Wolf Rider
I'm trying. It's insanely frustrating, but in a couple hours of writing, I managed to get over the daily word goal, so I'm happy. I think the hardest part is that one of my characters (the only one who's currently made it in the book) has recently (and painfully) grown wings. This is a difficult thing for her to adjust to. But I swear it's more difficult for me because I have to try and figure out how these new wings would work, how they would furl and unfurl, how close to their back they would rest, how they would move, and all sorts of irritating things that I know nothing about because, unlike this girl, I lack wings. I cannot wait until I can get to the people who don't have wings. Wonder what issues they'll come up with. Good luck with your NaNo, Miss Vox!
< Message edited by Gingkage -- 11/2/2013 0:34:58 >