Dwelling Dragonlord
 ArchKnight AQ / OOC / L&L
She too wore tattered, stained rags, that didn't <> much to preserve her modesty, but at this point she didn't seem to care. do quote:
They were too far away for me to hear what they were saying, but based on the body language it was clear <> there was some sort of negotiations going on. that Either “there was some sort of negotiation going on” or “there were some sort of negotiations going on”. quote:
I came home, with two weeks of school left, to my father being payed by a man I didn't recognize. As I was grabbed and bound, I saw two other men pinning down my mother as she screamed. After she was knocked out, the man that payed my father cut him down without hesitation. paid In terms of story, I have two questions. 1. When do you assume weavers in Edelia to be getting a Soulally? 2. Where do Draconians come from in your setting? quote:
"Growin' up, we ne'er 'ad much," he said softly "Oldest of eight I was, but now I'm 'te only one left. The others all ended up goin' down in the mines. Ne'er came back. 'Tis a common fate for our kind, I 'spose. 'Specially round Lymcrest. Us dwarves...it seem we've ne'er been able 'te keep our li'l paws off gems and such." He let out a morose chuckle. "Wasn't too bad though, once Pa was gone. Now I dun' like speakin' ill of the dead...but 'te man that gave me Mam children ain't one I dare call father." From what I understand dwarves in Dragonfable do not have fathers or mothers in the traditional sense. That is unless you don’t want to go with the dwarves as they were described in the new lore book in the Falconreach libraseum.