Creative! Constructive!
Interesting mentality you have there... Ciela was there then, eh? Hmm... That could throw an interesting cog into the machine... So different, so similar... So interesting that you felt you needed to create another char to excercize goodness... I probably had a part in that, but there are probably other reasons, as well... I take it you do not have a sister in real life, or do you? Twins do not have to be so similar that they look the same; There is a good likelyhood that they will have similar traits, though... they are from the same parents, after all... Hmm... strange... not that she ran away, but Gravelyn's parenting style... unless you aren't from the same mother as Velmur... You'd think chores wouldn't really be that much of a problem, but I suppose if your mother was Gravelyn, then she was probably grooming her for the responsibility of either eventually taking over leadership of the Shadowscythe, or at least becoming a general... I suppose that didn't work out so well, if so... Well, Clown seems to be... treating you in a very child-like matter, to associate better, and manipulate you more... That probably annoys Ciela, seeing as taking up living alone, and providing for oneself tends to cause children to mature rather fast...