be as tough as the author portrays them."

"Oh really?"

"Yah! I could capture one, easy! I could swoop down on them just like the time I tackled Varla, remember that? Wasn't that a perfect dive?"

"Varla ... Oh yes, what I remember most is having to deal with her brother. Anthulym was not thrilled in the slightest at having his sister covered head to foot in feathers and cheese! I swear it took me near half the day to appease him."

"...That wasn't my fault, either! I'd have never done it if I'd seen the cooks wheeling the cart her way!"

"Riiiight. Heh, well, if you are so confident, maybe we should try and find one so that you can show me these skills you have?"

"Let's do it! It'll be a snap! You'll see, I'm a natural-born hunter of Kelpies!"

*After several hours of negotiations involving petitions and scavenging for someone who wasn't wary of Talvan's propensity towards accidents, Chrysa secures a ride for them both with Diren and Namaran. Though Diren has expressed his reservations, Namaran insists on carrying Talvan and Chrysa to the Isle of Skye. Apparently, Talvan entertains the older dragon immensely.

After several innerspace transits and the bending of the time-space continuum, Namaran circles a beautiful blue lake and lands in a grassy area about 100 meters from the shore. Diren verifies the pickup time and promptly takes off.*

"So, we are on the Isle of Skye. What a strange name. Anyway, apparently, Namaran thought this place was perfect - Loch Na Creitheach. Looking around this place is amazing. The Loch is in the middle of such rugged mountains!"

"A mountain is a mountain is a mountain. Come on, I thought we came out here to find Kelpies, not to stand about and gawk at the scenery. We're going to find one of these watery tarts!"

"Very well, you unrefined beast. Maybe I will get Namaran to bring me back here without you."

"Fine. You come out here one of these days and have a nice, relaxing vacation. I'll just be back home ... roaming the halls alone ... with no one watching over me ... You remember how well that went over last time, don't you?"

"Nooooo, we do not want that to happen. Maybe I can tie you to something so I can have some peace and quiet. Better yet, since Master Trystan is a mage, perhaps she can cast sleep over you for me... Now, on towards the goal; let me just pull out the article."

The last kelpie sighting was 50 years prior to the publishing date of this compendium. The sighting was reported from Loch Slapin...

"Hey, that is near here! This gets more and more interesting. I wonder if by some chance the mountains here help shelter Kelpies. Maybe we will see one while we look around."

"Who cares? They're near here! It said they were by water, right? So can we start searching now?"

"Yes, yes ... Impatient as can be. I never get to just slow down and look around. But very well, off we go. According to what I read, we must be wary of anything and everything we see. Frequently, Kelpies appear to others in the form of an attractive horse--"

"Oh my Goddess, Chrysa, look! It's a Kelpie! It's a Kelpie! I'm gonna get it!"

*Talvan launches into the air, stirring up a cloud of sand around Chrysa. Darting forwards, she rapidly closes the distance between the calmly grazing horse that stands in ankle-deep water near the shore.*

"No ... don't do it ... really ... you shouldn't..." *rolls her eyes as she slowly follows her dragon* "...Meh, if she gets it, then she will have to figure out how to unstick herself from the Kelpie before it tries to drown her."

"I'm going to get it, Chrysa! I'm going to--OOMPH!"

*Talvan misses the Kelpie completely and crashes into a marshy stand of sea-tail bushes. The Kelpie just looks at the now-muddy little dragon without interest and ambles further into the water. Talvan thrashes about in the bushes, trying to extricate herself from the brackish mud.*

"Tut, tut. Such a dirty hide. That will take forever to clean, young dragonette. Which of course will be my job. Anyway, thank goodness you didn't catch the creature. If you would just, one day, I don't know, use some patience, you would have learned that touching the beast could have killed you!"

"Maybe if you'd finished reading that article instead of admiring the view, this wouldn't have happened! Now look at me! I'm muddy. I'm filthy! Don't just stand there, grinning like a fool! Help me out!"

"But my dear, I thought you wanted to hear the rest of the article, since I neglected you so much for the mountainous view. So, I am going to read the rest and you can just sit there until I am done."

Kelpies are masters of illusion. Many times, those walking along the shores of a watery abode never see the faerie creatures watching them. Usually, Kelpies keep their bodies hidden except for an eye above the water. But their ability to create an illusion of absence creates the opportunity to attack without warning. Kelpies would rather their prey come to them, not the other way around.

"What do they mean, 'their prey come to them'? They don't even have fangs, like a real mythical creature would have! What do they do, stare you to death?"

"Well, I assume that they lie in wait in the water, making it look like the water is inviting. Then, while said person or thing is in the water, they attack. Should I keep reading?"

"How can you attack if you don't even have teeth?"


Once a Kelpie's prey is comfortable and relaxed, the Kelpie will make its move. Rising up out of the water, the sudden break in the calm stuns the person or creature. The Kelpie then sucks the prey whole into its mouth, dragging it slowly under water to drown and further consume its meal. Kelpies eat their prey at the bottom of the body of water, using teeth that are concealed until needed.

"Eeeep! They do have teeth! C'mon, help me out, quick, before it comes back! I think saw a ripple--"

"If you would stop thrashing around like a fish on the deck of a ship, this would be easier! Just give me your forelegs. Oh for the love of ... What happened to being such a beautiful, graceful creature? I am soaked now! The ripple you saw was probably your own tail, for goodness' sake!"

"No, no, it wasn't! My tail isn't over there! It's not-- oh ... it was my wing."

"Wait, all that was over your WING! You know, if I didn't actually love you-- Oh, what is that? I do believe the white horse from earlier is coming back towards us. Hmm, if that is a Kelpie ... time to speed-read!"

As was mentioned earlier, Kelpies can be found lounging about the shores of a water source. If they spy their favorite targets, children, they pose as a horse, enticing the children towards them. When the young get close enough, Kelpies further play with the children, encouraging them to get on their backs. A Kelpie's skin will exude a strong adhesive, trapping any who touch it. Once satisfied that all young are trapped, the Kelpie will dive into the water where it will drown the young and proceed to eat them.

"Augh! Get me out of this mud! Don't let it touch me!"

*Talvan struggles with such violence that she manages to free herself from the mud. Unable to fly due to the mud coating her wings, she flaps in an ungainly and most ungraceful sort of trot through the shallow water, reaching the shore in record time.*

"You know, I think that the horse is watching you, Talvan. Maybe it knows you are but a juvenile dragon? And maybe, just maybe, we should calmly head for the landing area and wait for Namaran."

"Yes, let's do that!"

*Talvan is hardly calm as they return to the rendezvous site, but they nonetheless return to the glade, unharmed except for Talvan's pride. Namaran returns precisely at the agreed-upon time, and Chrysa helps a slippery Talvan onto his back. Diren raises an eyebrow when he notices Talvan's rather less than prim state.*

"Everything go alright, ma'am?"

"Oh, quite so. We merely had a small... mishap."

"Oh." *Diren climbs onto Namaran's back and tells the dragon to lift* "It wasn't as bad as the Meatloaf incident, was it? I tell you, the chefs--"

"Just fly, please." *Chrysa purses her lips.*

*With sudden, strong downstrokes, Namaran lifts them off the ground in a clean maneuver. As they prepare for the first timeshift, Chrysa mentions:*

"Don't look now, but our 'Kelpie' is being harnessed by a small boy and led to a flock of sheep. So much for that hunting prowess you bragged about earlier."

"Oh shut up."

< Message edited by Eukara -- 3/11/2009 18:11:24 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 1
3/12/2009 14:11:10   
Cow Face
One Heck of a Guy

Nuclear Dragon says:
"Really, I fear that Chrysa is too harsh on poor Talvan. After all, a Dragon of such obvious beauty- even at her young age- deserves to be praised for her obvious bravery, which extends even so far as to engage a beast of which she has little knowledge! This misadventure was quite understandable; how could she have known that it was a horse? Now, where's that chocolate you promised me? Wait, I wasn't supposed to say that out loud... Bother."
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 2
3/13/2009 13:37:24   

Talvan Talvan Talvan you clumsy little kid.
With all these accidents you are in i fear something really bad might happen one day.
Who knows? You might end up thinking that divebombing Sarah the Nerfkitten is a good idea.
Which it is not i can assure you *Flinches from scratches that hurts like crazy*

Come to think of it, i know i off another dragon who is also extremely prone to accidents.
You may want to have a talk with him, you might learn something.
Seriously, both of you need to learn to be a little more careful.

A bit of friendly advice: Don't try to go hunting for Nimmys, unless you fancy getting electrocuted and then physically assaulted by a 200 feet long giant Super-Carnivore.
Those electrocutions really hurts, trust me on that, they are at least a thousand times stronger than what an electric eel gives off.
...Then there's the little issue with them being fireproof and having the capability to heal injuries far faster than normal, even going as far as allowing them to survive wounds that by all rights SHOULD be fatal.
No, you really don't want to get in a fight with one of those.
Last guy who tried ended up as a snack.

OI! What do you think you are doing!? Didn't i tell you to not come here again!!!

Oh no, not my other self again! *Runs away*

< Message edited by xehanort -- 3/13/2009 13:40:16 >
AQ DF  Post #: 3
3/14/2009 21:40:22   
Eukara Vox
Legendary AdventureGuide!

I am sorry, but there is no way Talvan is meeting any other dragon...especially one with teh same proclivities as she has.

And Chrysa, according to Master Trainer Trystan is far to nice to her dragon. Apparently, the fact taht Talvan gets away with so much is a sticking point between Master Trystan and Chrysa.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 4
3/16/2009 12:23:10   
Cow Face
One Heck of a Guy

I, Cow Face, would like to apologize for Nuclear Dragon's comment. He was obviously bribed into it, something which I would never allow to happen to me. Much. Well, there was that one time... but no matter. He apologized without coercion*, and says that he realizes that young Dragons do indeed need discipline. Of course, I feel that older Dragons do as well. In fact, they need a lot of discipline. (Note that I do not mean .Discipline; everyone needs him.) Indeed, the best course of action would be to force all dragons into slave labor obedience training, that they may be productive members of society! Of course, I would myself head up the movement, as I need money said so am obviously qualified. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

*Much. Well, there was that one time... but no matter.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 5
3/16/2009 14:15:25   


Indeed, the best course of action would be to force all dragons into slave labor obedience training,

I see where this is going.
*200 big brutes jumps on top of Cow Face in a big pile*
(Facepalm) Not like that you morons.
Uh-oh, he's getting away, GET HIM!
...Drat, we lost him.

No matter, i just send out the Nimmy search patrol Mwuahahahahaha!
*Nimmys starts tracking*
Cower in fear as the 200 feet long from nose to tail-tip super-predators tracks you down!
And to make matters worse, the babies are only the size of a medium-sized dog so they are small enough to follow you into whatever cramped place you escape into to avoid the adults.

Dude, nice plan, i approve

...Okay, my other self agreeing with me? Now i'm scared.
AQ DF  Post #: 6
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