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Choices to Artix and Financial staff

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5/20/2011 18:05:39   
Elf Priest JZaanu

This latest promo along with some of your past decision about truly taking advantage with extremely high in-game prices will take its toll.

I have just bought this latest promo to support the game of Epic Duel, but it is at a cost. The $50 price is amazing and I never see this for any other game. To support this game, I will forgo my annual AQW membership. You have many games, if you wish players to support them, you MUST make a serious effort in making prices affordable, so we have this option.

I currently have a total of 30k+ varium within 2 accounts. What should I suppose to do with it? Enhancements? No!
I am amazed your staff had not thought of this issue. $50 dollar promo after another $50 dollar promo. This game has an enormous expense. Why do you continually tax the players for this game, yet have cost effective measures for aqw?

If this game does not provide the players their request for in-game promo items for a respectful price, I will not continue my business here. I expect it to start with this promo and give an opportunity for players who have saved their varium for opportunities like this. It is a shame you disrespect old money for new.

Sadly Disappointed JZaanu.

< Message edited by JZaanu -- 5/20/2011 18:11:25 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 1
5/20/2011 18:09:55   

I'm about to get money in about 6 days because of my birthday butI'm not buying the prmo item package. I prefer AQW because they understand, the lower the costs, the higher the money they spend on them.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 2
5/20/2011 18:11:05   
Adam in Wonderland

I highly support and understand your point of view JZaanu. So many customers feel the same lately. They have done little to nothing to address this recurring problem.
It would seem their #1 concern is making a large profit week to week, instead of making the gameplay better and the ED community happy in the process.
Post #: 3
5/20/2011 18:12:36   
Angels Holocaust

Jzannu, of all the people in this game, your usually the most calm and understanding. This update is quite expensive, we should be able to purchase these guns at the Titan or Nightwraith Npc without needing to upgrade again.
Post #: 4
5/20/2011 18:13:34   

We might get the the game is still in the testing phase :/
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 5
5/20/2011 18:16:40   

Jzaanu has been always the most loyal just as angel said, but such loyalty would be lost if the one who is receiving loyalty, gives them a low hit and they fall. I think thta thye should make guns buyable at game, I know I can't buy them but at least the others with reserves of varium can.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 6
5/20/2011 18:16:50   

Spending 50$ per month for ED is way too much :/
Epic  Post #: 7
5/20/2011 18:17:08   
Adam in Wonderland

On a related note, yet again, unlike AQW, they failed to inform us in any way of the new promo item ahead of time, like what it would cost and what it would be.
Post #: 8
5/20/2011 18:18:26   


Jzannu, of all the people in this game, your usually the most calm and understanding. This update is quite expensive, we should be able to purchase these guns at the Titan or Nightwraith Npc without needing to upgrade again.

Agreed. But also a non varium version with +32 dmg and 3% stun chance.
AQW  Post #: 9
5/20/2011 18:20:14   


I currently have a total of 30k+ varium within 2 accounts. What should I suppose to do with it? Enhancements? No!

^ Exactly same situation , you just tell my feelings


Epic  Post #: 10
5/20/2011 18:20:31   

Hate to break it to you guys, but I along with a few others on this forum have been preaching this same thing WEEK after WEEK, and people (some of which have expressed there outrage on this post) continually shut us down and call us trolls and accuse us of flaming. It really is outrageous how much money they want us to spend on this game, and I hope they change this starting TODAY. I am tired of waiting week after week, just to get ripped off again and again.

Epic  Post #: 11
5/20/2011 18:21:18   

One thing you can do is just leave instead of complaining yea i know its a rip off but you dont have to buy everything they put out as a promo flaming or complaining to admins wont get you anywhere Like i said before if your tired of it just leave ED
Epic  Post #: 12
5/20/2011 18:22:50   


On a related note, yet again, unlike AQW, they failed to inform us in any way of the new promo item ahead of time, like what it would cost and what it would be.

Some habits never change....
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 13
5/20/2011 18:25:10   

@Beastmo: We can't leave, varium users, our money in this game would be thrown to the garbage like nothing, we pay to have fun and thats what they must do. You must understand the feelings of others jsut not yours, not all can afford $50 dollars like nothing, many are students and they need that money for food and other stuff. I really don't know why is this hatred between players.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 14
5/20/2011 18:27:53   
Elf Priest JZaanu

With the game in testing phase, it is the repeat buyer (multiple varium buyers) dealing with the costs. The game has so many wonderful aspects, yet the financial one makes zero sense. There is paying to support the game; Paying to Win, and finally Paying to enjoy the game.

For both the customer and for the business, this must be balanced equally (harmony). Right now, when one looks at the state of the game, the term "money pit" describes it well.

Just on the basis of the last three releases:

2x's ingame rate for promo eggzookas. total of 4400. 44% nearly $25 for 2 weapons
Skull Card, one week of unfair battles now becomes a paid achievement. What was unkind of this, it was not announced when it was released. Described as "Gift"
And now, no in-game method to purchase these new guns even though, players have the resources.

New Money is more valued then old. This needs to stop and a fair balance must be achieved.
AQW Epic  Post #: 15
5/20/2011 18:32:03   

Repeating sentiment constantly expressed with the increasing frequency of huge package promotions. They already have your/our money, so why should they listen?
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 16
5/20/2011 18:33:55   

Hatred of players? ive probably spent more money then all of you and yet u cant quit? its not very hard u just press the Red X at the top of your screen and dont come back on ive done it and it can be done again OR if u dont want ur money to goto waste play a different game
Epic  Post #: 17
5/20/2011 18:39:22   
Chosen 0ne

lol true beastmo qut for like 9 months then got to lvl 32 in like 2 days and 33 in 1.
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 18
5/20/2011 18:40:28   
The UnleaShedWolfZ


you MUST make a serious effort in making prices affordable

Supported 100%

50$ Can Be 40$ ? I Think..

1st Of All Lets Say AQW : In AQW The Price Of a Wep In Friday the 13th's Event Is 100 Acs , In ED The Price Of a Wep Is 995 Variums O_o , In AQW You Can Change MANY Looks For Free , In ED It Cost 25 Variums O_O , and What's More , I Played AQW B4 And I Found That The Artix Points Make More In AQW , I Mean Look at THIS ! https://secure.battleon.com/aqw/images/AC-2thous.jpg

AQW : 40$ = 12k ACs

ED : 50$=10k Variums :O

BTW I know that there is a membership in AQW but i'm talking about ACS vs Variums Only ok ? And didn't mention that in ED more powerfull weps every 2 weeks to buy , in AQW membership every 3 months (THE LITTLE ONE :O) ED IS WITHOUT MEMBERSHIP ALSO ! SO ED NEEDS TO BE FIXED !!!

< Message edited by The UnleaShedWolfZ -- 5/20/2011 18:42:38 >
Epic  Post #: 19
5/20/2011 18:42:17   
Elf Priest JZaanu

We all have spent quite a bit. Do remember the value of one currency will be different from one person to another.

To leave service because one is unhappy, that is an option. I prefer to discuss matters with what I find not appreciative to our game experience. If any service provides no options for my experience to be positive, then I shall leave.

Many have supported this game, and every opinion is valued. Flaming might be offensive, but that is just emotion over the issue. Issues are important if it is a constant problem. The financial scheme of this game is not very kind to players of "old money"

AQW Epic  Post #: 20
5/20/2011 18:46:19   

theres no point in discussing issues when the admins wont do anything to help
Epic  Post #: 21
5/20/2011 18:50:55   
Elf Priest JZaanu

Please do keep this civil. These are important issues, and if players want the right to purchase an item if they have the ability in-game, then that option should be there.
AQW Epic  Post #: 22
5/20/2011 18:52:37   
Spectating from the Sidelines

Guys, the last promo item that was updated in ED was 6 weeks ago. The Bunny Zookas were ingame April 8th. That was the last time there was a full varium weapon in the game for $50. There is one important thing I would like to add: You dont have to buy varium, it's just a bonus feature to the game. So maybe there is a weapon or two you want that you cant get. Its alright, there will be plenty of other chances to get equally or better weapons. Also guys, you complain about features in the game, yet if you spent more time actually creating a reasonable method for ED to make a membership or any other feature im sure the Devs would listen to you guys. Please remember, just complaining about something doesn't get you anywhere. Taking the incentive to achieve that goal or new feature is where the real effort comes in.
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 23
5/20/2011 18:54:58   

I really don't get why you guys act like force to buy 50 dollar packs Its just a game.
AQ Epic  Post #: 24
5/20/2011 18:56:34   
Elf Priest JZaanu

Its not acting by force, but option for choice. If you view many of my posts, I am focusing issues of old money and new.
AQW Epic  Post #: 25
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