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Issue 49 - Dared to be Opened (The Legendary Hero)

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12/18/2009 14:33:46   
Eukara Vox
Legendary AdventureGuide!

Dared to be Opened
by The Legendary hero

It was Frostval Eve and I was sitting in my study looking over a few tomes I had. Water spells don't learn themselves and I really wanted to master a new one. I was halfway through with figuring out how to form the geyser's base when I heard a loud thump outside. Puzzled, and not expecting guests, I got up and went to my window to see if a tree or flying monster had come crashing down. I didn't expect what was lying there.

Sitting on my prized ficus* was a bag of gifts. I stared at it for a moment, trying hard to understand why someone would leave a bag of gifts there. Looking around I saw no one. I glanced up above the tree but saw only the night sky. I even searched the ground, which yielded nothing but me seeing that my grass was a bit weedy. I shrugged, hefted the bag onto my shoulder, and went inside.

Plopping the bag down next to me, I opened it and was met with a sight I never expected. It was filled with wrapped packages in several festive colors. I had been given a bag of Frostval gifts! My joy died down when I noticed that there were names on them all, and none were mine. Sighing, I went through them and began reading the names off of who I would need to go see.

"Artix, Warlic, Robina....Zorbak? How did he get so lucky? Ash, Serenity, Aria...this is everyone in town!"

I reached the bottom and found one package that had no name on it. I gently shook it a few times and put it back in along with the rest. Hefting the sack over my shoulder once more, I set out to deliver the gifts.

It took most of the evening, but I finally handed Twilly the last named package. After a hug, and a quick moglin healing spell perk-up, I waved goodbye and slowly headed home. The almost empty sack felt light, but the one present that remained made it seem very heavy. No matter how I looked at it I couldn't find out who it belonged to. Not only did it frustrate me, it made me want to know what was in it that much more.

Flopping down in my chair I looked at the bag lying on the floor. I sat that way for several minutes, pondering what I should do. Finally, I could resist no longer and fished the box out. I held it up, flipped it over a few times, and then slowly undid the bow on the top keeping it closed. I lifted the lid a crack and peeked inside.**

Inside was a lump of what looked like coal and a note. Unfolding it, I read the best thing I think I've ever been given.


Not only have you been a rotten prince,
you've given everyone a lot of trouble.
Your gift this year is coal!

The Frostvale Moglins

PS: No give backs!

I laughed, read it again, and I laughed some more. Not only was I going to have to give this to Drakath, I was going to have to keep a straight face while doing so. This was going to be so much fun.

After a bit of walking, I reached his small tent at the back of the Darkwolf bandits' camp. It took a bit of explaining to the guards out front, but I eventually got inside. I handed the box to the prince and waited. He opened it, looked confused, and then read the note. He looked at me with a look that would have melted me into a puddle of mush if he knew any fire magic.***

"Why you...you think this is a joke! GET OUT! AND TAKE YOUR COAL WITH YOU!"

I quickly fled from Drakath's tent, the flying piece of coal spinning past my head as I ducked and ran faster. I snickered all the way home and wondered what I'd be getting for Frostval this year.

* It wouldn't have been so bad had I not spent so much gold on it for the healing properties the leaves it produced add to potions.
** Never, EVER, quickly open a box. Bad things happen courtesy of a small blue creature that's named prankey sneevil.
*** Too bad for him.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 1
12/20/2009 18:15:44   

Definitely not a pie... thief.

Maybe I will send you a second third rate video game nobody has ever heard of for a console you don't have.
DF AQW  Post #: 2
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