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=AQ= Meet the Mods -J- *Finally answering these things*

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7/31/2005 22:20:19   
Owns a Robot

Looks like my time has come this week, so i'll start with a little about me:

I'm relatively new to the staff, being an artist for a few months, and a mod for even less but i hope i'm loved enough to be bombarded with questions. Most people first started noticing me in the suggestion board, and then i moved on to the gallery after being staffified. To eliminate a few, i'm 19, canadian, my turn off's include people who smoke and thinking, and my turn on's consist of water my grandmother's delisciously wonderful dessert.

As much as i love answering oddball pointless questions, don't be afraid to ask real questions too. I'm pretty honest with my answers so if there's anything you've ever wanted to know, now's your chance.

< Message edited by J -- 8/6/2005 16:26:02 >
AQ MQ  Post #: 1
7/31/2005 22:23:43   

Do you ever have to use ur right hand?

Only when i need to cut my meat, but usually i get that cut by my daddy

< Message edited by J -- 7/31/2005 22:30:23 >
AQ  Post #: 2
7/31/2005 22:27:23   

what did you make for aq?

Besides Granemor and Lolosia, I made the knight armor and backgrounds+NPC (and i know the helmet looks...ridiculous, but it had to be made that way for reasons which will never be known) i also made the nightmare set, fairy godparents, and a few other random things. I have a lot more coming up too so be sure to keep playing AQ

< Message edited by J -- 7/31/2005 22:40:16 >
AQ DF  Post #: 3
7/31/2005 22:30:22   

whats ur favorite console?if ur a gamer

Its all about the SNES. I'm not too fond of the new consoles, i was never impressed with the 3D art in it. I vowed long ago to not play the newest consoles until they made the art absolutely perfect. What was great about SNES was that it didnt matter if it didnt look real because the stories were just so good. My favorite is and will always be super mario world for SNES.

< Message edited by J -- 7/31/2005 22:43:21 >
AQ  Post #: 4
7/31/2005 22:30:36   

Do you go to college?

Yup, I've finished my second year and plan on attending two more to take extra animation and martial arts courses.

Do you ski/snowboard?

I used to ski when i was younger, and was quite good at it actually. But eventuall i grew and grew, throwing my center of balance off. Now I don't for the fear of running off a cliff and into a grizzly bear's lap. One day I'll start again though, it was so fun...

Do you believe in the tooth fairy?

Not only do I believe in the tooth fairy, but i sleep with an aluminum baseball bat under my pillow in case she returns.

If you could would you make AQ more advertised and put up banners and make all those littles etc etc?

Never! I think it's amazing that AQ went so far on its own steam and didnt have to use advertisements to help keep it up. It helps prove that this game rocks and lives off of its fanbase.

Do you believe in any gods?

The only gods i believe in are the irony gods, which tend to visit me quite often. But i do attend church on christmas and easter for tradition's sake. I dont think i need any extra help or guidance from a greater power, so i don't really invest my time in wondering if anything exists out there.

No need to answer them I'm just a curious soul.

Curiosity may have killed the cat, but that cat must have died happily. Curiosity is a small step towards creativity, and creativity is the purpose of life.

< Message edited by J -- 7/31/2005 22:53:04 >
AQ  Post #: 5
7/31/2005 22:41:44   
general greivous


first things, THE standart

whats your fovorit zard?

The only zard i've ever liked is gutted and fried, sitting quietly on my plate.

why orange t3h collor?

ummm...because blue is too expensive?

whats better, farly oddparents, jimmy neutron or sponge bob?

Fairly oddparents. "la cucaracha, la cucaracha, enchilada blablabla"

real questions.... what would be your dream carrier?

I'm not sure i quite understand that question. i've never heard of a dream carrier, so if you could explain it, i'll gladly answer.

just too setle my position, Dadric rules totaly!

He may rule today, but he rocks always

do you have planes too the future outside AQ?

I never plan anything more than two days away to avoid dissapointment.

is carnax orange?

he was..for a while, but i think i'll make him green...yeah...green and purple. and red.

is carnax a medabot?

Nope, he's a chia pet who's been watered waaay too much.

does carnax have a 42 emblem?

If i ever use a number in my artwork, its number 6 or no number at all.

does carnax is a orange medabot with a 42 emblem?

if not, this is

if a frogzilla start poking a oompalompa and the oomplaompa throws the frogzilla in a tube full of chocolat, how much time does it take too the frogzilla be spit out?

Well considering the aerodynamics of its face and the velocity at which it enters the tube, divided by the number of debris in the chocolate, along with the outside temperature, friction of tube and skin, i've concluded that the frogzilla would not be spit out but rather mulched into a fine puree because of the grill which is probably installed at the base of the tube to filter out any chubby little german boys.

< Message edited by J -- 7/31/2005 23:06:52 >
AQ  Post #: 6
7/31/2005 22:44:37   

Ever play Suikoden?

Never heard of it

If you could be any animal what would you be?

I'd either be a peregrine falcon for its incredible speed, or a timber wolf for its power and loyalty.

< Message edited by J -- 7/31/2005 23:09:38 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 7
7/31/2005 22:47:35   
Guardian of Nekops

*Guardian of Nekops removes the silver bracelet and pops into existence.*

*J stares at the shinies and plots stealing it*

Greetings, J, left-handed artist of great renown.

Greetings strange person of whom i've never seen

Although I have not seen you around a whole lot, I'd be happy to bombard you with questions anyway if it makes you feel better.

Do you know anything about when most of the older monsters and backgrounds will get a facelift?

I doubt the old art will be replaced. It would take quite a bit of time and would not really advance the game in any way. The best thing to do is move foreward and add bigger and better artwork.

Out of all the artwork you have done for AQ, what are you most proud of? Please show a picture or provide a link if possible.

The one i'm most proud of is the Carnax, but you'll have to wait to see it.

Say, have you ever drawn a complete map of Lore and the lands surrounding it? I could certainly use a heading back to Nekops, if you can spare the time...

Not yet, but i don't know enough about Lore to be the one drawing it. it would probably be Artix or Galanoth who design it, since they know most

Ok, thanks for the directions. I'll come back if I get lost again.


*Guardian of Nekops replaces the silver bracelet and is gone.*

< Message edited by J -- 8/1/2005 17:09:44 >


Here to save the world, one standard at a time.
AQ  Post #: 8
7/31/2005 22:55:53   

Hey. You know I've only posted in two of these including this one. Anyway on with the questions.

And this is my first time creating one of these things

Were there any monsters that you've drawn in AQ that you consider particularly good?

Not really since the only monster i've done is the samurai from the ninja quest

Are the artists for monsters decided ahead of time or do you just send pictures in?

I'm not sure about that one, usually things are assigned to the artists, but i've never been assigned a monster so i wouldnt know. I'm sure some of the staff send in some monster ideas though

That's all for now. I'm sure that I'll remember a question that I should've asked and didn't later on.

By the way I happened to like the knight armor. Including the helmet. But I'm a bit odd.


< Message edited by J -- 8/1/2005 17:12:56 >
AQ DF  Post #: 9
7/31/2005 23:13:51   

Lo! ZUP!

First off...

Can you burn into my arm your logo, or 'ZLOK Was Here'? (Arklen, Noah_B, and Killer<-- Did was here, Tharg and Zlok- Put there logo into my arm, Durroth and DWierd did them all) *Shows multiple scarred arms, massivly burnt back, and ravishly burnt forehead but keeps pants on where a burnt butt is* PLZ?

*Branding iron sizzling in a clay kiln*, I hereby proclaim this small patch of skin logonized by J. *Sizzle of burning flesh followed by a high pitched girlie scream*

Do you like rap?

No, too violent

Do you like Eminem?

No, too blond

Do you like my title?

I could change it to "snapple", just because...i could

Do you like my art? *Read siggy*

Could use a little work on proportions, but its a good start

Do you like your job? *AQ*

Its a great hobby, it gives me lots of practice but it can be hectic at times, trying to get everything in on time

Do you like your job? *Real World*

I love my real job, the pay stinks but i get to learn a lot of new things

Well tahts all for now!


< Message edited by J -- 8/1/2005 17:34:25 >


AQ  Post #: 10
8/1/2005 0:22:25   

umm...Hi I got some questions for you:

And I've got some answers!

No offense, but If you had to commit suicide, how will you choose to die? (I know its weird but im just curious)

This also falls into my "If you had 24 hours to live" catergory, but if i had to commit suicide, I'd skydive without a parachute. I'd take as much time as i can goign down and when i land i'd make sure to scare an old lady nice and well

Do you like fairly oddparents? (that show RULE !!!)

It does indeed

As an artist myself, I gotta ask you this, what inspires you to draw the stuff you draw (which is cool stuff)? Most of the time I got stuck and end up breaking my pencils to pieces :(

Shapes inspire me. I look out the window a lot when I take a bus and sketch little people or animals with the shapes i see in the trees or buildings

can you draw right handed ?

I do nothing right handed

If you can be anything for a day, what will you be ?

I'd be a superhero without the responsabilities. I'd love to fly and run without ever tireing, and i'd love to make things explode with my eyes

What is the biggest regret you have in your life?? (If its anything personal you dont have to answer me)

I don't have any. If you live your life with regrets, then you can't be living a very happy life. I dont like imagining what things would be like if i had done something different because i'm happy with my life. Its not perfect, but its my life and thats good enough for me. Happiness is the key to a great life. I never have regrets and i never get angry. Life's too short for that

thats all for now, This sux I cant think of anythiing to draw *lit papers on fire, stabs own head with a pencil and bangs head against a wall*

BUBYE !!!! :)

< Message edited by J -- 8/1/2005 18:34:04 >
AQ  Post #: 11
8/1/2005 0:26:09   

-is in awe being in the presence of a supreme artitistic being-

What motivates you to draw?

Mostly boredom. Whenever i have nothing to do, instead of sitting in front of the TV i just pick up a pencil and draw

How did you join the AQ team?

This is a very strange story of luck and great timing. I posted a picture on the gallery asking for comments. Oishii posted giving me some good advice and we began taking from there. I befriended her and kept her up to date with my work while i posted it in the suggestion board. I later learnt that she was with Artix doing some new art and I decided to ask her to ask him a question for me about some completely random (but important) subject. She told me to ask him myself and from then on we spoke for about an hour and voila! thats my story. If it wasnt for her I'd still be in the suggestion board.

Do you like to draw mythical creatures like dragons? (especially dragons)

I think dragon's are overdone, but i do draw the occasional schloomphadork

If you could draw for any tv show what would it be?

Fairly Oddparents (no big surprise there)

Do you like to draw freehandedly or use a computer program like flash?

I'd rather use freehand, my legs start to hurt if i'm in front of a computer for too long

Do you use tablets?

I have a 9x12 tablet, the best of the best. (unless i want to pay 12 000$ for a gold plated 10 foot tablet)

Is it difficult to draw in Flash?

The linework is the toughest part, but once you master that, coloring is a breeze. Its a very user friendly program for drawing and anyone with a bit of time could do amazing art with it

You ever hear of an Oekaki before?

Nope, but i've heard of Oka cheese

You watch anime? If so what are your all time favorites?

I'm against the whole anime movement, i stick with my good ol' classic cartoons

You prefer anime or western style cartoons?

Western. Bright colors and a great sense of humor is what I look for in my cartoons

Do you enjoy to read?

I'd rather see the movie

What are your favorite book genres?

Anything with pictures in it

heh think thats enough ^.¬

< Message edited by J -- 8/1/2005 19:24:55 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 12
8/1/2005 2:53:02   





Meh...stumped for questions.

Got a favourite food?

Meat is my favorite food, especially red meat. Its the only thing that I dont get sick off of if i eat too much of it

Play any sport?

Lots! I do a lot of mountain biking and free running, along with a strange mix of martial arts


I'm out. If I can think of more questions, I might come back.


< Message edited by J -- 8/1/2005 19:26:59 >
AQ  Post #: 13
8/1/2005 3:06:25   
The Angry Estonian


Do you know who I am?

No idea, but i have a feeling that you're angry?

Do you have dreams of Valencia and Robina serving you lunch, then killing Ziragat & Carnax and then returning to give you a foot massage?

Nah, I respect my women. If anything, I'd be giving them a foot massage

I do. ^_^

Your favorite weapon?

The Big Bad Black Blade of Black Blackness

Do you agree that Neopets <<<<< Runescape <<<<< Listening to Jacko <<<<< Hanging yourself?

Never heard of it---Never played it---Never listened---Too simple of a death

Cupcakes, turkey or both?


Ph33r my character with an ID < 1 million!!!1111

oooo, scary, mine is 2500000. Much prettier, plus it adds up to 7

I shall return with more awkward questions later...

< Message edited by J -- 8/1/2005 19:31:39 >
Post #: 14
8/1/2005 4:27:54   

'Ello I'm the moogle queen who likes pandas. ^-^

I'm the poptart King who hugs Grizzlies

Can I have a huggle?


How are you?

I'm a bit overworked and underslept, but never felt better!

Do you have a kitty?

Kitties are too cute for me, I'd end up hugging it to death

Do you like spiders?

Depends, if they're small, yes, but if you can hear them when you squish them, no

Will you sign my elbow?

*Scribble Scribble* there, now you can sell it on Ebay

What would you do if you found a nickle?

I'd bury it and then get it back 50 years later to reap the interest

What is your one big wish?

To always keep my girlfriend happy, even when we'll be old and wrinkly

I gotta go now but I'll ask more later before I go I'll leave you with this one little saying.. Silly Mongoose Trix are for Ferrets..

Baiza.. -skips off-

< Message edited by J -- 8/1/2005 19:37:07 >


^Click To Check It Out..
AQ  Post #: 15
8/1/2005 4:49:23   

Alright... My first ever asking the mods! But onto the questions J..

What is your favorite piece of work you've done for AQ?

Carnax (trust me, it'll be good)

What is your favorite weapon on AQ?

The Big Bad Black Blade of Black Blackness

Favorite Armor?

Nightmare plate

Favorite Pet?


Ok one more...

Do you like Super Metroid for the SNES? ^^! (Say yes, because it rules.)

Can't say I've ever played it, but I know of it and yes, it does seem to rule

< Message edited by J -- 8/1/2005 19:42:15 >
AQ  Post #: 16
8/1/2005 7:03:03   

All right..here goes my questions...

What martial art are you into?

This is a very long and complicated answer. Its a self-taught hybrid which focuses on speed, agility and coordination. The main idea behind it is "If you can run away, run. If you can stand down, do so. If you can't do either, leave none alive". The mentality behind it is peace is always the way, but unlike karate, which is a self-defense form, my kind is a self-offense. If there is no possible way to avoid conflict, then every move has an opening for an arm break, a leg shatter or a back breaker. It also focuses on using your surroundings as a jungle gym and as a weapon. You'd have to see it in action to understand

How can you draw using Flash perfectly..?(I'm struggling with what appears to be a circle..)

If you zoomed in, you'd notice that it is far from perfect. now if you zoom in to Oishii's art, that would be flawless

Do you use your hand or mouse to draw..?

I use a pen tablet, its much easier to get nice lines this way. I tried with the mouse once, and i'll never do it again. I have much respect to those small artists who use a mouse to do everything

Thats all I can think of right now..I'll add later..

< Message edited by J -- 8/1/2005 19:48:58 >
Post #: 17
8/1/2005 8:01:22   
Neon Nemesis

Hi J,

how long have u been a mod?

Only a few months, but hopefully I'll last for many years to come

u enjoy your mod job (and your day job)?

Mod job so-so, because i dont really like being in front of a computer for a long time, but my day job is fantastic. I'm always outside and learning new things

what's the weirdest thing you've ever seen?

I saw a 4 foot teacher bite a 7 foot student on the cheek once

does that compare to these pics? (rate each out of 10 in weirdness)

Elbow lick: http://www.ebaumsworld.com/elbowlick.html Meh, a 1

Spider Milkshake (literally): http://www.ebaumsworld.com/spidermilkshake.html 3, I'd love to try that actually

Snake eat kangaroo: http://www.ebaumsworld.com/snake-kangaroo.html 5 on coolness factor

Spider Bite (warning quite graphic but not excessive): http://www.ebaumsworld.com/spiderbite.html Thats more disturbing than weird. It's about a 9 for grossness

AQ Forum Spam: http://img143.imageshack.us/img143/1845/supersmileyspam2qv.jpg 1

Locking Frenzy: http://img143.imageshack.us/img143/4581/lockingfrenzy5ko.jpg 0.5, I like seeing things like that, it means that he's doing his job

What's ur favourite sport?


What type of music do you like?

Anything happy

U hate Eminem?

With a passion

You like science?

I live by the rules of science. Plus i love blowing things up so its an extra added bonus

What pets do you have?

None for now, but i used to have a dog, parrot, fish, random rodents and a sister

What's ur favourite food?

Red red meat...mmmmmm....

Thanks for answering my questions. Nice meeting you.

< Message edited by J -- 8/1/2005 19:55:18 >
Post #: 18
8/1/2005 9:24:41   
Spawn of Drake


Is it true that wallo went crazy one day?

Define crazy...actually, define Wallo

i thought so....

Can you fly?

Only about a foot every 2 seconds. Most people call it jumping, but i call it dreaming

^_^ or :)

Both are boring, i like to pretend that people can see the faces i'm making at them


am i annoying?

I'm rarely annoyed

HoW thought i was....

heh heh... funny times...

Well, ill be back!


*jumps out window*

< Message edited by J -- 8/1/2005 20:11:40 >
Post #: 19
8/1/2005 9:56:34   
general greivous


ORIGINAL: general greivous

real questions.... what would be your dream carrier?

I'm not sure i quite understand that question. i've never heard of a dream carrier, so if you could explain it, i'll gladly answer.

the carrier you want too take, you know, anything, like a icecream man, a seller, an artist, the carrier you want too take
AQ  Post #: 20
8/1/2005 10:02:21   

Lo and Behold it is I, Haloexpert.

What is your favorite dog type?

Albino Alaskan Husky...yummy...

If cheese and rocks were racing, who would win?

The rock of course, and here's my reasoning. Both are relatively inactive objects, but unlike the rock, cheese would eventually rot, grow mold and slowly dissintergrate into a puddle of goo. From this biodegradable goo, a small group of rabid ants would soon gather sipping away at the wonderful rotting mass of cheese. from there they would bring it to their nest, feed the queen which would in turn create ant babies. the ant babies would thrive, only to be eaten by an ant eater, which in turn gets run over by a tractor. The farmer picks it up, brings it home to eat (its been a slow year) and as nature takes its course, anteater, now turned fecal roams the sewers. This sewage eventually gets sent to the river, filtered through various pumps and bilges to then enter a bottling plant. The all natural spring water factory has been secretly running its factory on nuclear energy, to save as much money as they can, because lets be honest, they're trying to make money off of recycled water. One day, bob Mcboberson accidently drops his low fat yogurt container into a gear while peering over the handrail and accidently sets off the 10 second nuclear disaster button. The White House detects the nuclear alarm, thinks its the french and sends their own air strike. The russians see this on their radar and send their mass of nuclear weapons. This sets off a nuclear winter, complete with giant glaciers. As time progresses, the glaciers melt, slowly shifting their weight and moving along the pacific coastline, carving out rivers and lakes. remarkably, the rock is still sitting on the very same spot as it had been, right on the starting line. a giant shadow looms over it as the glacier gently nudges it over the finish line. And that, my good man, is how the rock won the race.

When is it okay to call someone a noob?

Never, i find that term offensive. If someone's new, call them a "forum virgin"

if i said idiot, would i get banned?

No, but if you said ********* you probably would be

Badger Badger Badger: Finish the rest of the line

Mushroom, mushroom, snaaaake!

If i was green, would i be white?

I dont have enough energy for one of my long answers, so i'll just say yes.

*snipes J* Yes! *vanishes*

< Message edited by J -- 8/2/2005 18:04:26 >
Post #: 21
8/1/2005 11:28:13   
Banned- duplicate

Bwahahaha! The Mass Question Poster is here! In other words, Hewwo!

I quiver in my booties

Do you like dragons?

Not at all, everyone likes dragons and i like to be different

If you take two and two, divide it by Pie, and add the Square Root of Forever, what does Big Bird say on Sesame Street?

big bird has a hand in his brain and a tv in his belly

What is the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything?

ugh..is this one of those 42 moments? never saw the book or read the movie, so i'm just guessing

What is the meaning of Life?

Watch Monty Python's meaning of life. that movie has the answer to all of life's little problems

Why am I asking these seeminly pointless, religion-ish questions?

I'm not sure, but i dont think i'm answering them right if its about religion

Have you seen me before?

nope, can't say I have

What's your favorite book?

The Lefthanders Handbook

Favorite book series?

Animorphs (leave me alone, i stopped reading at 12)

Favorite movie?

i have many, but my top movies are The Crow, Equilibrium, Se7en, momento, Cube...a few more but i cant think of them.

TV show?

Fairly Oddparents



*cuddledragonhuggles J*

Do you like the Badger Song?

Never heard it before actually, i've heard of it though

Howabout Banana Phone?

Again, heard of it


I was raised in the 80's, of course i've heard of Nirvana

Do you have any pets?

Nope, but I'd love to have a snake right about now

What is your favorite animal?

Peregrine Falcon and Timber Wolf

If you were an animal, what animal would it be?

Please read above statement

What if I told you that I woke up at three in the morning just to ask these questions?

What if i told you i fell asleep at 3 in the afternoon just to take a nap?

How did you get to be a mod?

I was a staff member long before i became a mod, so when i wanted mod powers, i just asked for them

What boards do you surf the most?

Most of the time the Gallery, occasionally the GGD

What is the meaning of life to a dragon?

One more dragon question and i'm burninating you

What is the meaning of life to a human?

To be as creative as you possibly can. It's not about leaving your mark, its about enjoying your life

What is the meaning of life to a human the can turn into a dragon?


What is the meaning of life to vice versa?

Isnt this the 4th time you ask me about the meaning of life?

Does eating spam ever give you indigestion?

I eat tuna, much healthier

Where'd the username come from?

My parents were Lazy when they named me

When is a door not a door?

When its a window

When is a car not a car?

When its a Lada

Speaking of which, when is a J not a J?

When you go too far down the alphabet and end at K

...When it's ajar.

...When it turns into a driveway.

...How am I supposed to know?

Why am I answering my own riddles?

Too much time on your hands maybe?

Well, for some odd reason, I'm running of of questions to ask you. Bye!

Hewwo again!

< Message edited by J -- 8/2/2005 18:56:33 >
AQ  Post #: 22
8/1/2005 11:39:56   

What music do you like

Do you have AIM

No, I use CIM

Do you have Yahoo


Do you have MSN


Why are you so good at drawing

Lots of practice and patience. wow, your questions were fun! (really, they were! Its late and sometimes its fun to get these little yes/no questions

I was a fan of yours before you became a mod so can I have 5,000,000 gold

I'll give you 12 000 J dollars. They're wothless now, but when i grow up and plan my conquer the world scheme, you can use them as toilet paper

< Message edited by J -- 8/2/2005 22:07:00 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 23
8/1/2005 11:45:39   


Uh...Gimme a cookie!!!

No, you give ME a cookie

Do you....still....live with....your....your......mom?:P

Yup, and my dad too! I have no shame in living with my parents, the way i see it, its free room and food

Why did you pick "J" as a name?

Well, I usually give the "my parents were lazy when naming me" reason, but today i'll go with "I'm too lazy to type in a long login name"

What movie(s) do you regret seeing?

Attack of the killer tomatoes. I still havnt finished watching it. Its just so...pointless

Don't give me that evil look now.....


Er....bye for now?

< Message edited by J -- 8/2/2005 22:11:06 >
AQ  Post #: 24
8/1/2005 12:57:13   
Hero of Winds

It ish teh other mod with the one-letter name! o_O.

Its the Hero with Wind in his name

I remember when you first came, J...you had some fabulous artwork, and as I said, when Oishii likes it, there's a good chance you may join the art staff. You had some great st00f.

Does Photoshop really cost $1,000? Is there something cheaper and almost as good?

I think its around 600, but i havnt bought it yet. My view on it: if you're a student, or still trying to learn it, then download it. But if you plan on using it for a business, pay your respects and buy it

What made you get into art and AQ?

I was always into art, and was drawing since i was able to hold a pencil without stabbing someone with it, and i got into AQ because of my cousin. I joined during the fire war like most, then left and came back a few months later to stay.

That's all for now...

< Message edited by J -- 8/2/2005 22:29:14 >
AQ  Post #: 25
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