I found this level 34 BH, with 72 health and 70 EP. Wondering about her build, I clicked on her stats. 2300 wins (okay, that's fine) 7000 loses (wut.) (For the record, her build was basically a focus, although I can't quite call it that since it had no purpose; she had no robot). Her skill tree was messed, she didn't have enough energy for a smoke+mass (she was 4 energy off), things didn't add up, she put like 1 point into every skill... Needless to say, with my 107 HP, 21-26 defense, 21-26 +6 resistance, and a STR abuse build, it took 2 turns to kill her. I fought her twice. TWICE. Wasn't even close, she didn't even get me to below 80 health. Point is-Non-Forum ED players need to have some way of getting an idea of good builds.