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Univision: The Paxia Project (Still working on the name) Clan Vs. Clan

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10/19/2007 7:33:56   

Mail Moogle of AdventureQuest

Alright people, for those in the dark, the Unity Movement and the Disgruntles have finally comprimised to propose a new system in Paxia that will allow one clan to engange another clan in a skirmish, similar to when Aerodu and Geoto bashed heads in the First Clan War, though it'll be much shorter in terms of lengh, kupo. Let's keep in mind that this thread is not for 8 way clan wars. You want that, you'll need to make your own suggestions thread. :/

This is the overall itenerary/table of contents I will include in the new suggestions thread:

1) A brief history of Univision Inc. and the Paxia Project
2) A brief summary of The Paxia Project
3) Part 1: How a clan chooses another clan to engange in skirmish
4) Part 2: The vote to engage
5) Part 3: The Build up period
6) Part 4: The actual fighting
7) Part 5: The Aftermath
8) The fomula list
9) The Time table
10) Proposed Clan Armors/Mercs
11) FAQ
12) Credits

We need ideas, because we're not allowed to have a brainstorming thread in Suggestions. 1, 2, 11 and 12 will be taken care of by me, but we need ideas. Most particularly, we need Clan Armor ideas, people willing to make art for it, etc. We also need opinions on how y'all want to choose to engage each other, do y'all want to reset health, etc. Just start some suggestions, I'll keep the thread aloft with my moogle magic, kupo, but we need some ideas if y'all want to have a clan vs. clan skirmish system.

For more info, visit this board, then click the Univision thread, kupo.

Current suggestions on the floor
How a clan chooses another clan to engange in a skirmish.
Plan 1)
It goes in alphabetical order on who the choosing clan is. In order to determine which clan to engange in a skirmish, a forum vote will be held for 2-3 days. A direct link in-game to the forums will help to boost the in-put of the poll.

Pros: Much more player in-put
Cons: Slows down the process

Plan 2) Clans will be paired up by random, and presented at the start of the month.

Pros: Speeds up the process, allowing more time to fight
Cons: No player in-put whatsoever

New: Shodu's new voting list!: I've updated this so its now the up to date version ^^ ~SG

Top Two Voted:

Proposal C2b:: An in-game counter shows "aggressiveness" levels between all the clans. Clans would have the option of damaging or aiding another clan which would raise or lower the bar for that clan. If the bar reaches full a skirmish starts. If the bar is low enough this leaves the possibility for alliances.
-Note: Details for the number of "hits" the bars would need for a skirmish or how low the bar would need to be for an alliance are currently unkown, assume the bar should need a very high number for a skirmish and a very low number for the possibility of an alliance.
Winning Expansion 2BA.5: Multiple skirmishes may occur at once but clans have a "cooldown" period before they can partake in another skirmish

Proposal E3b: Contestants are chosen randomly tournament-style to skirmish
Winning Expansion 3BC: Only the top three clans get the desired prize which slightly vary in power

The other proposals either had conflicting expansions with less votes or just weren't voted on. These ideas will be further expanded on below. We will continue narrowing it down until it is impossible to do so. Due to the nature of some of these expansions voting for multiple expansions will be permitted, however only if they fall under the same proposal and the expansions do not conflict.

Proposal C2BA.5

An in-game counter shows "aggressiveness" levels between all the clans. Clans would have the option of damaging or aiding another clan which would raise or lower the bar for that clan. If the bar reaches full a skirmish starts. If the bar is low enough this leaves the possibility for alliances.
-Note: Details for the number of "hits" the bars would need for a skirmish or how low the bar would need to be for an alliance are currently unkown, assume the bar should need a very high number for a skirmish and a very low number for the possibility of an alliance.

Multiple skirmishes may occur at once but clans have a "cooldown" period before they can partake in another skirmish

Expansion T: The given cooldown period only applies to clans attacking, clans being attacked have no cooldown. A clan may partake in multiple skirmishes with a maximum limit of some kind.
-Pros: Prevents clan hammering and puts limits on chaos
-Cons: One clan may be attacked incessantly by all the other clans
Complexity Varies

Expansion T1: The given cooldown period only applies to clans atacking, clans being attacked have no cooldown. A clan may only partake in one skirmish at a time.
-Pros: Limits all clan hammering and dampens chaos
-Cons: Limits choices to a much larger extent and doesn't allow for as many complex battles

Expansion V: Alliances are not permitted
-Pros: Less complex and increases chance of making it in-game
-Cons: Loses a lot of Paxian Strategy involved and really puts a hamper on the political feel to Paxia

Expansion V1: Alliances are permitted
-Pros: Creates much more Paxian Strategy to the game and gives a political feel to Paxia
-Cons: Potentially very complex
Complexity Varies, normally high

Expansion V1.5: Alliances are decided by the in-game bar
-Pros: Covers all opinions on the matter
-Cons: Harder to do
Fairly Simple

Expansion V1.75: Alliances are decided by the forums by polls held every week or two
-Pros: Encourages forumite participation
-Cons: Doesn't get everyone's opinions
Extremely Simple
Notes: Forumite opinions has affected Paxia in the past meaning this idea is possible

The System I suggested would come under Expansions T, and V1/V1.5. To make things easier, if you think my system is the way to go, we'll call is expansion 'G' ~Sir Gnome

Proposal E3B

Contestants are chosen randomly to skirmish tournament style. The top three competitors get the prize at varied power.

Expansion Y: Only the winning clan gets the desired Prize
-Pros: A reason to skirmish
-Cons: Makes the other clans sad

Expansion X: Clans are paired up based on Clan Size
-Pros: More fair
-Cons: Much more limited
Slightly more complex

Expansion F: Larger clans are handicapped against smaller clans
-Pros: Keeps it fairer
-Cons: Skirmishes are usually based on active users

Other Ideas

Clan Wipes: Clans should be wiped so inactive members are no longer a part.

-Proposal A: Clans are wiped every two weeks, members have to rejoin

-Proposal B: Inactive Battleon Players are wiped every two weeks

Proposal C: Anyone who doesn't visit Paxia within two weeks is wiped


< Message edited by Ultrapowerpie -- 7/3/2013 11:10:54 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 1
10/19/2007 9:31:54   
Sir Gnome

The Paxia Project - Suggestion Thread

The above is the thread in suggestions, which will become, in time, our finished proposal.

Currently we have two plans there, one headed by Pie, one headed by myself. We need help on various aspects of both plans to get them Suggestion-worthy, and also we think that having one more alternative plan would be good - though it would have to be radically different to the current two.

Here's a brief outline of the plans:

1) A tournament. Clans are paired off, probably at random, they fight, and the 4 winning clans then fight, then the winning two, until we have a final champion. The advantage of this system is that it would be incredibly easy to implement, however the disadvantage is that you have no control over whom you fight, and larger clans would have an advantage.

2) A 'relation' based system. Every clan will have a 'relation' meter with every other clan, which goes from War at one end, to Alliance at the other. This could be an ongoing system, with 'losing' clans being forced to drop out for a period of time, while the clan(s) that defeated other clans would receive a reward. The advanage here is that it should please both Unity and the Disgruntles, as it contains the possibility of having every clan allied with every other one, or the possibility of every clan being at war with all the others. The disadvantage would be that it would be a lot harder to code into the game.

The list of things that we need at the moment is thus:


Complete list of Clan Armors- This means pictures, stats, the works. There is a project here that has been approved by all the clan leaders, a while back. Alternative armors should still be suggested though, and we can vote later

Clan Members- Hopefully similar to the Clan Armors. Use the current clan members as a referance point, and keep in mind it's all level scaled

Master Formula- That's right, we need that magical balancing formula of Proposition 1 (Mine, the tournament) if we're going to sell it to the Staff. We need to find something that will make things fair

Deadweight propositions- We talk about clan wipes, but we haven't really created a formal thesis yet

More ideas- We'll need a third idea. Everyone loves 3, it's everywhere. People like that third option, rather then choosing between 2

The In-game forum link button!- We need a fanciful way to sell this idea. Ish is too lazy to do it XD Personally, I have a silohuete suggestion, which I will be reposting in this thread soon. Alternative suggestions welcome of course.

What we don't need:

Clan Shields/Weapons- Noooooooooooooooooooo. We don't need them right now. Those are last on the priority list.

Make the Clan Heads being a part of in-game stuff: Also a no. Staff won't agree to it, even if the head is an AK. Just drop it.

Unity/Chaos stuff- We don't need that here. The Univision project is a way to comprimise between the two sides. I don't want any further debating on that subject. Leave it in the Clans in Chaos after-math thread. Here we work on a way to put the fighting aside.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 2
10/19/2007 10:56:50   

We need to have clan vs clan battles again otherwise the members comeing to paxia decrease.
AQ DF  Post #: 3
10/19/2007 12:47:00   
Crimson Raven

What do you think this thread is about >,>

Honestly, did you even read the first post :/
AQ  Post #: 4
10/19/2007 12:51:37   

Yep and just haveing weeklong FFA battles with the winners judged by what clan has the most wins after being divided by the number of people that are in the clan isn't in it.
AQ DF  Post #: 5
10/19/2007 12:54:17   
Crimson Raven



Expansion 3B: Clans are set against each other randomly
-Pros: Fast and easy
-Cons: Doesn't get member opinion
-Approvals: djmendoza, Shade F. Ravenwing, Arthur_R2X, Big bizznazz, Ultrapowerpie, cooldude2181, Mystic Endevor, Thecius Landera, Rohndogg1, king cy,gokue977, kandymine, Darkath, keukelie


Proposal A: Randomized Selection

A computer randomly takes two clans and engages them in a skirmish.

No Expansions
-Pros: Quick and efficient
-Cons: Doesn't take into account member opinion and randomosity is unreliable
-Approvals: Crimson Raven

Also, if these dont fit what you want, why not help out and do it yourself?
AQ  Post #: 6
10/19/2007 12:58:52   

Niether of those options entail 8 way FFA's now do they and I am not talking about the cheep 9 Way FFA we had last war.
AQ DF  Post #: 7
10/19/2007 13:20:03   
Crimson Raven

Like I said, if you want it, do it yourself.
This thread happily accepts any new options.
So go for it if you want it so much >.>
AQ  Post #: 8
10/19/2007 13:21:04   
Sir Gnome

My option, explained more fully in the thread in Suggestions, allows the possibility for a 8 way FFA war. Bear in mind this is NOT what many people want. My system would have the advantage of people being able to influence their clan in the way they see fit - You can 'aid' certain clans, while 'attacking' others. This would also allow alliances, which many people want.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 9
10/19/2007 13:32:40   

How do you know it isn't what many people want when we had the war vote in war 2 it was when we had the 9 way FFA to you will find that that attracted more people than the previous events.
AQ DF  Post #: 10
10/19/2007 13:43:48   
Sir Gnome

I'd suggest several things, from the number of Unity supporters, to the fact that there were so many Unity wins last war (not quite as many as Chaos totalled, but close!). Anyway, if you're right, then my system would end up with a 8 way FFA war... So you'd be happy then?
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 11
10/19/2007 13:44:00   
Crimson Raven

Because you are the first person to even suggest such a thing after a 10 page thread here and a 5 page thread on the PPF's

Thats how we know.
AQ  Post #: 12
10/19/2007 14:07:20   

Guess what raven the majority of players don't use the forums and for ingame votes it is usually the opposite of what the forum goers want.

< Message edited by Metallix6 -- 10/19/2007 14:25:28 >
AQ DF  Post #: 13
10/19/2007 14:17:22   
Sir Gnome

Please read all the arguements against something before posting again about it. If you have, then please adress them all. If you don't, it looks like you're just ignoring the other person.

As I stated, Unity came only just beind total Chaos wins in the last war, and while that was against the Devourer, its still a very large number.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 14
10/19/2007 14:26:41   

Yes but it still proved my point that the majority of players usually want the opposite of what the fourm goers want.
AQ DF  Post #: 15
10/19/2007 14:54:16   
Sir Gnome

True, but when you say 'majority' its a bit misleading - you're looking at 45% / 55% from the last war at best.

ANYWAY - This is rather irrelevant to this thread. Would you be happy with Suggestion 2 Metallix, seeing as if its what people want, that would become a 8 way FFA?
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 16
10/19/2007 15:06:44   

Proposal C Expansion 2A Sounds best to me.

Good to see a new thread, now I can read it

< Message edited by Fishtank -- 10/19/2007 15:30:54 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 17
10/19/2007 15:51:32   
Legendary Loremaster

I may not comment on specifics due to contract but I remain working on Paxia and in somewhat this direction. Not precisely like any suggestion here however. Yet in a way combining elements of both what metallix and others ask and continuing the trend toward character choice presented elsewhere.

< Message edited by Falerin -- 10/19/2007 15:52:43 >
Post #: 18
10/19/2007 15:53:00   

You mean that we're getting ANOTHER event? yippe!

.... event ... not quite... I really cannot say more but I did post this in this thread for a purpose ~ Fal

< Message edited by Falerin -- 10/19/2007 15:55:01 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 19
10/19/2007 16:05:25   
Sir Gnome

Well even if Fal isnt working on quite what we're suggesting here, these ideas could be used in the future, so don't lose heart people

(and yes. I did the new avvy on Paint)
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 20
10/19/2007 16:11:50   

Whatever it is I'm sure it will be interesting....he has such a tortuous mind

Sir Gnome: The avvy is very *you*, I like it.
AQ  Post #: 21
10/19/2007 16:16:00   

I just think it's strange because I've you using any other avvy then the Nautican one.

War.....Quest?......New items in the shop?............ Clan armours?......DON'T LEAVE ME IN SUSPENSE!!!!!!!!!!!
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 22
10/19/2007 18:12:03   

Pie, the voting list you used is oooold, there's a newer one of Page 7 on the old thread.

We due need a third idea. We have tournament style and "agressiveness" as our two favorites, however it's decimated the third choice. I believe Proposal D from above was the third favorite before the expanded proposls just totally took over.

I suggest we finish the voting on the expansions on Page 7, then drop work on the two proposals. After that we can narrow down the other three main proposals from above and eventually get them into their final states similar to what we did with Tournament and Agressiveness proposals. After we're done we'd have five fully expanded upon proposals up each having been debated and voted upon by the members. After that we could do a favorite vote of the final expansions and bold the top three just so the staff know which style we like most overall, and this could be a help in the future even if it's already being worked on- the staff would know which elements of each expansion players liked most and shape into something else like what Falerin's doing now.
AQ DF  Post #: 23
10/21/2007 15:06:22   

Ok, getting off topic a tic. Let me get this straight.... This is basicly a sugestion for how clan wars should work. Like 1 on 1 kill each other fest. If I'm wrong, will someone mind just giving me a quick pm explaining it.


Well even if Fal isnt working on quite what we're suggesting here, these ideas could be used in the future, so don't lose heart people

But anyways, I like it, but not the name, lol Univision... good work pie.

EDIT: Now i get it. this would totally work if we did try it and it was incorperated in the game. How did we possibly think this up.

< Message edited by keyblade_bearer -- 10/21/2007 15:08:45 >
AQ MQ  Post #: 24
10/21/2007 15:13:52   
Sir Gnome

It took a LONG time, thats how!
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 25
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