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The biography of a great hero of lore

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1/1/2013 19:40:46   

Prologue:The story of our hero starts in a small village to the south of the city of Swordhaven the biggest city on the continent of Battleonia, in this village our hero was only 14 and for the last 2 years he was trained by his father in the art of swordfighting. His father was a low ranking knight in the army of King Alteon the ruler of a country on the continent who had the capital the city of Swordheaven, our hero’s father worked as enforcer in the outlying forests near the great city, of course in a team with other knights usually dealing with forest furies, vurrmen’s, slimes, and the occasional undead. Even if his father was in the army for about 20 years he still had not gone up the rank to that of Sergeant.His superiors told him it was because of his lack of above average fighting skill, even so even so he was a decent warrior with skills he deemed good enough to pass onto his children, from which the oldest is our hero who has 14 years old and his name is Paul who had 4 other siblings named Brom, Orcus, Arya and Tenol. The village Paul and his family lived had about 100 inhabitants and about 15 of them were knights garrisoned there so it was quite protected and peaceful but even so his father trained him in martial fighting so he could protect his brothers,sisters and his mother. Paul’s mother was a mage who worked as the local healer and enchantress, she was born in DragonGrasp the city of the dragonlords, where the dragonlord order has its base, she was the daughter of 2 renowned dragonlords and it was hoped she would inherit her parent's ability to connect with a dragon but in spite of an above average aptitude with magic she lacked the dragon magic necessary for being one. Disappointed she left DragonsGrasp and went to Swordhaven where she met the hero’s father and her eventual husband who was unlike her, was the son of knight and a peasant woman and who took his father’s profession as his father did before him.

Paul’s father trained him in the knights' ways because he hoped he whould continue his family’s legacy. The young future hero had of course inherited his mother's magical power but he chose to train the martial way with his father because he wanted to prove that he could surpass him in it. At the age of 14 only after 2 years of training he was his father equal in speed only lacking in strength compared to him. But everything changed one day when his father who was gone on his job as enforcer in the swordheaven’s forest a band of vurrman’s who are creatures looking like humanoid rats attacks Paul’s village the knights stationed there immediately went in action and managed to slay quite a number of them but they were taken by surprise by them trough a underground attack from the warehouse that had a tunnel outside of the village and all of them were slain. Villagers armed themselves immediately after the death of the knights and started engaging the vurrman in combat; the mother of Paul used her magic to tip the scale for the villagers while he also fought with the vurrman and managed to slay 4 of them using his speed to his advantage. But suddenly he was blocked when he tried to slay a larger vurman who pushed him of his feet with a single sword swing, Paul thought it was simply a lucky strike and charged at him again hoping to stab him but instead the large vurrman blocked the charge with his own sword and in a fast whirlwind move he slashed Paul at the chest and at that moment he had fallen at the ground and watched scared how the vurrman prepared to finish him but in that moment the hit was blocked and he saw a man with a huge sword a golden heavy with a strange designed armor, that man pushed the large vurman with his sword by about 2 feet and in a blink of a eye he slashed the vurrman 3 times, a feat that impressed the young lad who laid In a pool of blood wondering how come that man is that strong and fast with a sword and a large sword over that.

Two days had passed since the attack on Paul’s village and when he woke up he saw the face of his father watching him “Wake up Paul you slept long enough it’s time for training”, the young lad started to go in the courtyard and began to train with his father when in that moment he saw the man who saved his life watching him, the man named Christian was brown with black eyes and a hair that looked aerodynamic a look that made him unique. His father told him that he offered shelter to him as thanks for saving his son’s life,” Can I duel you noble knight I want to see the power of trained warrior of this country” the strange man said”, “Of course you can I am curious to see how strong is my son’s savior” Paul’s father said. The battle started with both warriors preparing their stance the knight was with the sword in front of him and hold it with his two hands and the strange man kept his weapon a knight halberd at the back of his hand with just one hand, Paul in that moment thought that his father will win since he had a lighter weapon and he used both his hands unlike the strange man who kept a heavy weapon in one hand. The fight began with the knight going for a slash against his opponent who simply dodge it and moved behind him with surprising speed were he swung his weapon and put it at the knights throat after which the knight simply surrendered after he understand that his opponent was superior to him in skill.
Paul after seeing his father being defeated that fast and easy asked the strange man who he was “I am a hero of lore I defeated many powerful beings that threatened lore and its inhabitants” the man said, “but how did you became so strong “Paul asked, “Through experience and hard training under powerful warriors, I unlike you who lacks magical potential decided to train my martial skills as much as I could, so for the last 10 years I trained under powerful fighters, mercenaries and knights of different races and origins”, the man said with a grin on his face. Paul wondered if he started a life of adventuring will he be stronger than his father and above that the man who saved his life.

Paul asked his father to intensify his training a thing he was happy to do but in less than a year in a sparring session Paul had his last duel with his father they began both by charging at each other both blocking their hit at the same time then both slashed each other and blocked the swords at the same time the young warrior and his opponent backed 10 meters and charged again this time Paul dodged the hit of his father and brought his sword at his neck defeating him. Two days passed and his father went to the young lad in the courtyard where he trained and told him that is time for him to find his own way because he is sure that his growing skills could be better used doing something great, he just needs to find what that is. After making his bag and a long sword that his father gave him Paul said good bye to his parents and siblings and went on the road.

< Message edited by dragon_monster -- 1/3/2013 17:06:38 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 1
1/2/2013 16:20:22   

Chapter 1The young warrior is on his way to Oaklore a fortress of knights were he wants to meet Capitan Rolith the ruler of the fortress and the trainer of his father who mentioned to Paul that he was not even near in reaching Rolith’s level of skill. Paul on the way to Oaklore fought a few packs of wolf he met on the way this packs were no match to his skill and he considered them a good training. In the young warriors opinion the wolves were poor opponents considering he just had to watch the jaw, and attack the moment he blocks their attack.
After 1 month of walking in dangerous forests close to the fortress he stopped to rest on a small cliff. After 20 minutes of relaxation the earth shake and he saw rising from below the cliff a full grown red dragon, in that moment his instincts kicked in he took his long sword and with his stance ready he prepared to fight even if he knew that his chances were very small but the dragon bowed and from his back a woman caring a box walked said hello and went further. Following her Paul saw a moglin that followed the strange woman a red moglin, after few minutes the woman was attacked by a gorilaphant a huge creature that is said to be a lot stronger than an average human. Seeing the two threaten Paul attacked the Gorilaphant together with the moglin, the fight was tough as the creature had much more strength then him but what the beast lacked was speed a thing Paul was superior in and by using his speed he got at the back of the creature and with one placed stab in the heart he killed her ant took her tusks to sell them at a market, after saving her the woman thanked Paul and disappeared.

Paul after 4 more hours of walking he saw Oaklore, an impressive fortress build around a big oak tree. There inside the fortress in the courtyard asked for directions to Capitan Rolith and one of the knights there pointed the young adventurer to him. The young warrior walks in the direction of Capitan Rolith and says “Hello Capitan Rolith sorry to bother you but I want to ask you if you could train me in the ways of the warrior”,Rolith said “Hello to you to young lad I am glad you want to learn the ways of the warrior but I only train those who prove to me that they are worth training” ,In response Paul asks “What can I do to prove myself” to which the Capitan says “You can begin by helping the other knight in the keep”.

Paul began to search for knight who needed help; he first asked the cook if he needed help, the cook told him that he had some problems with some wild boars that are destroying his vegetable garden, Paul went in the garden and began slaying the boars using fast hits with his long sword, one thing the young warrior noticed was the boars resistance which was superior than that of the wolves who in spite of similar speed and agility were killed with fewer sword hits then the boar who died with an almost double number of hits, but similar with the wolf the only way he could injure Paul was with his tusks which the young lad easily blocked and like the wolves the boars were eventually slayed. The cook gave Paul some gold and some jerky for his help, after that the young warrior went in the direction of sir Casm who is the knight in charge protecting the ruins of an ancient building close to Oaklore which is now invested with Vurrmans, the knight asked Paul to help with clearing the ruins of some of the vurrmans which the young lad accepted happily, the ruins were close to the keep and Paul reached there in about an hour there he saw a party of 3 vurrmans he got ready his long sword and attacked them in 3 fast slashes to their stomach the young warrior killed all 3 of them and continued further in the ruins, there he met more of the rat peoples and slayed more of them and after a hour of walking he reached a strange place full of elementals.

The young warrior heard of elementals from his mother, they are magical fire, earth, water, wind, energy, ice, light and darkness animated elements. That place was full of water, energy and wind elementals and thought that they were good opponents for him to hone his skills. He took his long sword and began slashing trough them killing them very easy most likely because they were lesser elementals they had no way to block the hit, going through all the of them he reached a place where he saw 3 larger energy, water and wind elementals that were guarding a chest. Paul wanted to see what was in that chest and attacked those larger elementals but at the beginning of the fight the young warrior underestimated them and received a hit from the energy elemental a hit that almost made him fail, but gathering his remaining strength he stood up and changed the tactic he will allow them to attack him he blocked and dodged the attacks that comes from them and hit when he saw a opening which lucky for him they had a lot and in 30 minutes of blocking and attacking when they were losing the momentum he managed to slay them all. After the fight he checked the chest and saw three weapons a sword a dagger and a staff that had electricity that were going in and out of them, he took them all but Paul chose the sword for combat instead of the long sword he had because the sword was more resistant and he could do more damage a thing he tested on his way out of the ruins against a band of Vurrmans who the young adventurer managed to kill using even less strength.

Back in Oaklore as a thank you for doing his job Sir Casm offered to teach Paul some footwork so he can attack without stop for about three hits so he does not offer a chance to his opponent to attack.

Capitan Rolith in the next 2 months had strength training with Paul he gave him a huge maul that weighted double his weight and he had to hit a training doll for 5 hours each day gave him a challenge to do more hits than the previous day a thing the young adventurer tried to respect.
After 2 months of training the keep was taken by assault by a small army of snevils, that are a goblin like race that like boxes a lot, they had taken headquarters of the keep, the knight’s quickly mobilizes after recovering from the initial assault and they pushed the snevils around the keep in the headquarters there the young warrior asked the knights to let him retake it, the knights agreed. After entering the headquarters Paul began fighting the goblin like creatures and noticed that they were of a challenge then what he fought until then with the exception of the practice matches he had with his father and some of the knights of the keep.Paul started slashing and stabbing the snevils who eve if they were decent enemies and had technique in their fighting they were were slower and weaker in strength then the adventure.
He reached the top of of the headquarter and killed every snevil he met on each of the 3 floors of the keep but some of the sneevils managed to get away with a box of weapons.

Paul followed them to a tree fort where he was forced to fight a small army of snevils and saw how ingenious they were, they began using the boxes as protection they attacked in groups and even managed to hurt the young warrior but he still managed to get at the top of the tree fort.The adventurer admitted that if any of them had his speed and strength he would have a real challenge, after getting there he met the king of the snevils who was as big as Paul that immediately started attacking,Paul managed to duck the first stab attack but was scratched by the second in the gut area through the armor, he had a armor of simple design made of metal which in most fights offered good protection but this opponent is strong enough to overcome it, of course the adventurer change the tactic and started blocking the huge snevils attacks with his sword and after seeing an opening he started his attack, he hit his opponent 3 times with the hilt of the sword and made him faint, the snevils that saw the battle immediately gave him the box they stole from the keep and dragged their leader to a safe place.

Sir Rolith thanked Paul for his bravery and told him ”You have the makings of a great warrior and I have a job for you I heard of a priestess of light that is followed by a group of bandits I want to ask you to go save her” , Paul listened to what the great knight said and went to save her, he met the priestess who carried the box cornered by 3 bandits, one of them asking for the box. Paul immediately jumped between the bandits and the priestess who he immediately recognized as the woman that he saved from the Gorilaphant, he started fighting the bandits and he immediately slayed 2 of the bandits but had difficulties with the third who fought quite well and had a scar on the face, but using his sir jing’s sword in a clash with the swords of the villan he pushed the bandit down as the young warrior had superior strength.

After subduing the bandit he saw a snevil take the box the woman was caring and running. After that distraction the bandit disappeare,the lady asked Paul, ”Please search for the box because there is your destiny, go in the city of Falconreach and talk with the moglin named Twily” .Hearing all that the adventurer went to Oaklore and told Rolith what happened and of his intention of searching for the box the lady had.Rolith understood and warned Paul of a hydra who blocks the bridge to the city, on his way to the city the young warrior was attacked by bandits who he easily slayed he was attacked by a huge bear who he managed to kill with difficulty almost being overwhelmed by it because of the bears strength which was superior to his but lucky by using his superior agility he ducked a hit from the bears paw and got right under the bears chest and stabbed him through it.

After the event with the bear Paul reached the bridge that was going to Falconreach but after reaching at the middle of the bridge a 3 headed hydra emerged Paul immediately prepared his sword and began blocking and ducking the creatures attacks, in this fight the young warrior had to give all he had to defeat her he used his strength by puting the sword between the mouth of the creature and pushing her and the bite attack of the creature back and using his speed to counterattack very fast, by using this tactic he managed to cut down the 2 smaller heads the hydra had. And for the last head the adventurer jumped with his sword forward and stabbed the creature through her lower jaw killing her, after that the hydra's head had fallen down covering the destruction the hydra made to the bridge.
Staying on the hydras head Paul thought that this is a powerful monster he killed and he is one step closer to surpassing Christian the hero that showed him how powerful someone can be.

< Message edited by dragon_monster -- 1/5/2013 14:21:08 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 2
1/3/2013 17:45:51   
Warmonger Starsaber

Christian a powerful and veteran hero of lore a rival and mentor like figure to Paul ,a man who defeated powerful enemies and a member of the dragonlord order to know more about him you must know about his frendship with Alka.

She'd probably ask him to take his shirt off so she could give him a look over then ask for a blood sample. If he asks about why she needs a blood sample, she'd say: "Well it's either that or I paint complicated spells all over your body using fresh dragon dung. You choose. I don't really mind either way."

Would you please stand up on this big sheet of paper and i shall draw a circle around you. At first, she'd just walk around him, asking questions about how he's been feeling lately, when did the curse start, what caused the curse until she finished walking three full circles. Then she'd stab the ground with her dagger (a kalis knife) and mutter a few special words. Then he'd start glowing green and she'd close her eyes and stab the dagger deeper into the ground, the dagger starting to glow green as well. Then she'd mutter something, probably something like: "Oh Lords..." then take the dagger out of the ground. She'd wait until he stopped glowing, snap her fingers, making the paper with the circle vanish in a flash of bright light then ask for a blood sample.

With the blood sample, she spill a few drops into a bowl filled with clear liquid, mutter "Kal ag'yan" then spill the liquid onto another sheet of paper (if you want, she could use parchment) then fold the paper over and mutter "Liwana ga'moko", and the paper would turn red. Then she'd unfold it, and read out the parts that did not turn red.

She then say's "Seriously Christian, you should've called me about this way earlier...I can still fix this...but it'll be way more complicated now..." then turning to his student, she'd say: "Are you a good fighter? If so, come with me. We have a lot of work to do."

Then she'd grab his hand, or arm, start teleporting back to the shop, toss a small pouch towards your character, yell at him to "Drink one bottle of this stuff a day! It'll taste horrible but it'll slow down the effects of your curse. Just hang on until I can make a permanent cure, okay?" Shhe then uses a Teleportation Spell and reappear at the shop.

< Message edited by Starsaber88 -- 1/3/2013 18:02:15 >
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 3
1/15/2013 18:24:19   

Chapter 2 In was in the late afternoon and a teenager named Ash was screaming in all the town ”The hydra at the bridge was slain, the hydra at the bridge was slain and the hero is heading this way”. The news quickly spread to the residents of Falconreach among them a certain person took a certain interest in the news.
Through the east side of the city a young man came in he looked like he was of average build wearing armor with his backpack in his right hand holding it on his shoulder, he had blue brown eyes red hair who together with the hairstyle looked like it was on fiery crest. A boy came to the man and said “you are the hero who slayed the hydra”, to which the man said “Yes I am, mind if I ask you who are you?”, the boy said “My name is Ash may I ask what is yours” ,the hero answered “My name is Paul nice to meet you, can I ask you for the direction of the inn?”, Ash nodded and sign him to follow him and Paul did just that.

Following the boy, Paul reached the inn and in front of the inn he saw a woman looking at him, she was a woman of average height and build with dark hair, the woman looks like she is in her late twenty or early thirties but looking at her eyes which were covered with glasses he noticed her hazel gold eyes color which pointed to a origin of a not completely human origin, but the thing he intrigued him at her eyes was experience Paul he saw similar eyes only at Christian and Rolith. The woman said to Paul “So you are the hero that killed the hydra?” The young hero nodded and said “May I ask your name misses”, The woman said “My name is Rosalka Nephrite High Overlord of the Council of Sugarmancers, Hero of Lore, Proprietress of the Falconreach Candy Shop, but my friends call me Alka ,yet you are not one of them but I will allow you to call me miss Nephrite, now if you excuse me I have some business to do.” The woman walked past the hero and went on her way, Paul asked Ash about her and the boy answered that she is a known former hero of lore and a respected member of the Falconreach community. The hero thanked the boy for the advice and for showing him the direction and went in the inn.

In the inn Paul noticed many people some were carrying large swords on their back or daggers at their belt or they had staffs near them. Looking in the inn he was suddenly asked “May I help you?” he turned around and he saw a blonde girl with green eyes and answered “Yes I am searching for the innkeeper” the girl answered “Yes you are looking at her my name is Serenity the innkeeper what can I do for you” The hero answered “My name is Paul and I want a room for the night”.
The hero rented a room for the night but before he would go to sleep he went to the main hall of the inn and started talking with the people there he began asking the people about their adventures, asking them what was the toughest battle they had and then seeing a few of them who had quite some experience he asked them if they heard of Christian.
An adventurer surprised asked “Do you know Christian” to which Paul nodded. That adventurer told the Paul what he knew about Christian, he told him about his heroic deeds some of them included slaying dragons killing necromancers destroying whole organizations; he also told Paul that Christian is one of the most respected members of the dragonlord order and until 2 years ago was one of the most fierce opponents of the shadowskythe which Paul remembered that it is one of the most powerful evil organizations in the whole world of Lore.

< Message edited by dragon_monster -- 2/17/2013 19:49:26 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 4
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