Hallie Slidepath
Robot Unicorn Overlord
Why is chooses to eat Gorrillaphant meat but I suspect that "is" should be "it", and that's also the only typo I could find. Ever since the Arcangrove release my interest for both Gorillaphants and Seed-spitters have been sparked, and it feels like this study was written at exactly the right time. I have to agree with Acient J, this really added new depth to the World of Lore, and it was a fun-fun read (see, not one, but two fun's!) "The distinction between adventurer and monster can be difficult to make." This sentence really made me smile, partly because I suspect that it displays the writers opinion about adventurers passing by and farming Gorillaphants for their own selfish reasons, and partly because it's something I've been working with in my recent writings as well.