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=AQ= Terrible Twelve War 2011 Stories and Poetry

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8/25/2011 15:09:14   
Eukara Vox
Legendary AdventureGuide!

Here is where you can post your Terrible Twelve War Stories and Poetry. Have fun and please...PLEASE remember the rules in both AE forums and my own L&L rules.

A couple of rules to make this easiest to read.

1) One post per person. If you have an ongoing story, please just edit your post to continue it. Do not make a new post to add to your story. New major events in AQ will receive a new thread.

2) Please do not comment on the stories in this thread. If you want to comment on the stories, please go =AQ= Terrible Twelve War 2011 Stories and Poetry Commentary
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 1
8/25/2011 16:00:22   
Travis Touchdown
Reality Touchdown!

Camping Out

Death's Kid stirred as the sun warmed his cheek. He had felt the tremors nearly a week ago, and he had set up camp near the predicted battlefield. Something big was coming, that much was certain, though he was unable to tell exactly how big it was. He yawned as he climbed out of his sleeping bag. Somehow, he knew today was the day.

He closed his eyes as he crawled out of his tent, trying to bring the psychic tremors forth again. With each passing day they had grown slightly more clear. He had been able to make out the Seekrat from the very beginning, but recent visions had shown Doc Sawbones, Strageth, and Metalface-- all old foes that he had beaten cleanly. To see that they had returned was a surprise. Yet, he knew there was more to come. At least 8 other villains had appeared in his dreams, yet he was, as of yet, unable to make them out. He shrugged. He would know soon enough.

As the sun went behind a small cloud, he began sorting through his equipment. He had a feeling that much of it would see use before the battle was over. His weapons had all been sharpened and polished the night prior, and his armour and shields glistened when the sun had worked its way out from behind the cloud. He was ready for just about anything... and so were many of Lore's Adventurers and Guardians. Before he had left to set up camp, Yulgar's Inn was abuzz with talk of war and how peaceful the recent few weeks had been. People were getting antsy. They needed a reason to fight-- and they would soon have their wish granted.

He paused as the tremors overtook him again. He could sense that they would not have long to repel the attackers. Exactly how much time they had was uncertain, but he guessed they would have less than a week. Would it be enough? He shrugged again. The last time BattleOn's heroes had faced a threat of this magnitude, they had lost handily. Dhows' armies had throttled Lore's forces. Yet, he reminded himself, the loss had renewed their passion for battle. In the months following that bitter defeat, wars were being won in record time-- including the most recent confrontation with the SeekRat. The battle's outcome would be decided by which version of Lore's heroes showed up-- the weary, fatigued forces that had yielded to Dhows a few months prior, or the triumphant, valourous warriors that had trod the battlefield in the wars before and after.

Death's Kid extingished his campfire and rolled up his tent, then began looking for a vantage point. He didn't have long to wait. He was sure of that.

Trigger Happy

As Death's Kid had expected, the enemy ranks were a diverse bunch. Led by Doc Sawbones, Strageth, and the Fear Drake, the waves were comprised primarily of Undead, Demons, and Dragons. Easy targets. He grinned as he gave his Chimera a quick kick to spur it on, Golden Axe brandished. He swung his weapon wildly at the incoming waves, slicing through them like water. Bones flew everywhere as the Undead fell to pieces. Flames shot from the ground as the Demons were exorcised. The ground shook with every Dragon that fell to the ground, defeated. It was too easy.

Still, he knew this was only the beginning. These forces were disposable, merely the vanguard. Nine other villains were amassing their forces elsewhere, and there was little doubt that they would pose a much greater challenge. It was much too early to become overconfident.

He felt another tremor as he turned to cut another swath through the enemy army. He realized that Lore's forces had just over 5 days to eradicate the enemy. Judging by the speed that they were vanquishing the vanguard, it could very well be an attainable task. But, as he noted, it was still too early too tell.

He adjusted his helmet as he re-entered the fray. He bellowed a war cry as his Chimera crashed through a squad of Death Knights. As his Chimera reared up, as his axe slashed through his unfortunate adversaries, everyone on that battlefield could hear Death's Kid working his magic once again.

They Call Him TubThumper

As the final ranks of Undead began to fall before Lore's heroes, Death's Kid felt a deep urge to move to the south. Convinced that his senses were leading him towards the next group of enemies, he charged forth without hesitation. Under the feet of his Chimera, he could see the ground shaking under the feet of many monsters. He sheathed his Golden Axe and readied his Tonbo-giri, holding it as a Knight would a jousting lance.

As his Chimera climbed the hill that Twilly loved to stand upon in peaceful times, he could see that where would be plenty of dirty work afoot. Tubthumper the Beastmaster led an army of thunderous, rampaging beasts, under cover of Queen Hybee's personal guard and Tyranna's aerial army. Death's Kid spat into the dirt. This was going to be tricky. Aerial beasts tended to stay just out of range of his melee strikes, making them a sizeable threat on their own, let alone with land-based reinforcements. This would require magic.

He raised his Tonbo-giri and pulled his spellbook from under his chestplate. "Strike mine foes as still as logs-- I call upon ye, Soupy Red Fog!"

Somewhere in Darkovia, a chill wind kicked up and blew towards the east as the Red Fog changed course towards the fields south of BattleOn. But, as he knew too well, the wind was a slow if reliable ally. It would take a few hours for the Red Fog to blow in from Darkovia. He couldn't just sit there and wait. He began stretching the leather he wore underneath his armour to cover every inch of his exposed flesh, as he knew all too well that the Fog would tear into him if it made contact with his body.

As soon as he was fully protected, he held his weapon high. He would have to distract the enemy until the Red Fog descended upon the battlefield. If the army was moved even a mile, much of the Fog's impact would be wasted. After adjusting his gas mask so that his voice would be unobstructed, he called out to his adversaries.

"Oi, ya feral swine! Why don't ya stop running aboot and fight? Yer all a disgrace!"

The Debilzards leading the pack stopped and sniffed the air. They had heard him. They turned and saw a lone Adventurer waving at him from on top of a hill. They growled, sparking the other members of their forces to turn and snort in derision.

"Too gutless to come and fight me all the way up here, are ye? Very well!" Death's Kid pulled the mask over his face. "I'll come to ye, then!" He barreling down towards the enemy, twirling the spear-like weapon over his head and dodging Hybee stringers. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw BattleOnian reinforcements arriving. The first wave had been vanquished, and Lore's heroes were still hungry for more.

Cold Steel from Ground and Sea

As the sun began to fade behind the horizon, the sunset began to flash a bright red. The Red Fog had arrived. Death's Kid called out to his allies. "Go on! Git oot of range! I don't want ya to wind up burnt real dead-like like the monsters are going to be!" As the remainder of Lore's heroes began to retreat towards town, he ran one final check through his safety gear. He was fully covered, He scanned the enemy waves. So far, they hadn't noticed the cloud of death drifting towards them. He pulled out his spellbook. "To control the winds is the strongest hex! Grant me this power, great Vortex!"

As if on cue, dark storm clouds began to form. The wind picked up, steering the Red Fog down towards the battlefield. He traced the shape of a funnel cloud with his free hand, and a twister began to descend upon the battlefield. The Red Fog became insnared in the tornado, creating a deadly firestorm of gas. The whistling winds caught the attention of the beasts, who turned to run.

But it was too late. As the twister touched down, the enemy army became like toy soldiers. The Red Vortex became like children's hands, picking them up and throwing them in a deadly barrage. In moments, the enemy army was trapped in a burning inferno.

"Here in BattleOn you do not belong! Back to Darkovia, Soupy Red Fog!" He grinned as the tornado ascended back towards the clouds, taking the enemy with it. The storm would unravel itself above Darkovia, and the monsters' remains would litter the dark forest. The Vampires and Werewolves would feast well that night, and the legions of Necromancers would have no shortage of fresh recruits.

He closed his eyes and allowed his psychic sense to overtake him. He sensed a third wave to the east, led by Metalface, Terrestria, and Captain Munch. He wouldn't need the Red Fog to deal with land and water based creatures.

Death's Kid pulled his Junas Axe and Nova Knight Kilij from their sheathes. They would see much battle before the day was done,

The Cornered Rat Will Bite the Cat

As the moon rose on the third day of battle, the final members of the third wave fell in battle. Morale amongst the BattleOnian troops was high. It seemed that there was little chance of losing the war now. Over three quarters of the Seekrat's so-called "Terrible Twelve" had been vanquished. As one BattleOnian soldier joked, "It appears that they are, indeed, truly terrible."

The celebrations were short-lived, however. As the sun rose on the fourth day of battle, news began to spread of ElBhe's capture at the hands of the Terrible Twelve. The Seekrat had captured him for unknown purposes, but there was no doubt that his reasons were nefarious. The time had come to take the fight to the SeekRat himself.

With only Algern the ShadowKnight's forces to fight alongside his own, the final wave would be smaller than the three that had fallen at the hands of BattleOn's heroes. Regardless of this fact, however, it became clear with only a glance that he had saved his most diverse forces for his last hurrah. Any and all survivors from the first three assaults had been called together for one final stand, While even these reinforcements failed to change the fact that the final wave was smaller than the others, it meant that the fight would not be easy.

Death's Kid stood on a hilltop over looking the western fields. Both sides were preparing for the final clash. He would manuever his way around the enemy forces and lead a flank attack. From there, both squadrons of fighters would spread themselves around the enemy until the foe was completely encompassed. With nowhere to hide and no option to retreat, the enemy would quickly be mowed down.

He smiled darkly as he adjusted his helmet. The SeekRat had set up a vast amount of monsters. It was time to knock them down.

A Shadow of A Man... and a Rat as Well

As the moon fell behind the BattleOnian hills, the final screams of battle fell silent. It had taken four days, but Lore's heroes had repelled the enemy army. Still, Death's Kid couldn't fully enjoy the victory. Algern and the SeekRat had teleported themselves away before he could land a serious blow on either of them. In fact, each of the leaders of the Terrible Twelve were still very much alive.

"Cowards." He spat into the dirt. "Too yellow-bellied to take their lumps like true villains."

He knew that no amount of name-calling would change the fact that his foes had escaped. Still, dissension had been sowed in the enemy ranks. The leaders were certain to be bickering amongst themselves, trying to pin the blame for the loss on each other. Though each of the Terrible Twelve still drew breath, the Twelve itself would be no more before much longer. They would soon all go their seperate ways.

ElBhe's whereabouts had yet to be ascertained. Any celebration would be foolhardy without him. A search party was being assembled, and Death's Kid had signed himself up. They would find him.

And when they did, anyone who stood in their way would fall. Just like the armies they had led.

< Message edited by Travis Touchdown -- 8/31/2011 21:20:20 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 2
8/25/2011 16:59:11   
Sanctus Paladin

The First Charge
I saw them in the distance. The time had come. The war would be huge. The on coming army was a writhing ocean. I waited...
They soon arrived. I soon realized that they were attacking from air, land, and sea. This will take every adventurer and guardian of lore to defeat. I went to see Warlic to create a plan war plan. After around an hour we knew what needed to be done. We would first battle Stragath, Doc sawbones, and the Fear Drake's forces first. This will greatly weaken there main land force and take out their most mobile unit the dragons.
With a plan established i prepared for war. I strapped on my grieves of bronze. Slipped on my golden chest plate. Grabbed my great circular shield bearing a golden helm on it. I grabbed my short sword as i slipped on my helm which is of a glossy steel and has a great feather coming out of it. I mounted my great stallion and was ready for war. I rode to the field of battle, exploding out of the forest i screamed, "FOR ALL THAT IS GOOD" and spurred my steed into battle

An Army Falls
They were piling up-the bodies were everywhere. My comrades and i had formed a wall and were marching through the battlefield, slaughtering all in our way. A dragon tried to flee but was shot by an arrow of a near by ranger. I ran up and thrust my sword into its belly. I turned now and slashed my sword at a demon from a terrible place. It blocked my inniatial strike but didn't se my shield coming as it struck him in the temple. He went down. I looked about and saw that the few remaining enemies were fleeing. A great cheer rose at once. But i knew this was only the beginning.

This is my first war story and i know it is bad but feel free to criticize

< Message edited by mav5217 -- 8/26/2011 17:11:31 >


AQ  Post #: 3
8/25/2011 17:16:53   
Mystical Warrior

Chapter 1: The Meeting

After being informed of the upcoming armies that is coming to Battleon, Mystical Warrior quickly sets foot to the secret headquarters of "The Mystic Order" to orient his brethren on what to do.

Mystical Warrior: "Everyone! I bring urgent news!"
Mystical Wizard: "What is it then?"
Mystical Warrior: "I have been informed that our old friend the Seekrat has gathered 12 villains to each lead an army to attack Battleon."
Z<spoiler>end: "Well that is urgent news. Let me help out this time! My Hidden Art: Thousand Spear Strike is almost complete. All that's left is to use it in actual battle."
A.K. S<spoiler>n: "Me too Mystical Warrior, I want to try out my Eternal Blade Dance on some enemies."
Mystical Warrior: "Forgive me you two, You are still not ready. Even when I'm not around I know you two are not even training."
Nightmare Warrior: "Hahaha! That hits the nail on the head."
Mystical Warrior: "You two can join us once you reach lvl105."
Mystical Wizard: "I would have to agree with Mystical Warrior, You guys need to train some more before you can join us."
Mystical Warrior: "Until then we will take care of this matter. Now, Mystical Wizard, Nightmare Warrior...Let us go.
N.W. & M.Wi: "Got it."

The three rushes to the battlefield...

Chapter 2: The Triumvirate

On a hill overlooking the campsite and battlefield the 3 main members of "The Mystic Order" sets out a plan on how to battle the vast forces gathered by the Seekrat.

Mystical Warrior: "The variety of the forces is too wide. We can't just pick out there weaknesses. We have to just blast them with sheer force. I guess it is time to use our Keshins (Avatars).
Nightmare Warrior: "Are you serious?! That takes out alot of energy out of us you know!"
Mystical Wizard: "Mystical Warrior has a point. We have no choice but to reveal them to everyone."
Mystical Warrior: "I guess that settles it. We will use our Keshins"
Nightmare Warrior: "We will just use them if our attacks aren't enough to diminish them greatly."
Mystical Warrior: "Very Well...We will go for the usual tactics Nightmare Warrior."

On the battlefield Mystical Warrior, Nightmare Warrior and Mystical Wizard rushes on the battlefield to execute their plan.

Mystical Warrior: "ok taunt them Nightmare Warrior and trap them!"

With a frightful roar Nightmare Warrior stomps the ground and shouts...

Colosseum Guard!!! (Click on link to see how it would look like)

Soon after the the monsters are trap...Mystical Warrior jumps high in the air and starts to gather energy for his move...Soon circular runes surround Mystical Warrior...

Mystical Warrior: "Take this..."

Grand Sword!!! (Click on link to see how it would look like)

Nighmare Warrior: "Heh...Now its time for my sword move..."

Nightmare Warrior takes a stance and forms dark runes around him...

Death Sword!!! (Skip to 2:54 of the video)

With those two destructive moves, all the monsters in the colosseum got wiped-out in an instant...

Mystical Wizard: "Well I shouldn't get left behind with those...Just because I am a Mage doesn't already mean I can't use swords for magic...Now time to show my variation of the Skyblade."

Mystical Wizard began to gather energy and summoned one giant sword from his arm and brings it down on the enemies...

Mystical Wizard: "Now disappear foul fiends!"

Holy Sword!!! (Skip to 0:16 of the video)

Mystical Warrior: "Alright Nightmare Warrior...You ready for the combination move of our sword technique?"
Nightmare Warrior: "Heh...I though you'd never ask."
Mystical Warrior: "Very well...Follow my lead."

The runs toward a group of monsters while gathering their energy...

Mystical Warrior: "Now have a taste..."
Nightmare Warrior: "of our new combination move!

The two shouts at the same time...

Cross Blades!!!

Many monsters have been destroyed from the attacks made by the three...As they start to think that the army was almost destroyed more armies came in...this time of different elemental affinity or types.

Chapter 3: The Avatar Users, Seekrat and Algern

As the other valiant heroes of Lore fend of the other armies and their leader. Mystical Warrior and his two companions set their attention of the Seekrat and Algern. As the three found the two they immediately went to battle.

Nightmare Warrior: "Mystical Warrior! Me and M. Wizard will handle Algern! You handle The Seekrat"
Mystical Warrior: "Very well...lets finish this!"

After a few minutes of clashing...

Mystical Warrior: "He...sure...gotten...tough...Nightmare Warrior and M. Wizard looks outpowered also...I guess it is time to use our Avatars"

Mystical Warrior does a hand signal to the two and the two nodded in agreement

Mystical Warrior: "As the bearer of the Holy Sword...I have the duty to protect righteousness and justice...I summon thee!!"

Holy Sword Lancelot!!! (Imagine him with an armor color same as mine instead of the one in the video :p)

Nightmare Warrior: "Bearer of the Dark Sword...I uphold the duty of balancing light with darkness...I invoke!!!

Dark Knight Nemesis

Mystical Wizard: "The deepest knowledge of magic...I have the duty of infinite guidance to others...I summon!!!

ArchMagi Magus

Enemies fell in awe as they saw the avatars of the three...With haste the three continued their battle with their respective opponents as it takes a lot of energy to sustain their avatars for long...Soon after Algern and The Seekrat where defeated but still managed to escape...

< Message edited by Mystical Warrior -- 8/29/2011 4:32:50 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 4
8/25/2011 18:41:59   

Chapter one:The beginning of war!
Kinzvlle sat in Yulgar`s inn complaining about his boredom! "This is boring I want a to fight something!" He shouted! "Peace is boring I want war!" Kinz stared to yawn and dose off before even finishing his drink! Unbeknownst to him Kinzvlle was about to get his wish!

The Seekrat was about unleash THE TERRIBLE TWELVE on Battleon! Kinzvlle was awaken by the squeal of joy of a molgin he looked up and saw twig teleporting somewhere! Kinvlle took one last sip of his drink,set it down on the desk, said "Well i`ll be at my estate!", and walked out of the Inn

Meanwhile in Greenguard Forest the Seekrat was meeting with his TERRIBLE TWELVE! Which consisted of tubthumper ,captain munch ,seekrat(of course) ,twig, stragath
,doc sawbones ,terrestria ,queen hybee ,metalface ,feardrake ,tyranna ,and algren the shadow knight! Then as Kinzvlle was hiring a new guard for his estate he was summoned to Battleon! Once there he learned that The Feardrake was leading a army of dragons near Dargonstone, Doc Sawbones was leading a army of undead near Granemor, Stragath was leading a army of demons out of Heck, Captin Munch was leading a army of seabeast`s near Lolosia , and that there was more to come!

A grin appeared on Kinzvlle`s face "Yes war!" He shouted before transforming into his Dracowearprye form and running towards the monsters! After a few hours of waring Kinzvle arose from killing a Water Daron "Easy very easy but, this is only the first meter of the war it will just get harder from here!" He said before tackling a Angel Of Darkness to the ground!

Chapter two:The second meter of war!
Kinzvlle and the other war mongers had easily sliced through the first wave of the war like butter! All that was left was the bosses! Doc Sawbones started to lumber down to Battleon from where he had been watching which was in between Granemor and Battleon! He had his leather surgery mask on and his surgery saw at full speed! Kinzvlle sprouted his wings and charged at him!

Kinzvlle noticed that the doc was sporting new protection garments made of bone on his arms and legs never-less that did not protect him from Kinzvlles brute Darcowereprye strength! After Kinzvlle defeated Doc Sawbones Sragath teleported from Heck to Battleon! "Stick your tongue in you vile demon!" Shouted Kinzvlle before laying wast to him! Then as normal his head grew giant and attacked Kinzvlle! Kinzvlle really cracked his skull (pun intended)

Then The Fear Drake jumped down from where he was watching in between Dragonstone and Battleon! The Fear Drake was a tough fight! Kinzvlle defeated him with the help of his 1 lucky potion!

After defeating the bosses Kinzvlles transformed into his human from and put all the the z tokens he had gotten off the monsters in a sake! He walked and whistled as he flipped one up in the air."These monsters are loaded with Z tokens!" Kinzvlle stopped at Warlic`s shop to pick up the generalist robe he kept there! Artix and Galonth did not know he was a Dracowereprye and he did not even want to think what they would do if they did!

Warlic announced there were more armies on the way! Which Kinzvlle all ready figured that would happen! Kinzvlle went to the inn to pick up the wand he had left there earlier that day "Hey wheres Twig?"

"Don`t know he left shortly before this started he got a letter said something bout a game and ice cream and teleported away!" Said Yulgar while handing Kinz his wand! Kinzvlle rubbed his chin and thought about it!

"No cant be" He mumbled to himself "Well The Seekrat is insane and twig is buy-able with enough ice cream and or fish!" Then Kinzvlle looked up at Yulgar "Find a gigantic bowl and I mean really gigantic and fill with all the fish and ice cream you can find wouldn`t hurt to add on some chocolate sauce too!"

"why?" Said Yulggar with a weird look on his face!

"Oh just a hunch!" Said Kinzvlle on his way out "I will be here to pick it up after we deal with the next bosses!"

Chapter 3: The third meter of war!

After spending hours slinging spells at the various monster Kinzvlle had just used a basic non magic strike from his wand to kill his most hated flying enemy "I hate Gnats!" He shouted while shooting a random beam of magic up in the air. Kinz pulled out a spice bottle of Fish Flakes that he had bought from a unarmed traveling sale merchant that he escorted away from the battlefield. From what Kinz was told they were sprinkles that tasted and smelled like fish! Kinzvlle opened the container! In a instant he plugged his nose and said "Well they smell like fish!" Then he put one on his tongue and eat it "Taste like Sushi!"

Then from the shaking of the ground he could tell that TubThumper was coming from the South Fields towards town center. Kinzvlle teleported to town and meet him in combat. TubThumper had his creepy lite grin on his face and Kinzvlle was determined to knock that grin right off! They spent hours locked in combat! At the end it was any ones game the winner based on who would hit first! Tubthumper rose his maces above Kinzvlle`s head! Then with a lucky block with his shield Kinzvlle dodged the attack! He stood upright,picked up his wand ,pointed it at TubThumpers gorging belly,took aim,and fired! With that last blast of magic TubThumper was defeated.

Kinzvlle took a sip of his health potion and waited for he next boss. The Queen Hybee dived down from the air and attacked Kinzvvlle. Then they fought as normal for a little till Kinzvlle grew bored. He opened up the leather hand bag he had brought with him. He pulled out a spell-book with the word no in big bold text surround by winged insects on the cover. Kinzvlle flipped a few pages, garbed his wand ,and took aim! "EXTERMINATION PEST CONTROL-LA HYBEE NO-BEE!" He recited from the spell book! Then a magic blast only harmful to Hybees shot out of his wand followed by a gas harmless unless you are a Hybee! With that The Queen Hybee was defeated!

Then Tyranna the half demon flew down and attacked. They battled for a long long time. Then with a lucky blow to her left thigh Kinzvlle defeated her!

Kinzvlle who had mistakenly teleported to the outskirts of town walked back towards the town center! He kept tripping over left over parts from Doc Sawbone`s army! "Someone should clean that stuff up. A extra army would be good. I just happen to know Nercomancey!" He said with a grin on his face!

On his way into town Kinzvlle stopped and sniffed the air "Fish! I was right!" Kinzvlle stopped at Yulgar`s to check in on the giant fish sundae! There was a sign on the desk saying that they were in the back room making a big fish sundae! So Kinzvlle just left the fish flakes on the desk!

Then he went to his estate. There he pulled his necromancer robe out of his closet! "As snug as always!"

Then while he was raising his undead forces he heard word that Elbhe had been captured! "What! Undead to battle!" He screamed as he lead them to the battlefield screaming "For Elbhe!

Edited to remove unnecessary font. Sizes above 3 are not allowed. Bolding reduced to titles only, as the entire post in bold was hard on the eyes. ~Eukara Vox, Head L&L Moderator

< Message edited by kinzvlle -- 8/26/2011 17:05:14 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 5
8/25/2011 23:26:20   

The Terrible Twelve Forms

After hearing about the terrible twelve, I decided to leave for a while to go train. I decide to don the title of The Infinite once again after a long time abandoning it after the Great Fire War. When I gathered more information on who the 12 are, I was shocked to find out that of all people Twig was one of them. Knowing that things have gotten worse than I could ever imagine, I spent several hours training not realizing that I missed a wave of the war.

Chapter 1: Fear Drake, Doc Sawbones, and Stragath

The leaders of the first wave just happened to have arrived when I finally came to help. When I fought the Fear Drake again, I noticed he was a lot weaker than before. His attacks barely did any damage at all and it wasn't long before he found out just how powerless he was. Then I aimed for Doc Sawbones, he didn't even last a minute. The biggest surprise I got was how much weaker Stragath was compared to the last time I battled him. I guess being out of heck for so long can make a demon weak. His head was even a pushover. After my victory, I went to assist the others for the second wave.

Chapter 2: The Second Wave

During the time, I ran into a bunch of NumNums. Pretty annoying bunch if you ask me. The ubear wearing army I saved a while back came to help me against them. The rest of the wave went smoothly. There was the occasional tough monster or two but it wasn't much of a hassle.

Chapter 3: Tyranna, TubThumper, and Queen Hybee

Of all people, I never expected Tyranna to return, let alone become a major pain in the neck. During my fight, she kept snagging my health potions to heal and attack. Unfortunately for her, she didn't realize the extent of my power before it was too late as I unleashed my chronomancer power upon her. All that was left was ashes. TubThumper decided to charge at me and was rendered frozen and helpless as I used Power Word Die. Queen Hybee became pretty arrogant since she defeated me the last time we fought. What happened next was too gruesome to even be mentioned. Seems she struck a nerve at the wrong time. After calming down, I went to help in the third wave.

Chapter 4: Wave Three

It seems that the monsters were getting tougher and tougher. Elbhe and Algern seemed to know each other very well and I wondered to myself how tough this fight with Twig was gonna be when I battle him again. However I didn't have much time to think about that by the time the next three bosses arrived.

Chapter 5: Captain Munch, Metalface, and Terrestria

While my fight with Captain Munch ended quickly, my fight with the other two were insane to say the least. It seems that whatever Seekrat did made these two more powerful than I could imagine. It was a war of attrition in my fight against Metalface. After a while I proved to be the stronger one. Terrestria on the other hand nearly won in one attack. I constantly had to keep healing and after a while called my trusty chimera. In the end, my chimera's fire breath became her downfall.

< Message edited by damien_black13 -- 8/28/2011 12:53:54 >
AQ  Post #: 6
8/26/2011 13:53:53   

The Return is Now Fulfilled

In the Icy Northlands, among General Winter's merciless onslaught of wind and snow emerges a company of what appears to be warriors. Not much can be seen through the icy veil save the vague outline of each member, every bit as mysterious as the next.

???: It has come. The time is finally here; but if word is true why side with so many underlings?
???: That's just not like him. He can't seriously be-
???: Going along with it? We can't throw our hats in just yet Neche, but I don't suspect he'd stay more than a moment with that ragtag group of failures without some ulterior motive.
???: 'Ee always wus a sloy one wudn't 'eeh?
Necious Treulos: Then what's our move? She turns to their leader, hoping for a course of action.
???: We do as we decided years ago. We have a part to play in this little shindig. But first, we're going to visit an old friend of mine.
Areylius Plight: Where would that be Pes?

Pesmerga: Darkovia. We're meeting at the previous battlefield where I sent you all last during my absence.
Noxus Blight: Well I sure hope our side fairs better than the last time we fought in that neck of the woods...

The company traveled through the snowy wastelands until reaching the looming treeline of the dark woods, just beyond Vamprook Spyre. They had arrived in Darkovia again, and it was the first time since the last unsuccessful war against Dhows.

Lucas Dross: Y'aknow this place 'as a certain beauty when there's naut pale skinned biters and Mysterious Strangers runnin' aroned.

Moments later while coming across a small hollow, the five noticed a foggy glow in the distance shooting out between the trees. Their pathway however, was heavily obstructed; for like moths to a flame, so are the countless abominations of Darkovia to any break in the everlasting darkness...

Over the River and Through The Woods

It was a squadron of Sawbone's undead; and not just any old war party of bones. This was an assembly of undead giants and at the head of their party was Demios. They had been making their way towards their rendezvous point near the battle and had no doubt changed course to inspect the strange glow as had the travelers from the North. Walking out among the trees leaving his men to encircle the giants in secret, Pesmerga chuckled. "Always at the beck and call of another. You used to be a great warrior, Giant. But alas poor Demios! That was a time when you had flesh on your bones. I knew you were here the moment I stepped foot into this accursed forest. I recognize the stench of your carrion anywhere; and to be honest, I find it far more unsettling than the edge of your sword."

"The great Praetor! You were always much too prideful, and your jesting knows no end. To be honest, I find your master far more unsettling than the edge of yours!" Howled the reeking titan. "That was very clever, said Pesmerga. But haven't you been keeping up with your dark lords? He isn't my master and hasn't been for some time. I hate to cut this reunion short but I really must be killing you now. Again."

Pesmerga wasted no more time. Pulling out his Golden Axe he made a charge for the hulking pile of bones while Noxus, bent the surrounding trees with his will to encompass the other giants. He had already set the lot of them ablaze while the other three dealt with the few who were strong enough to break through the tree-wall before the spell had fully manifested. Behind them, Demios and the leader of the four were having a discussion with the ringing of their blades. This time Pesmerga would not leave anything to be reanimated. He lunged forward sticking this ax through the giants chest knocking him back, giving him time to prepare for a spell. Demios was reeling, but quickly recovered in time to add to the praetor's wide array of scars before he could finish off the titan with a Supernova of paralyzing light. Not a moment after the old titan had dropped Pesmerga called the other back to help in casting fire to char Demios's bones until they turned to ash. It was not until they had finished, and raised quite a lot of racket, that they moved to inspect the eerie light they had all but forgotten about.

"A wind sphere. I was worried such a source of light in this dim place would have a guardian but it seems your friend has left us a calling card." Said Necious, quite relieved. "Yes, while I had expected to see the Warmage in the flesh, I suppose this will do."

At that moment a quiet yet regal voice came out of the sphere. "That was quite a show you all put on back there. While I did not wish them upon you I was pleasantly surprised to see that gathering get what they deserved." Said Elryn. His voice was one of a someone whose attention is respectfully divided. "Are you currently traveling?" said Pesmerga. "Why yes, that is something I must address. Such a war had come to my attention well before this dim assembly but I am still engaged in my travels. I will soon return but until then I must leave you to your own accord. I will meet with you before the war shows it's end.

"Very well Elryn. I trust you to come back safely and join us in the fun. As of yet there is still plenty to go around. We may stick to fighting in places less seen. If I and my Vindictives are to make a decision towards the end we must be allowed the luxury of choosing between the two; and that means a bit of concealment. We can't have another bag of bones running its big unhinged mouth trying to identify me now can we?"

"No I suppose that would be quite problematic in the end. I just hope make the right choice Phrixus."

"Call me what you know me by Elryn. My Vindictives know me well. It is only in Battleon that I wish to be called by that name...and that all depends on what choice he makes."

"Very well Pesmega, I'll see you on the battlefield. But it's been bothering me-however did you you get such a desert-like name? Your appearance does not show your lineage belongs there.

"It was given to me by the people of the southern desert. It's Kurdish for "He who chases after death;" it's the name of an infamous black knight of old."

"Thank you for indulging my curiosity Pesmerga. I shall see you and your kith in a matter of days if not less. Farewell and fell much."

"We'll keep an eye out for you Warmage; and save you a few heads."


Apart from a few more words that is all the scroll reads. I'm afraid the rest of it was destroyed by one of the generals towards the apex of the battle. One day Lore is sure to know what choice the Death Chaser made; but until then, this world waits in silence for the return of the fallen knight and the relinquishing of another's past.

- A huge thanks to Elryn for collaboration and sort of convincing me to take time to do one of these. -

< Message edited by Phrixus -- 10/15/2011 1:09:00 >
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