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Best way to stun Voids Bun Banneret please

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12/8/2024 5:53:29   

Hi. Would like to defeat the Bun Banneret but I get wiped out by his massive attack. A stun will apparently stop the attack.Is there a good wat to stun him please? Thank you
AQ  Post #: 1
12/8/2024 11:37:28   
The Shadowmaster

You can use shadowfeeder pendant and cast 2 fear from necro to make it guaranteed 100%..Or you can use love potion.
Post #: 2
12/8/2024 22:06:17   
Grace Xisthrith

For bun banneret:
This list of stun items doesn't have everything, but it has a lot of solid options. Ping me if you need locations for any of them
For the items that need an eleswap, there aren't any great free eleswaps for warriors, but rangers and mages can use Rainbow Raygun, from Adder's Shop in rip in the sky. Eleswap until you get the right element to 100%, then you'll have reliable stuns
Items to Stun with:

Love Potion (quickcast, Snugglefest)
Pearl of Power / nuts (quickcast, rare)
Terminus Twinmaul (hit all hits)
Mogdin / Corgi / Necro Wraith (eleswap resistance to energy / water / wind 100% or else can fail)
Mercuria Temp Guest (needs 100% hit chance, works with Frost effigy)
Lightning Rod (eleswap to energy)
Vampire Mesmerize (use CHA toggle + Shield, 100+ LUK, and Spotter drake for guaranteed infliction)
Glimpse of the mountain (CHA or INT, lost talon 3)
Mermazon Armor Drown Skill

These are some relatively accessible stun item options. Let me know if none of these work. Definitely feel free to ask me if you need more information / advice.

You may actually struggle with Bun Banneret even after you get a reliable stun going, because her later phases do almost untankable damage. Here's information on her patterns / mechanics, so you can prepare for them. The easiest way to deal with her is either nuking her though each phase, so that she goes from charging an attack > stunned > charging an attack > stunned, so she never gets an attack off, or by using Zorbak Ally assist and using paladin or retro golden to defend against all elements equally.

She has several phases, but in essence, she has a mechanic where at each HP threshold (roughly ⅕ of her HP bar), she stops taking damage, and does a charge up. If you don’t stun her here, you’re immediately one hit the next turn by a death element nuke. If you do stun her, she’s stunned for one turn, and can take damage again until her next phase (note: the turn you stun her, you can’t deal damage until she “acts,” even if her acting is just getting stunned. So if you use celerity to stun her, then use a nuke before she acts, it won’t work). Then, she receives a significant boost in power, listed below for each phase. As well, she scales off of CHA for damage, and CHA + DEX for accuracy. She has 225 END, 275 CHA, and 250 DEX. Her highest resistance is earth at 100. Her fire and light attacks have a 25% of happening once she unlocks them, and her wind attack goes to 50%.
Stun phase: -30 Immobility weakness, 0 boss boost. You die immediately no counterplay if you don’t stun her here
Phase 1: 1 wind attack
Phase 2: Popup: Your opponent is all warmed up! She gains permanent celerity, 2 wind attacks
Phase 3: Popup: Your foe is all fired up! She loses celerity, so only one attack, but it’s random element with fire and light and wind
Phase 4: Popup: Your opponent strikes with blazing speed! She gains permanent celerity for 2 attacks, fire and light and wind
Phase 5: Popup: Your opponent goes all out! She gains 1.5 Elempower, permanent celerity for two attacks, fire and light and wind
AQ  Post #: 3
12/10/2024 13:44:14   

Thank you for both responses. Special gratitude to Grace for such a comprehensive guide. As you correctly suggested love potion is the quickest and easiest. Thanks again
AQ  Post #: 4
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